A few years ago, I wrote an article for the platform entitled, “Gaslighting, Love Bombing & 5 Other Triggers To Call Out In Your Relationships.” A part of the reason why I did it is because I totally agree with an article that ran on TIME’s site earlier this year: “Gaslighting, Narcissist, and More Psychology Terms You're Misusing.” As a life coach, I can tell you that it can be super annoying (at times) to see folks just throw words around when it’s clear that they are just parroting what they heard someone else say.
An example? Narcissist. The more I watch people rant about how an ex in their life was a narcissist, the more I oftentimes see narcissism in that very individual. A narcissist is entitled. A narcissist has an inflated sense of self. A narcissist refuses to see someone else’s side of things, they constantly need attention and validation, and they don’t take criticism well. So no, someone isn’t a narcissist simply because things didn’t work out with you or they didn’t get on the same page as you as far as your relational expectations are concerned.
Okay, but that’s another discussion for another time. For now, what I want to talk about is another psychology term that gets worn out: toxic.
7 Signs You Have a Toxic Relationship With Yourself
While the dictionary defines it as something (or one) that is poisonous or harmful, in the world of mental health, toxic is about being an abusive type of individual — whether it’s mental, emotional, verbal, spiritual, relational, or otherwise. Someone is not toxic just because they don’t see eye to eye with you or their views differ from yours. “Toxic” is significantly detrimental to your overall health and well-being.
That said, can you have a toxic relationship with yourself? Absolutely. I’m about to share seven ways that it can manifest. And not from the casual TikTok angle either; these all can be significantly poisonous and extremely harmful if you don’t get a hold of them — even if doing so requires therapy. And sis, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with that. Good therapy is toxicity’s kryptonite.
Okay, so what are some signs that you truly have a toxic relationship…with you?
Signs You Have a Toxic Relationship With Yourself #1: You Don’t Hold Yourself Accountable
GiphyThe amount of people in my past world (including my own family) who were masters when it came to lacking personal accountability? LAWD. That’s why I make it my personal mission to hold my own self accountable. In fact, several people in my world say that I am almost too self-aware, if that’s possible (it’s possible; Aristotle once said that the excess of virtue is indeed a vice. Anything in the extreme is out of balance). I’m pretty sure that’s why I talk about it and write about it as much as possible (check out “What It Actually Means To 'Hold Yourself Accountable'”).
Personally, I find people who lack personal accountability to be dangerous to themselves and others. If you think I’m exaggerating, ponder how a lack of accountability operates. It doesn’t take responsibility for its actions. It deflects, excuses, and justifies wrong behavior. It plays the victim a lot. It finds a way to blame everyone in the world for what it does. It tends to be personally and professionally stagnant. It’s emotionally immature and superficial. Does that sound un-dangerous to you?
So, why do so many people struggle with self-accountability? If you grew up in a home where your parents, quite frankly, sucked at it, if you’re not used to people owning their stuff and apologizing to you, if you’re afraid to really deal with your areas of weakness — all of this could have a starring role. Whatever the case may be, no one can be a fully self-sufficient and thriving adult unless they are willing to take accountability for what they say and do. Folks who think otherwise — yes, on some level, they have some sort of toxic relationship with themselves.
Signs You Have a Toxic Relationship With Yourself #2: You Don’t Honor Your Boundaries
GiphyListen, as someone who knows what it’s like for someone to know my limits and then be like, “Girl, whatever. I’m gonna roll right over them” — I will forever be on-repeat when it comes to screaming from your rooftop and mine about how important it is to have clear and firm boundaries — not walls or barbed wire fences…boundaries. A boundary is a limit, and you have every right in the world to set the limits that you need in order to live out your life to the fullest.
So, why is this such a struggle for so many people? Fear is a huge reason. They might be scared that they will lose someone if they set a boundary. They might be afraid that other people’s boundaries in response to their own boundaries will change relational dynamics (sometimes it will, and that is okay). They might not want to deal with the consequences (or fallout) that come with setting boundaries.
When it comes to all of these, not doing what’s best for you because you’re fearful of how someone else will react? That simply isn’t a good enough reason because, as a boundaries-setting queen, I can promise you that the people who are healthy for you are going to honor your limits — and even honor you for having them.
