
I got six jobs, I don't get tired!

While I love this song by Kevin Gates, I don't care what he says, it doesn't matter if you are juggling two, three, four, or six jobs, you can get tired.

Tired physically, emotionally, and intellectually.


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Managing more than one job will test your patience and confidence, but it is definitely possible. While I'm not sure about the six jobs thing that Kevin Gates talks about (like really, who has time to work six jobs), I do think that having multiple jobs is possible.

When you work more than one job, be prepared to put in more than 40 hours a week, and see the financial gains as well. Sometimes depending on onesource of income doesn't cut it, and you also may see the value in having multiple sources of income.


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Working multiple jobs and having more than one source of income is very common. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, about 7 to 8 million of Americans (about 5% percent of all workers) work multiple jobs. Some people do it because of financial reasons, some people do it to gain experiences in another industry or field, and some people do it to live out their passion because their 9-5 won't allow them to do it. Nonetheless, people are looking for more ways to sustain their lifestyle, make more money, and work in industries that they are passionate about.

Recently, Drake spoke of his previous acting career, and claimed that he was forced to choose between acting and music. As you may know, Drake was an actor on Degrassi: The Next Generation, and during his acting years he had a passion for music. While acting, Drake was also in the studio, and he told W Magazine, “That was part of the reason I was kicked off the show."

He continued by saying, "Back then, I'd spend a full day on set and then go to the studio to make music until 4 or 5 a.m. I'd sleep in my dressing room and then be in front of the cameras again by 9 a.m. Eventually, they realized I was juggling two professions and told me I had to choose. I chose this life." In the interview, Drake also told the magazine, “I can't wait to get back into acting. No one ever asks me to do movies, and, although music is my focal point now, I'd love to do a film. That was the life that I lived before, and it would be interesting to live it again."

Despite the naysayers, Drake proved that you can juggle more than one job at once, but you have to be willing to put in the extra work. Although Drake wasn't able to continue his acting career with Degrassi, I learned a valuable lesson from his experience: Never let someone tell you that you can't do more than one thing at once.

[Tweet "You have to be willing to put in the extra work."]

For some aspiring entrepreneurs, we sometimes let go of our dreams because of what other people think, to make other people happy, or because we lack in other areas like time management, organization, and prioritizing. But having more than one hustle is definitely possible, and a smart way to make more cash - who doesn't love more money anyway? Working more than one job means early mornings, late nights, and a multitude of diverse responsibilities, so sometimes it is hard to maintain balance, your sanity, and commitment to each job.

Before you lose your mind or say to hell with your other side hustles, I recommend that you consider my 6 tips on managing multiple jobs.

1.Plan your week ahead of time

Every Sunday before you go to sleep, figure out the big picture for each job and what you need to accomplish for each that week. Set priorities and make a realistic schedule, and set reminders for yourself as well. For example, there are a multitude of things that I use to stay organized. I have a paper planner that I use so that I don't put myself in a position where I have too many things going on at once. I utilize my Google and iPhone calendar heavily to jot down any meetings that I have or when I will work on certain things. I even have my meals and workouts planned for the week as well. I schedule what days I will go out for a run and decide if I will do a morning jog or evening jog. I even plan out what days I can go to the gym and schedule how much time I will spend there.

[Related: Things to Do On A Sunday Night For A Better Monday Morning]

Between my planner and my calendar apps, I am able to stay organized without feeling and looking like #teamnosleep. Having under-eye bags is not cute, and being overly tired doesn't benefit you or your many jobs. Not only are you tired, but you are less productive, less organized, and the work that you put out may not be as great. Planning your week ahead of time will help you work smarter, not harder.

[Related: 4 Productivity Apps To Help You Get Ish Done]


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2.Be selective

When you are looking for ways to make extra money, try to find something that can further develop you. I don't recommend working three or four jobs that you are not passionate about and that you don't have an interest in. There is no point in putting your time and energy in work that you don't like. Now I understand that you may have multiple jobs because you need extra money. Even if you are not able to work in your desired field at your second job, find a way to learn valuable skills that can be transferable. For example, if you want to be a journalist, it may be hard to automatically get a writing gig at Ebony or People magazine. As a result, try to become a blogger for a smaller magazine or website to get your name out there and a portfolio. Although you are not living out your dream job, you are building the necessary skills that a journalist should have.

3. Don't spend all of your extra money

More jobs mean more cash. This means that you can save more, and invest in something. Your second job shouldn't mean that you can now go and out buy the red bottoms that you want, or swipe your card at stores that you wouldn't dare walk in when you were balling on a budget. I am not saying that you shouldn't reward yourself, but I am telling you that you shouldn't go crazy with your spending. When you start receiving those extra checks, make a plan to pay your bills, put a certain percentage in your savings, and then a little to yourself.


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4. Be honest with your bosses

When you have more than one job, there will be times when you may need a more flexible schedule. Be honest with all of your bosses and let them know what is going on. Although you used to be able to work a ton of overtime at your first company, you probably can't afford to do that now since you have another job. The idea of managing more than one job means that you need to be honest with yourself and figure out how much you can give to each job. When I first ventured out as a blogger, I told my boss about it. I wanted her to be aware for scheduling reasons and for other functions at work that I would normally partake in when I had the extra time.

[Related: If You're Not Spending Time With Your Boss, You Could Be Missing Out On Your Next Career Opportunity]

5. Don't forget to take care of you as well

As I mentioned earlier, when you work more than one job, you run into the possibility of getting tired. Being tired is normal, but you never want to put yourself in the position where you are burnt out. Take out time for yourself to do things that you like to do and learn how to unwind. For me, having a glass of Merlot while watching Scandal and polishing my nails helps me unwind (sometimes I even bring out my foot massager, some lemons, and essential oils and give myself an AMAZING pedicure - nail shop who?). I don't watch much TV, but I haveto have my Scandal fix every Thursday.

On the same note, you should also find time to be physically active and to eat healthy. Having a healthy diet will give you the energy and nutrients that you need to be successful. For me, cooking is also relaxing. I try to find time at least once a week to throw down in the kitchen making my Pinterest faves.

Last but not least, find time to SLEEP. Getting your beauty rest is important and during this time you are giving your mind and body a chance to just chill out.


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6. Know when you should say 'no'

When I first gained an interest in writing, I joined too many teams. I was writing different posts for several sites, my own personal site, and on top of all of that I was in graduate school and working a full-time job. I was too insecure to let a job go because I didn't want to feel like a failure. There is a saying that God won't give you more than you can bear, but I also believe God gave you a sound mind to make wise decisions. Don't be crazy and overwork yourself to the point that you are burnt out and depressed. It's okay to say no, and not accept every opportunity that comes your way. Even more, it's okay to cut the cord on certain projects or jobs when it becomes too overwhelming.


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[Related: 6 Kick-Ass Career Lessons We Can Learn From Journalist Keli Goff]

Are you someone that works more than one job? Let us know how you stay organized and what you do to stop yourself from going crazy with a lot of work.



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