
Grief is a tricky thing, isn’t it? Just as I reached a comfortable place in the acceptance stage from losing my mother in 2021, it came back like a wrecking ball. This time, my maternal grandfather, aka my favorite person in the world. On July 11, 2024, he transitioned from his physical being and became one of the ancestors.

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Sometimes, as women—especially as single Black women—we simply need to be reminded that we are deserving of living a life we dream of. Even if that means creating it for ourselves. I recently set out on a weeklong trip to Switzerland, a trip I’ve been wanting to take for years, and near the end of my visit, I had an epiphany.

“DeAnna, this is the life you deserve,” I thought to myself as I took in the gorgeous bathroom in my suite at the famous 7132 Hotel and Thermal Spa. It was one of the most luxurious hotels (and bathrooms) I had ever stayed in—and that’s saying a lot for someone who often travels for work.

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In recent months, there have been ongoing social media debates on whether it is okay to travel to the Hawaiian islands for tourism. I was supposed to visit in August, just after the devastating wildfires on the island of Maui. Though my trip was slated for its neighbor, the Big Island, I decided it was best that I postpone my getaway out of respect.

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Black Friday and Cyber Monday have long been reserved for those looking to snag deals on gifts, gadgets, and gizmos just before the holidays. While most folks keep an eye out for insane deals on gaming systems, TVs, and home decor— what many often miss are the travel deals that come out around this time of year, too.

In 2024, we’re all looking to jet set a little more. Whether that means finally taking advantage of our PTO to go, lay on a beach, and let the soothing sounds of crystal blue waters carry us away or booking a quick weekend escape with bae. Either way, a vacation is deserved, so why not save a few coins in the process?

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Barcelona, Spain, is a bustling city filled with stunning cathedrals, gaudy architecture (literally), and delicious cuisine— hello, tapas. It’s also a destination that perfectly blends land and sea, as it is home to golden sand beaches and lush green mountains that house some of the region’s best wine labels.

I recently popped into the Spanish destination to test drive the all-new Volvo EX30. Although I’m an avid traveler, I’ve never actually driven while abroad. So, I jumped at the opportunity to check something new off my travel bucket list while also exploring the area behind the wheel of the car brand’s smallest EV yet.

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Can I be honest? Grief is hard. Not only is it hard, but it’s a never-ending process and journey. I lost my mother to metastatic endometrial cancer in February 2021, and while my grief process hasn’t been as hard as some, it definitely has not been easy. So, as a way to change my perspective on her no longer being here physically, I decided to participate in a Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration in Mexico on the actual day.

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