You know, it really is true that people who are upset by another person’s boundaries are very oftentimes the ones who like to run over them or take advantage of the individual who set them in the first place. I don’t care if the boundary is with a friend, co-worker, romantic partner, or (please catch it) family member. People who respect others will get that a limit is set for that person’s own protection — and healthy people support those who do what will keep them safe and secure.
If you’re the one who keeps shifting your boundaries around to accommodate others…guess who the main culprit is when it comes to not protecting you? Yep…YOU.
Signs You Have a Toxic Relationship With Yourself #3: You’re Not Living Out Your Purpose
GiphyWhen you get a chance, please check out “5 Signs You Are Living Your True Purpose” and “Please Stop Picking People Who Don't 'Fit' Your Purpose.” Y’all purpose is more than just important; PURPOSE IS PARAMOUNT because it literally means “the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.” This is why I am aggressively adamant in telling singles that if you don’t know your purpose or you are dating someone who doesn’t know theirs, the last thing that you need to be thinking about is marrying them. Why? It’s because two people need to know what they were put on this planet to do first so that they’re clear on who will best complement them.
And even beyond relationships, it’s critical to know what your purpose is. Personally, I believe that’s why a lot of people are dissatisfied with their life. I mean, how can you truly be fulfilled if you don’t know what your life mission truly consists of? And if you’re not intentional and in constant pursuit of answering that question, on many levels, that is indeed toxic — because to be here without knowing why, on some levels, is harmful to your well-being.
So, how can you know that you know what your purpose actually is? Something that I advise is if you can define your purpose in three words or phrases, almost immediately, you’re probably very clear. For instance, whenever folks ask me what mine consists of — marriage, sex, and the Sabbath are my purpose. They are all covenant principles and things that I am very passionate about. In many ways, they all work together, too. I pretty much breathe them. I write and teach on them daily. Money isn’t a huge factor on whether they will be a part of my life, for the rest of my life. And supernatural insights come to me about them (folks tell me that all of the time).
What about your life can you say those things about? Whatever “it” is, there’s a huge chance that it is directly tied to your purpose. And what if you have no clue? Check out these articles here, here, and here. They all contain questions that can help you to connect some dots.
In the meantime, never be comfortable with not knowing your purpose. To stay in that kind of space, knowing that it’s the literal reason for why you’re here? That is a toxic mindset. A billion times over.
Signs You Have a Toxic Relationship With Yourself #4: You Make an Olympic Sport Out of Self-Deprecation
GiphySomething that’s interesting about self-deprecation is that a lot of people think that it’s only about putting themselves down. Although that is a big part of it, self-deprecation actually has a few different layers. If you don’t know how to take compliments, that’s a manifestation of self-deprecation. If you let others take credit for the work that you’ve done, that’s a manifestation of self-deprecation. If you downplay yourself and what you bring to the table — any table — that’s a manifestation of self-deprecation. And that’s just for starters.
So, why do so many people struggle with it? If they weren’t affirmed much and/or if they received backhanded compliments throughout their childhood and adolescence, that could be one reason. Another could be if their religious experience defined humility in a very unhealthy way. Yeah, a lot of folks struggle with being humble to this day, and it’s because they think that it’s all about looking down on themselves when that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Humility is actually being so strong in your self-worth that you don’t need to hog the spotlight, announce everything that you do for other people, or always be in a mindset of competition. Humble people don’t need to be jealous or envious. Humble people can help others win. Humble people are empathetic and compassionate because they know that life isn’t all or just about them.
That’s why Scripture says things like, “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted” (Luke 14:11 — NKJV) and “By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life.” (Proverbs 22:4 — NKJV) If you were told something different, you could think that seeing yourself as “less than” or letting others treat you that way is being humble when really — it’s self-deprecating.
And surely you can see how problematic all of this is. How can it even remotely be healthy for you to speak poorly about yourself or to approach life as if you don’t hold enough value to be a relevant and necessary voice in this world? Yeah, you can’t have a healthy relationship with yourself if you don’t see yourself in a healthy way. Not sure how else to break down this one. If this is where you struggle most, make humility the goal; let self-deprecation…GO.
