Gender wars. If there’s one thing that social media — hell, the internet, period — is gonna have ready and waiting for you on a daily (oftentimes hourly) basis, it’s some freakin’ gender wars. And if there’s one topic, specifically, that I try not to let trigger me, yet many times it does just that, it’s the topic of dating.
Between men either implying or flat-out saying that after paying a certain amount of money on a date (or flying someone out), sex should be expected and women and their long (and oftentimes super annoying) TikToks about how a man should damn near break the bank on the first date and/or pay for whomever they choose to bring along (which is mad rude, by the way) — the transactional approach to something that once was way more intentional, pure and holistically beneficial has really got out of hand.
And although I can’t stop an avalanche once it’s begun (no one can), it is my hope that this piece will restore some integrity back to what was designed to bring genuine connections together — not make booty calls easier or Instagram posts imitate dates from The Bachelor/The Bachelorette franchise (or whatever not-so-reality-based show that’s on these days). By the way, 21 years into both of those shows, although there have been 34 proposals, only six couples are still married. That’s not a success story; that is utterly ridiculous.
So, let’s tackle dating in a way that can actually bring some sanity, practicality, and, shoot, dare I say, virtue back into it by restoring a bit of order when it comes to what dating should actually be about.
When You Don’t Know the Purpose of Something, You Will Misuse It
@sdrelationshiptalk Tag someone who could use these questions ❤️ #relationships #datingtips #marriageadvice #dayingadvice #blacklove
I’m pretty sure that it comes as no shocker that I am a huge fan of healthy relationships. I am also a big-time investor in Black love and an advocate for Black men. So much, in fact, that I have been known to say, pretty consistently, in fact, that I have been customized for a Black man. No one else is an option. Hey, that’s just me.
And because I do spend so much time writing about relationships, working with couples, and hopefully helping people to see themselves in a light that will cause the light in others to reflect the best back to them (in their relationships), I constantly encourage others to move in purpose when it comes to dating.
The definitions of purpose include “the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.” and “an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.” So yes, when it comes to dating before anyone shares their time, energy, feelings, resources, body parts, or anything else, it’s imperative — crucial even — that they spend some serious, sobering, and significant time figuring out the reason behind why they want and then choose to date, along with what they ultimately desire to get out of doing so.
And that’s why I thought it would be a good idea to lead this all off with the TikTok post above. Because sis definitely dates with a clear purpose (the first date?! Wasted no time!). Do I think that a first date has to be this…heavy? No. Oftentimes, a first date is about seeing if there is any chemistry that could possibly evolve into a connection — and that’s why I’m all about short ones like coffee dates, drinks, and/or appetizers; it’s not about a man “getting off cheap,” it’s about both of you trying to figure out if something is there. If there is, there will be a second date. If not, no harm, no foul on either side.
Anyway, when it comes to this particular couple’s journey (she used the word “fiancé” so clearly her approach paid off for her), again, even though a first date can certainly go much lighter than this, I do salute the fact that she provided a stellar example of what it means to know what your purpose is for dating so that you know how to move — and what to expect based on your personal standards and even convictions — while you’re dating. Good stuff.
So, how did dating become what, in my opinion, is the colossal-ishshow that it currently is? It’s because, as I oftentimes say, when you don’t know the purpose of something (or someone), you will be almost guaranteed to abuse (abnormally use) or misuse it — and if you ask a lot of folks who yap about their dating expectations to explain their purpose for dating in the first place…many of them will have absolutely no clue. And that’s truly sad. In many ways, it’s counterproductive as well.
Dating. Revisited.
It’s kind of another message for another time yet, just like it irks me to hear single guys say that they expect single women to submit to them (even the Bible says that submission is for marriage, and yes, we’ll have to tackle that topic on another day; I do wish more people understood its purpose better, though — Ephesians 5:21-33[AMPC], I Peter 3:1-7[AMPC], Colossians 3:18-20). What I think they actually mean is they like the femininity of a woman to show up during the dating process. Anyway, along these same lines, I don’t like how dating and courting overlap, either.