Signs You Have a Toxic Relationship With Yourself #5: With You, Everything Has a Negative Slant
GiphyOne of my closest friends, I call her “glass half full” and she calls me “glass half empty.” Both conclusions are accurate. She almost always sees things with a mega upswing while I’m over here being slightly cynical with no hesitation or apologies. For the most part, it’s because one of my spiritual gifts is discernment (if you are a Bible follower and you’ve never taken a spiritual gifts test before, a good one is right here), and in the world we live in, discernment (which literally means “acute judgment”) is becoming a lost art and is definitely on the endangered species list. Yet, I do have to make sure that I don’t let my natural negativity bias get in the way.
A negativity bias is something that all humans naturally have. In short, it’s an automatic inclination to look for the negative or worst-case scenario of things. However, just because it’s common, that doesn’t make it “right” or beneficial. There are plenty of articles in cyberspace that address how negativity infects your health, your brain, your productivity, your sleep patterns, and 1000 percent your relationships. Hmph. There’s one woman I know who, pretty much everyone who knows her, says that she’s completely draining to be around — and that’s because she always sees things in a negative light. It’s almost like she’s unhappy if anything positive is going on. It’s bizarre.
Listen, the reason why I shared what I did about myself and my discernment gift is that it’s one thing to be practical…realistic…aware; it’s another to be out in these streets always thinking that something is too good to be true; constantly believing that everyone has an angle or agenda; making mountains out of molehills; being more problem-than-solution focused; being hypercritical; being contrary…just to be contrary; being a chronic complainer; thinking that everything that doesn’t go your way is the worst thing to ever happen to you and/or not being open to seeing things differently (than in “darkness”). If you felt triggered reading all of that, could it be because it reflects how you see a lot of the world and/or yourself? If that is indeed the case, there’s no time like the present to become a more positive person.
Get around positive people. Become proactive about your health. Be careful about the content that you take in. Get a sense of humor. Do things for other people. Respect your words more. Practice gratitude.
The thing about being negative is it takes far more than it gives. Settling for that, on any level, is definitely a toxic way to live your life.
Signs You Have a Toxic Relationship With Yourself #6: Your Coping Mechanisms Are Unhealthy and/or Totally Counterproductive
GiphyIn short, anything that you do in order to manage the stress levels in your life is your coping mechanism (they are not to be confused with defense mechanisms, by the way; that’s another message for another time). By this definition, not all coping mechanisms are bad. For instance, if you meditate, unplug from social media, and go on solo dates — these are good tactics for dealing with life’s stressors.
On the other hand, if you’re a shopaholic or workaholic; you stay in unhealthy relationships (including friendships); you’re an emotional eater; you run to sex (this used to be one of mine); you sleep a lot (as a way of a mental or emotional escape); you abuse drugs or alcohol; you’re non-confrontational to your detriment (meaning, you keep letting people do and say whatever to you in order to “keep the peace”)…these are just some examples of having very unhealthy coping mechanisms — ones that are indeed toxic.
Right now, I have a friend who is realizing that she is a victim of narcissistic abuse. Her coping mechanism has been to choose men who love bomb her. It’s been a vicious cycle and, quite frankly, pretty painful to watch because, all of this time, she thought narcissism was confidence and love bombing was chivalry. Neither was the case — not by a long shot. So now…she’s in therapy trying to unlearn all of that mess. And what she’s also discovering is she hasn’t been “coping”; she’s been avoiding. For years, because all of this has been her pattern, she thought it would be easier to stay on the hamster wheel of dysfunction than to deal with some childhood traumas that are directly associated with why she does some of the things that she does.
And honestly, I think that’s why a lot of people remain in unhealthy or, at the very least, totally counterproductive coping mechanisms. They’ve built up such a tolerance to their habit of choice that they think it’s easier to remain with it than to get the help that they need to break free. And you know what? Even if the train of thought is understandable, that doesn’t make it any less — say it with me now — TOXIC. Bottom line, if you don’t deal with stress well and you seek out things that can exponentially make your life even more stress-filled (if not immediately, eventually)…that is toxic.