Let’s deal with dating first.
If you were to talk to, probably your great-grandparents at this point about the topic of dating, they would probably say that there is no need to go out on a lot of dates with someone unless you see some real potential there. As antiquated as that might sound, it’s a mindset that can also keep you from wasting time, it can potentially spare you from investing in something that isn’t really going anywhere, and it can prevent you from moving too quickly (on the emotional and physical tip — check out “Ever Wonder If You're Moving Too Fast In A Relationship?”).
Because, if you’re dating with a clear purpose and say that it’s so you can transition into courting, then engagement, and then marriage — why date for years on end? Yeah, dating is like the “first base” of getting to know someone.
Now am I saying that only people who want to get married should date? Contrary to what a lot of church culture thinks, no. Personally, I get that not everyone desires marriage (check out “Single-Minded: So, What If You Like Dating But DON’T Desire Marriage?” and “12 Couples Reveal Why They're Happy With A Long-Term Commitment Instead Of Marriage”) — and they shouldn’t be forfeited romantic companionship because of it. In fact, I respect people who value marriage so much that they know, ahead of time, that they don’t want to play with it; not enough people see it from that relational lens.
However, even if marriage isn’t on your menu, you still need to have a purpose for dating, and you still need to be intentional about seeing if the individual who is sitting across from you is on the same page as you are — whatever that page may be. And so, it’s a good idea to not be so transactional in your mindset that you cheapen the entire experience.
How? Probably one of the easiest ways to describe a transactional kind of relationship is it’s something that you see as not much more than a lop-sided business dynamic. All you care about is how you can benefit and what your demands are. There is very little compromise or mutuality — and that makes it hard for anything with a healthy emotional foundation to evolve.
And honestly, that’s why a lot of guys tend to sound so cold and flippant when they talk about dismissing a woman who won’t give them any after a date (or trip), or a lot of women sound so rude and inconsiderate while “grading” their dates or who they are dating — things have become so transactional that there is no real connection beyond “what can I get out of this as quickly as possible?” — and that hinders a fulfilling dating experience and almost always sabotages the possibility for courtship.
Courting. Revisited.
As I’ve already stated, Black men are always gonna be my preference. That doesn’t mean I don’t know fine when it comes to other ethnicities when I see it, though, and looka here — some of y’all will probably have no clue who I’m talking about, but Michael Landon, the man who played Charles Ingalls on the Little House on the Prairie, was fine and then some mo’ fine.
Anyway, there are many things that I still appreciate about that show. One of them is how they modeled courtship back in the late 1800s. When a young man was interested in a young woman, he would go to her parents (specifically her father) with his plan for how long it would take him to build a home and provide for her so that he could propose marriage and, after the wedding, move directly into their new home. Typically, if the plan was going to take more than a couple of years, the parents wouldn’t be interested in giving their blessing.
Lawd, how far we have gotten away from this — and I’m not convinced that we’ve elevated. Yet the main point I’m making is dating, and courting were never designed to be the same thing. Dating is about seeing if you want to transition into courting, so that you can either get engaged or go into something more serious and long-term. And what this means is no, men nor women should expect (and definitely not demand) “courting privileges” during the dating season. Meaning, why should someone be paying someone else’s bills while dating? Why should someone expect marital duties to be performed while merely dating? THEY SHOULDN’T. Both directions.
Until it’s been clearly and mutually articulated that both individuals want to do life together, as a couple, on a very serious and committed level, courting is not to transpire — only dating is. And that means that people need to remain in a state of simply enjoying someone’s company while collecting the data/intel that they need in order to decide if they should move forward with someone or…not.
Bottom line, dating and courting are not to be used interchangeably; their purpose and agendas are quite different.
No One Is OWED Anything
A couple of nights ago, while having dinner with my godchildren’s mother, one of the things that we discussed is how entitled my older goddaughter (who is officially a preteen now) is. An example is my telling her that if she found some sneakers for $85 before tax, I would get them for her birthday. When she went on to say that she only prefers Air Force 1s (this kid), I went on to tell her that she took the entire joy out of getting her anything because of her entitled attitude.