Signs You Have a Toxic Relationship With Yourself #7: Your Relationships Lack Reciprocity
GiphyAs we prepare to close this out, I think the easiest way to explain this one is, if you see your own self from a place of lack, not deserving much or having to prove your value, you will choose people who mirror all of that. I know this to be true because I used to be one of these people. Certain childhood issues definitely played a role (your own parents can raise you to become codependent if you can never do enough to please them or they are emotionally manipulative in order to control you). So did having some really poisonous female friends (bad female friends aren’t discussed enough, y’all). And so, I thought that my life was to consist of constantly overdoing for others and doing without in the process.
When you do things for other people without getting anything in return, that is an act of service, a form of ministry, and that is fine. At the same time, when you give someone the title of being your friend (check out “Allow These Things To Happen Before Calling Someone 'Friend'”) or a part of your tribe/circle, something that should automatically come with that is some freakin’ reciprocity. Yes, you should expect that they will be there for you, just like you are for them. Yes, you should expect that if you’re meeting needs, they are willing to do the same. Yes, you should expect that if you’re celebrating them, they should be celebrating you. Folks who try and tell you that you shouldn’t just expect but require this from your “people”? Watch out for those folks…they are the ones who will drain you dry, chile.
When you have an unhealthy relationship with yourself, you don’t get how much reciprocity should be a part of your world. Oh, but the healthier “you and you” become — it’s so easy to see a relationship for what it is and then shift if it’s not really…a relationship (feel me?). Hear me when I say that reciprocity is not a “bonus” in true relationships — it’s a given.
It’s the late Eartha Kitt who once said, “It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self-love deficit.” So true, so true. And now that some signs of a toxic self-relationship have been shared, the good news is you have the power to change it — all of it. You don’t have to wait on anyone else to feel good about you and do right by you.
And sis, there truly is no time like the present. Gift yourself with a toxicity detox. It’s time.
PAST TIME. Don’t you think?
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- How I Broke Free From A 7-Year Situationship That Wasn't Serving Me ›
- Are You Addicted To Toxic Relationships? ›
- What A Toxic Relationship Can Reveal To You About Yourself ›
It's kinda wild that, in 2025, my byline will have appeared on this platform for (what?!) seven years. And yeah, when I'm not waxing poetic on here about sex, relationships and then...more sex and relationships, I am working as a certified marriage life coach, helping to birth babies (as a doula) or penning for other places (oftentimes under pen names).
As some of you know, something that I've been "threatening" to do for a few years now is write another book. Welp, October 2024 was the month that I "gave birth" to my third one: 'Inside of Me 2.0: My Story. With a 20-Year Lens'. It's fitting considering I hit a milestone during the same year.
Beyond that, Pumas and lip gloss are still my faves along with sweatshirts and tees that have a pro-Black message on them. I've also started really getting into big ass unique handbags and I'm always gonna have a signature scent that ain't nobody's business but my own.
As far as where to find me, I continue to be MIA on the social media front and I honestly don't know if that will ever change. Still, if you need to hit me up about something *that has nothing to do with pitching on the site (I'm gonna start ignoring those emails because...boundaries)*, hit me up at missnosipho@gmail.com. I'll do what I can. ;)
A Cosmic Guide To Love In 2025: What The Stars Have In Store For Your Heart
The most important lesson we are learning about love in 2025 is change. Many major Astrological transits are happening this year, and these will last for years to come. As we walk through this new year, we are being asked to let go of the things we can’t control, and give more grace to the things we can. This is a year of a new perspective on love, finding gratitude in the little things, and watching as the universe supports us and the dreams we build for ourselves here.
At the beginning of the year, we are being shown how significant 2025 will be for love. From March 1, 2025, until April 12, 2025, Venus, the planet of love and relationships, will be retrograde. Venus goes retrograde approximately every 18 months and hasn’t been retrograde since the Summer of 2023. With love taking a step back at the beginning of the year, we move through a time of understanding the emotional world better and letting go of trying to control outcomes here.
What Does 2025 Have in Store for Love?
It’s time to refocus your relationship priorities overall, and with this retrograde happening in both Aries and Pisces, Aries being the first sign of the zodiac and Pisces being the last; there is a chapter we are closing and a new one we are walking into.