“She’s gonna be someone who guys are not going to be interested in dating if she keeps this up,” I said to her mother after she shared with me that after coming back from a camp that cost a pretty penny, just hours into being home, my goddaughter was whining about how boring her life is at home. Whew, chile.
Entitlement is unattractive. ENTITLEMENT IS UNATTRACTIVE. Why? Because the message it sends is that someone owes you what they have. Plus, there tends to be a total lack of graciousness if you happen to receive whatever you’re expecting — and no one who values themselves or their time wants to be around someone like that. And yet, here we are, watching the entitlement of so many people rise to a fever pitch in our culture, especially when it comes to dating.
And here’s the real trip — no, you are not entitled to what someone has just “because you are worth it” and the same thing goes for them when it comes to you. Owing someone is about being obligated or indebted, and that’s why the whole “a man should pay hundreds on a first date” mantra is ridiculous to me. What makes him obligated to do that for someone he barely knows? What have you done for him that makes him indebted to you on that level?
In a time in our culture where more narcissists are being created (and even cultivated) than ever, it’s important to keep in mind that people who are entitled are self-absorbed, have a puffed-up attitude, are typically quite difficult to get along with, do not reciprocate in relationships and suck at listening. Who wants to even attempt to build with someone like that?
You know, one time I spent, hell, more time than I should’ve, watching TikTok posts on dating standards. One woman (who I will spare by not linking her into all of this) had a list of about 20 things and started off her video by saying, “You know, I have been on many, many dates…”
Sometimes I wonder if people listen to themselves before they hit publish on their videos because if you’ve got a ton of first dates with not much else to show for it, you might want to revisit if all that you think you deserve (check out “Before You Talk About What You 'Deserve'...Do You Know What That Even Means?”) or are owed on a first date is actually working for you or…against you. Because while you’re calling them “standards” what they really might be is super unrealistic dating demands.
This brings me to my next point.
Standards and (Unrealistic) Demands Are Totally Different
When it comes to the topic of standards, I once heard someone define them as being a healthy set of boundaries (or limits), principles, values, morals, ethics, and habits that you choose to base your life on. That said, if there’s something else that social media has done (to our overall detriment), it’s provided a platform for people to loudly use words without really knowing the core essence of their meaning.
That said, an example of thinking that an unrealistic demand is somehow a dating standard is saying that you want a 6-6-6 man (check out “Okay, So Here's What You Need To Know About the '6-6-6' Man”) and yet, in your mind, he should text you several times a day or immediately answer every call. Ask any super ambitious man (or the woman who is with him), and they will tell you that they have to manage their time, almost down to the second, in order to meet their (oftentimes daily) goals. This means that testing him to see if he will be at your beck and call? That isn’t really about boundaries or values — c’mon…that’s either about a profound insecurity or it’s about being consumed with getting a shot of ego boosts on a daily basis.
And that’s what can jack a lot of people up when it comes to dating in these days and times too — both men and women. Yeah, I have this conversation with men as well. You want someone you’re dating to cook for you all of the time? What man needs that? What is ethical about it? And how does taking that kind of stance put you into the mindset of being grateful if you feel like she is required to do so? And what would make a woman want to marry you if you’re already acting that way?
So yeah, it’s definitely a good idea to set your own ego aside and ponder which of your dating standards are actual standards and which ones are basically ridiculous. And before you offer pushback by saying that if your standards are too high, “oh well,” let’s bring any angle about double standards as I close out.
Remember the Golden Rule. Always.
Something that oftentimes tickles me when I talk to singles about what they expect in a future partner is how so many of them have these long ass laundry lists about what they require, and yet, when I ask them if they have achieved or accomplished what’s on their list, suddenly they’re either deflecting or irritated. He’s gotta make six figures and have great credit when you make $30K (gross), and your credit score is barely scratching 550? She’s gotta have a banging body when you’ve got plenty of girth around the middle? Why are you out here thinking it’s so easy for someone to have or be what you desire…when you’re (general "you") not even those things yourself? Please stop.