Another significant factor that is influencing relationships this year, is Jupiter’s entry into Cancer. Jupiter brings blessings, abundance, luck, and expansion, and in water sign Cancer, brings these gifts to your emotions. Cancer rules emotional safety, foundations, close loved ones, family, support, and emotional well-being, and with Jupiter in this sign from June 9, 2025, until June 30, 2026, we experience blessings in stability within love. This is a good year for building stronger foundations in love, aligning with those who are loyal and supportive, knowing what you need emotionally, and being a lot clearer on it.
Letting Go of the Past: The Astrological Theme of 2025
Overall, the guideline for the year when it comes to love is to focus on the bigger picture and let things work themselves out without forcing them to. Magic will come in for you this year when you can assess your needs and wants, let go of illusions or smoke and mirrors, and focus on the things you want for yourself rather than what you don’t. Your focus and beliefs on love are the priority right now, and things will be coming full circle for the better.
Read below to see your personal 2025 love forecast. Read for your sun, moon, and rising signs.
What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your 2025 Love Life?
2025 is one of the more significant years for you, Aries. A lot of the major transits are happening in your sign, which includes Venus retrograde in Aries at the beginning of the year, Neptune in Aries from March 2025 until 2039, and Saturn in Aries from May 2025 until 2028. Not to mention, Chiron, the wounded healer is currently in your sign until 2027.
What this means for you when it comes to love, is that you have learned a lot about where you want to be here, and it’s the year to implement more of these tools and knowledge of the heart.
This year for love is about honoring your integrity and what you need personally to thrive in life and creating that space to let it in. You need someone who will be there for you through whatever you are experiencing in life and not someone who adds to these challenges. This year is a time of rising above, and choosing better for yourself.
2025 for you when it comes to love, is all about perspective and taking better care of your heart, Taurus. Uranus, the planet of change, rebellion, progress, and upheaval, has been in your sign since 2019, and this year you get a break from all of the surprises. From Jul. 7, 2025, until Nov. 7, 2025, Uranus leaves your sign and enters Gemini, giving your mind and your heart some time to breathe.
This year you are being given the opportunity to see things for what they are, rather than what you fear them to be. You are able to see your relationship dynamics clearer, allowing you to feel more confident in what you are building and creating for yourself in this area of your life. What you are working on this year is letting go of overthinking, and allowing things to play out the way they are meant to in love.
This year you are feeling in balance when it comes to love, Gemini. Relationships are important to you in life overall, as you are a relationship-oriented sign, but it can be difficult at times to keep the balance and perspective here. This year, with lucky Jupiter in your sign until June, you have the opportunity to be blessed with some fortunate circumstances personally and within romance.
You are feeling yourself this year, and this is attracting you success and new opportunities within love.
Uranus will also be in your sign this year from Jul. 7 until Nov. 7, and some surprises are in store for you. Pay attention to what happens in your love life during this period, as similar themes will be coming back around for you when Uranus officially enters its Gemini transit from 2026 - 2032. Overall, this year is about balancing what’s coming and going in love, and finding your peace within your inner confidence for it all.
2025 for you, Cancer, is about stability in love. You are growing emotionally from the ground up, and are feeling a sense of support, confidence, romance, and receptivity in your love life this year. You are one of the lucky signs of 2025, and this is due to Jupiter, the planet of blessings, entering your sign from June 9, 2025, until June 30, 2026. While Jupiter is in your sign, your life expands and you are able to see the gifts of your world that may have been harder to come by previously.
This is a year of spending more time with your loved ones and feeling more heard and supported emotionally. Safety and security are especially important to you this year, and you are only entertaining the people who feel that way about you and provide that. Many Cancers will be expanding their families this year or developing a long-term relationship, and overall this is a year of feeling stronger when it comes to love.
When it comes to love this year for you, Leo, it’s about trusting your intuition and listening more to what your heart is telling you. There are not many major transits happening in Leo in 2025, which means there is a lot of room to grow, but you may be feeling a lack of support or encouragement to do so. A lot of Leos are taking a step back to look at where they are currently in love, and yearning for some change and a new direction here.
Neptune will be in your 9th house of adventure for most of this year, and you are being asked to get inspired and do things differently, but don’t take unnecessary risks in love that may not serve you in the long run.
It can be easy to get lost in the fantasy of love rather than the actual reality you’ll live in here, and taking more time to understand yourself, your relationships, and the dynamics in your love life will be necessary. Overall, your heart is healing this year and you are moving away from the past and creating your new future.
This year when it comes to love, you are going through changes that are aligning you closer to your goals and dreams here, Virgo. You are focused on making things work that you want to see bloom, and also letting go of putting effort into people that aren’t reciprocating the same energy. With the North Node entering your sister sign Pisces and the South Node moving into your sign from Jan. 11, 2025, until Jul. 26, 2026, you are doing a lot of letting go over the next year.
However, with the North Node being in your 7th house of love, new doors and gifts are also opening up for you and your partnerships. The more you can let go of perfection and overworking your mind and your heart, the more blessings you will experience when it comes to love this year. In 2025, you also have two Eclipses in your sign, and there are overall a lot of changes Virgos are moving through this year. Your main guidance for love is to stand by the things that serve your heart and release yourself from what burdens it.
Love is coming to fruition for you this year, Libra. You have been through a lot in your personal life these past few years, and walking into 2025, you are ready for some positive change. This is a year of feeling in balance with your personal goals and dreams, and what you are experiencing romantically and financially as well. Relationship dynamics are serving you and your sense of abundance, and many gifts are coming your way in love this year.
With Neptune, Chiron, and Saturn all being in your 7th house of love, your love life and partnerships are the main focus for you in 2025.
You are moving through changes, overcoming previous obstacles, and bringing back the dreamy energy here. With Chiron in the 7th, you are still doing some healing of the heart, but with Neptune now entering, it all feels a little more romantic and spiritual at the same time. This year is about believing in the impossible in love, taking care of yourself, and allowing someone else to take care of you as well.
This year is all about opportunity when it comes to love, Scorpio. You have your eyes on the prize and are focused on what you want for yourself, but also how you want to show up for love as well. You have goals and intentions that you are setting for your love life this year, and a lot of them reflect the passion and strength you are feeling as you enter the year. Vesta is in your sign this year until September, and you have a spark within you that is a magnet for success and love. You are walking forward confidently and are feeling inspired, sexy, and magical this year.
This is a very sensual and powerful year for you, and this energy is being reflected in the relationship experiences you are having. Jupiter also enters your 9th house of adventure halfway through the year, and there is something special about the trips you are taking and the risks you are taking in love. Overall, this is a year of doing things your way and attracting love to you through your inner confidence and charisma.
This is a beautiful year of feeling balanced and abundant in love, Sagittarius. There is a lot of energy coming in and you are giving a lot of love as well. This sense of synergy you are feeling within your love life this year has a lot to do with Juno, the asteroid of soulmates, in your sign from Feb. 19 - Apr. 15. Your people are coming in and you have options this year, Sag.
This is a year of feeling loved for the inspiring, outgoing, and unique being you are, and meeting more people who match your energy.
Saturn also enters your 5th house of romance this year, and you are learning a lot through your experiences with others. You are learning how to be more confident in who you are and what you want for yourself and also recognizing the importance of making more time for fun and playful experiences. This is the year to see love as a more light-hearted experience and to not take yourself too seriously.
You are letting things come to you when it comes to love this year, Capricorn. You are feeling beautiful, capable, and worthy, and you are receiving the gifts that come from this sense of confidence and patience. This past year, you were setting a lot of new goals for yourself and your relationships, and in 2025, you are experiencing the results of these efforts.
Jupiter moves into your sister sign Cancer from June 9, 2025, until June 30, 2026, and enters your 7th house of love, partnerships, romance, marriage, and harmony. Your love life and experience of it all are expanding this year, and benevolent Jupiter is sending blessings to this area of your life. This is a year of things coming full circle for you in love, and you feel less confused about it all and more sure of yourself and what is becoming for you here.
Love is a highlight for you this year, Aquarius. You are coming together with another, and many Aquarius’ will be forming new relationships or growing within a strong relationship. You are experiencing the fruition of your dreams in love, and are also able to heal and let go of past emotional experiences that have been overwhelming for you in the past.
The North Node enters your 12th house of closure this year, and you are motivated towards change, cleaning house, and releasing the cobwebs of the past.