That’s another ridiculous thing about transactional dating culture, for sure. Far too many folks are out here expecting what they absolutely are not — and yes, that is a double standard. Know what else it is? It’s hypocritical as all get out. Besides, someone who hits even 80 percent of your list, guess what? They are more than justified to expect you to be what you asked of them. And either that should be a humbling revelation or something that makes you want to revise your list or commit to doing some serious self-work before going out on a new string of dates.
Yeah, I can only imagine how much the quality of dating would shift, for the better, if people committed to implementing the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you — or, in this case, be what you require. Because when you genuinely and sincerely come from this frame of mind, it’s hard to be transactional because you are more focused on being realistic and holistically beneficial.
And that, my friends, should be the framework for dating.
Be real: is it yours?
If not…why not?
No one wants to be treated like nothing more than a basic transaction. So, let’s all lead by example out here in this dating (and social media) streets. Straight up.
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It's kinda wild that, in 2025, my byline will have appeared on this platform for (what?!) seven years. And yeah, when I'm not waxing poetic on here about sex, relationships and then...more sex and relationships, I am working as a certified marriage life coach, helping to birth babies (as a doula) or penning for other places (oftentimes under pen names).
As some of you know, something that I've been "threatening" to do for a few years now is write another book. Welp, October 2024 was the month that I "gave birth" to my third one: 'Inside of Me 2.0: My Story. With a 20-Year Lens'. It's fitting considering I hit a milestone during the same year.
Beyond that, Pumas and lip gloss are still my faves along with sweatshirts and tees that have a pro-Black message on them. I've also started really getting into big ass unique handbags and I'm always gonna have a signature scent that ain't nobody's business but my own.
As far as where to find me, I continue to be MIA on the social media front and I honestly don't know if that will ever change. Still, if you need to hit me up about something *that has nothing to do with pitching on the site (I'm gonna start ignoring those emails because...boundaries)*, hit me up at missnosipho@gmail.com. I'll do what I can. ;)
'He Said, She Said': Love Stories Put To The Test At A Weekend For Love
At the A Weekend For Love retreat, we sat down with four couples to explore their love stories in a playful but revealing way with #HeSaidSheSaid. From first encounters to life-changing moments, we tested their memories to see if their versions of events aligned—because, as they say, every story has three sides: his, hers, and the truth.
Do these couples remember their love stories the same way? Press play to find out.
Episode 1: Indira & Desmond – Love Across the Miles
They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but for Indira & Desmond, love made it stronger. Every mile apart deepened their bond, reinforcing the unshakable foundation of their relationship. From their first "I love you" to the moment they knew they had found home in each other, their journey is a beautiful testament to the endurance of true love.
Episode 2: Jay & Tia – A Love Story Straight Out of a Rom-Com
If Hollywood is looking for its next Black love story, they need to take notes from Jay & Tia. Their journey—from an awkward first date to navigating careers, parenthood, and personal growth—proves that love is not just about romance but also resilience. Their story is full of laughter, challenges, and, most importantly, a love that stands the test of time.
Episode 3: Larencia & Mykel – Through the Highs and Lows
A date night with police helicopters overhead? Now that’s a story! Larencia & Mykel have faced unexpected surprises, major life changes, and 14 years of choosing each other every single day. But after all this time, do they actually remember things the same way? Their episode is sure to bring some eye-opening revelations and a lot of laughs.
Episode 4: Soy & Osei – A Love Aligned in Purpose
From a chance meeting at the front door to 15 years of unwavering love, faith, and growth, Soy & Osei prove that when two souls are aligned in love and purpose, nothing can shake their foundation. Their journey is a powerful reminder that true love is built on mutual support, shared values, and a deep connection that only strengthens with time.
Each of these couples has a unique and inspiring story to tell, but do their memories match up? Watch #HeSaidSheSaid to find out!