You are walking into new emotional experiences with less baggage and self-doubt, and are experiencing a fresh start in love. This is a year of asking for what you need emotionally and receiving it. Love is coming in for you in harmonious and magical ways, and you are rewriting your story in love in 2025.
You are moving through a lot of changes when it comes to love in 2025, Pisces. This is a year of closure, healing, and giving yourself a fresh start, and the way you enter the year will be a lot different than the way you end it. The North Node of Destiny enters your sign this year, and the South Node of Karma enters your 7th house of love. So, a lot of your focus this year is on your personal goals and path, and there may be some neglect or lack of focus on your relationships.
This can create some discord with those close to you, and your guidance for this year is to try to balance the personal successes and wins you are experiencing, with the love changes that also need your attention right now. Know that what leaves your life this year is being replaced by something better, and also know that your healing doesn’t need to have a timeline and you can take as much time as you need to grow. Overall, you are turning a new page in love in 2025.
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Your January 2025 Horoscope Is All About Taking Action & Leaning Into Transitions
January is all about closing one chapter and preparing for a new one. We begin the year with a little more patience and time needed than usual, with Mars, the planet of action, being retrograde as we enter 2025. With this important transit taking place, we are being reminded that this year is not a race, and the priority right now is about taking more concrete, well-thought-out action on our dreams, and remembering the power of believing in ourselves in the process.
January 2025 Astrology Overview: Key Transits to Watch
Venus, the planet of love, enters Pisces on Jan. 2 until Feb. 4, and Venus loves being in this water sign. Love is a little more magical under this energy, and the dreams you once intended for yourself in relationship matters have all the potential to be seen through right now. A few days later, however, Mars retrograde enters Cancer until Feb. 23, and there is a need to be more patient with your emotional world and that of others. Emotions are running high this month and things can be impulsive or erratic in this energy.
Time with your words and your actions is needed, and it’s time to trust your heart more than your fear or need to control.
January 2025 Astrology Overview
The first Full Moon of the year is happening in Cancer on Jan. 13, and this is the perfect time to say goodbye to what doesn’t serve your heart or your stability in life. If you have been feeling uneasy about a certain area of your life, this Full Moon will help you address that and create space for a new beginning and new foundations.
Aquarius season begins on Jan. 19, and this is the type of energy we need to feel more connected, inspired, and in tune with the universe. This season is bringing a lot of changes, but they are helping people get out of a place of feeling stuck or unsure.
On Jan. 29, we have a New Moon in Aquarius, and it's time to set your intentions not only for the next month but for the year ahead as well. Aquarius is hopeful and believes in the power of thought, so make sure you are focusing your energy on what you want to see come true for you right now. Before the month ends, Uranus goes direct in Taurus, after being retrograde since September, and this is bringing more stability and less disruption to the collective. Uranus now direct in Taurus, facilitates pleasant surprises in love, finances, and the little luxuries of life.
Overall, January is an opportunity to redirect your energy, ask yourself where you want to go from here, and believe in the impossible.
Read for your sun and rising sign below to see what January has in store for you.
AriesKyra Jay for xoNecoleJanuary is a time to choose your battles wisely, Aries. You are being reminded to own your integrity and not let anyone take you out of your character right now. With the Sun in your 10th house for most of this month, all eyes are on you right now, and it’s the time to put your best foot forward. Your ruling planet, Mars, has been retrograde for over a month and enters a new area of your life on Jan. 6. This is the time to ask yourself what people nourish or disrupt you and how to protect your energy more.
This is the month to be flexible and to look for solutions rather than challenges. The New Moon at the end of the month on Jan. 29 will be a beautiful awakening for you when you not only feel capable of fulfilling your dreams but supported in doing so after a time of feeling a little strained here. Overall, this month is about not losing the faith you have in yourself or the convictions you have developed.
TaurusKyra Jay for xoNecoleThis is a month of adventure and new beginnings for you, Taurus. Venus, the planet of love, is in your 11th house of magic, and you are manifesting your heart's desires. You are focused on your new beginnings and taking a leap of faith in yourself, and are seeing the success come from the plans you are making now. This is a beautiful month of feeling an opening coming into your life and expanding your mind.
The most significant transit happening in January is Uranus going direct in Taurus on Jan. 2, after being retrograde here since Sept.1, 2024.