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A couple of days ago, I walked into my wax appointment and, although the woman who does my waxes for me is a cutie-pie, she looked good-n-crazy then. Her eyes were red and swollen, her face was puffy, her voice was raspy and she was sneezing nonstop. I live in Music City — Nashville, Tennessee, that is — and so I automatically knew what was going on: it’s March, so she was dealing with allergies. As she explained to me that she had been feeling pretty miserable and knew that she would until she could fill out her prescription, I mentioned a couple of teas that might be able to provide her with a bit of relief.
And that reminded me that I should share a list of them, en masse. Because, even though it is warming up outside, that doesn’t mean that you can’t turn your hot cup of herbal tea into a tall glass of iced herbal tea, right? I mean, especially since cool temperatures actually help to restrict your blood vessels which, in turn, can reduce swelling and inflammation.
Anyway, if like her, your allergies have you feeling some type of way and it ain’t very good, here are 10 teas that might make it easier to adjust to the pollen that, like clockwork, the spring season has to offer.
1. Peppermint Tea
If you enjoy the taste of mint, treat yourself to some peppermint tea over the next couple of weeks. Peppermint tea will bless you on a few different levels because it contains properties that will help to bring relief to gas and bloating; can give you an energy boost; help you to lose weight; help you to sleep more soundly, and peppermint tea can even help to ease menstrual pain discomfort.
The reason why you should try it for your allergies is since peppermint is able to relax your muscles and reduce pain, it may be able to soothe headaches and migraine tension that may be associated with them. Not only that but peppermint also contains antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties, has menthol in it that can help to clear up your sinuses and, some studies even say that peppermint may assist in suppressing seasonal allergy-related symptoms like itchy eyes and sneezing.
2. Ginger Tea
If your palate prefers tea that is on the spicy side, go with ginger. It’s also a tea that has quite a bit of health benefits including the fact that it eases nausea and morning sickness; can help to reduce the risk of heart disease; helps to regulate blood sugar; contains cancer-fighting properties; reduces oxidative stress, and it can bring relief to menstrual discomfort too.
And just how does ginger tea help on the allergies front? For starters, the compounds gingerol and shogaol help to reduce inflammation within your system. Also, one study revealed that ginger has the ability to decrease certain cytokines (proteins that are secreted by your immune system’s cells that monitor inflammation within your body) so that you don’t have to deal with things like having a runny nose or an itchy throat. Another perk that comes with ginger is it can help you to sneeze less. Interesting.
3. Lemon Balm Tea
What if something citrusy is more your thing? Lemon balm can (pardon the pun, considering the topic) scratch that itch, especially if you also have a taste for a tea that has a hint of sweetness to it. Health-wise, lemon balm tea is good for you because it helps to put you in a better mood; boosts cognitive function; helps to reduce anxiety and depression-related symptoms; improves your quality of rest; soothes indigestion, and contains pretty potent antiviral properties as well.
Another thing worth noting about lemon balm, is certain studies have revealed that by using it topically, it can reduce breakouts that are directly related to herpes (check out “If You Have Herpes, When Should You Reveal It To A Potential Partner?”).
Allergies-wise, lemon balm tea can be good for you because it is loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which tend to work together to decrease symptoms that are associated with having allergies. However, it should go on record that if you happen to have some sort of thyroid issue, you should speak with your doctor before consuming lemon balm. Some studies say that high amounts of lemon balm can throw your thyroid hormones off a bit.
4. Green Tea
If any tea tastes kind of grassy or like a plant, green tea would be it — not really in a nasty way…it’s just kind of bland; however, it’s not anything that a teaspoon (or two) of honey can mask. Besides, the health benefits that come from green tea make it worth every sip because green tea can do everything from boost brain power, burn fat, and improve your oral health to lower your blood sugar levels, decrease the risk of heart disease and cancer and reduce your signs of aging.
The antioxidants in green tea can help to keep your immune system strong, which again, is always a plus as far as battling allergy symptoms are concerned. Green tea also has anti-allergenic agents in it that bring relief to sneezing, coughing and watery eyes.
5. Rooibos Tea
Sweet. Nutty. Woodsy. Earthy. A hint of vanilla. When trying to describe what rooibos tea tastes like, all of these things can certainly apply. Personally, I like rooibos tea because it has no caffeine while being high in antioxidants. Some of its other benefits include the fact that rooibos can help to lower your cancer risk; reduce symptoms that are related to diabetes; it helps to bring down your cholesterol levels; it helps to fade the appearance of wrinkles (over time), and is also good for your heart.
Rooibos can make your allergies easier to bear because it contains a flavonoid called aspalathin which helps to reduce the symptoms that are associated with having allergies including nasal congestion.
6. Nettle Tea
“Sweet and earthy” is how a lot of people describe the taste of nettle tea. If you’ve got a urinary tract infection (UTI), it can help to flush out the bacteria that causes it. If you have arthritic pain, it can help to bring you some much-needed relief. If you’re trying to keep your blood sugar levels under control, nettle tea can help with that as well as keeping your cholesterol levels where they should be; it even contains properties that can help to heal acne and eczema-related symptoms.
Your allergies won’t like nettle tea very much because it also works as a natural antihistamine; this means that it reduces symptoms that are associated with hay fever including sneezing and itchiness.
7. Chamomile Tea
There honestly aren’t too many things that chamomile tea can’t help to improve (check out “8 Teas That Are Really Good For Your Vaginal Health” and “Got A Killer Cold? These 10 Hacks Will Help You To Sleep Better.” and “10 Teas That Are Great For The Fall Season — As Far As Hair Growth Is Concerned”). Taste-wise, it’s mild, floral, and a little bit sweet. Health-wise, it reduces PMS symptoms, regulates blood sugar levels, and helps to keep your skin healthy, thanks to the properties in it that reduce breakouts and increase hydration.
Chamomile is also loaded with anti-inflammatory properties that help to bring relief to allergy symptoms. Chamomile also has anti-allergy properties in it that can block histamines and keep your eyes from watering up and your nose itching (although if you are allergic to daises, it’s best to avoid this tea because it belongs to the Asteraceae family…like daisies do).
8. Licorice Tea
To me, licorice tea is definitely reminiscent of black licorice although some people say that it’s a mixture of sweet and bitter flavors. And since licorice tea is basically made of licorice root, licorice root is good for you because it provides digestive support; can reduce acid reflux; helps to speed up the healing process of peptic ulcers; will fight reduce the bacteria that cause cavities, and it can even help to ease perimenopause/menopause-related symptoms.
The reason why licorice root can help you with your allergies is it contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help your respiratory system in top shape. Also, it helps to soothe a sore throat, prevent a runny nose, reduce sneezing and nasal congestion and licorice can bring relief to itchy and watery eyes.
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9. Black Tea
Black tea? Black tea is pretty robust with a smoky flavor and, if you’re looking for a coffee alternative, while it doesn’t have as much caffeine in it as java, it does contain more than green or white tea does. Moving on to how black tea can help out your health, it helps to strengthen your heart; lowers your risk of having a stroke; decreases your cancer risk; makes you more alert; reduces stress, helps your body to burn more fat, and even increases longevity.
Black tea may help to ease allergy-related symptoms because it has the flavonoid quercetin in it. Quercetin is great at fighting allergies because it hinders the release of histamines which helps to keep you from having a runny nose, hives, watery eyes, and face swelling. As a bonus, black tea contains anti-inflammatories and antioxidants too.
10. Yerba Mate Tea
This tea here has a bit of a unique flavor because it’s kinda smoky, kinda earthy, and kinda bitter — but again, if you add some honey to it, it could become a tea that you grow to really like; especially since it is able to do things like increase the quality of your workouts; help you to lose weight; give you more energy; lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels; improve the quality of your skin; make type 2 diabetes more manageable, and it can increase bone density too (which is important as you age).
Yerba Mate rounds out the list of teas that are wise to consume during allergy season because it reduces inflammation and it helps to fight off free radicals as well.
As the weather starts to heat up, it’s always a good idea to stay hydrated. And if you want to do so while being outdoors, now you have some teas that can help you to take in the sun without dealing (so much with) seasonal spring allergy symptoms. Drink up!
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