Over the past four months, you have been through an inner awakening and have been experiencing some pleasant and unpleasant surprises. You have had to work especially hard on your personal goals and may have felt more upheaval or uneasiness here than you may have liked. With Uranus now direct until September, more uplifting and exciting opportunities are ahead of you now.
GeminiKyra Jay for xoNecoleJanuary is activating your mind and your heart, Gemini. Life is coming full circle for you, and you are entering 2025 with an abundant mindset. You are feeling a little more hopeful and capable right now and are seeing how the things you were once concerned about are playing out for you in positive ways. Mercury moves into your 8th house of abundance on Jan. 8, and as you accept and take on new personal developments, changes, and commitments, you experience a rebirth of prosperity.
Throughout this month, you are being awakened to the connections you seek and the ones you want to continue to nourish in your life. There are people coming together to support you and your efforts, and you are being acknowledged for all you have done. The Full Moon in Cancer mid-month brings financial matters full circle for you, and you are getting your due rewards right now. Overall, you are walking into the year feeling confident, supported, and abundant.
CancerKyra Jay for xoNecoleThis is the month to find encouragement, protect what you are building, and not give up on yourself and your aspirations. You are closer to a breakthrough than you know, and this month is the last leg of a race for you, Cancer. Mars goes retrograde in your sign from Jan. 6 until Feb. 23, and you are being forced to allow things to fall into place right now. Your efforts or actions may not stick as quickly as you would like them to during this transit, and this is because you need more time. Mars retrograde in your sign will be helping you readdress your goals, passions, and intentions.
Emotions are running high for you in January, but you have the tools to navigate this energy. The first Full Moon of the year happens in your sign on Jan. 13, signaling a year of closure and healing ahead of you.
Your heart is experiencing a culmination, as you let go of what doesn’t serve your overall well-being, and make more space for what does. It’s time to give yourself a little more love and to give your self-doubts and insecurities a little less of your time. The New Moon happening at the end of the month is the perfect opportunity for you to turn a new page and feel more supported in doing so.
LeoKyra Jay for xoNecoleJanuary is about taking care of your health and gaining more stability in your life, Leo. You are focused on the foundations that nourish and support you and are spending time with your family, loved ones, body, and priorities. Mars goes direct in your sign on Jan. 6 after being retrograde here since Dec. 6, and after a month of reflection and redirection, you have a better idea of who you are and what you want out of life. The beginning of January is about taking a deep breath, and knowing that the past is now behind you.
The Full Moon mid-month on Jan. 13, is helping you find closure, healing, and inspiration, and is a good time to let a lot of the negativity go. You are getting an opportunity to reflect, forgive, and move on right now, and you are in supportive conditions to do so effectively. The New Moon of the month happens in your sister sign, Aquarius on Jan. 29, bringing love to the forefront and helping you see the big picture of your heart. This is one of the best times of 2025 to set your intentions for love, your relationships, and your emotional world.
VirgoKyra Jay for xoNecoleYou are living in a state of abundance this month, Virgo. January is a time of fulfilling your dreams and feeling a sense of joy and prosperity in your life. You are proving to yourself that your intentions and efforts have been worth it, and you are seeing life come full circle in fortunate ways. The month begins with Venus entering your 7th house from Jan. 2 until Feb. 4, and this is bringing the magic not only into your love life but into your financial world as well.
Major developments are taking place for you as you move through this month, and you have everything you need right now.
The Full Moon on Jan. 13 is a time of seeing previous intentions manifest, and support coming in for you, and when it comes to your friendships in life. You have built a community of love around you, and you get to enjoy more of this connection and abundance now. By the end of the month, Uranus goes direct in your house of expansion and travel after being retrograde here since September, and you are ready to embark on some new adventures as you leave the month.
LibraKyra Jay for xoNecoleLove is coming together for you in January, Libra. You are beginning the month by building new foundations and setting yourself up for the future successes you want to experience this year. Your ruling planet, Venus, moves into your 6th house of health, work, and daily routine as the month begins, and you feel like you have a good head on your shoulders right now. The ideas that are blooming and the initiatives that you are taking are going to fulfill you for some time to come.
With the Sun in your 4th house of foundations for most of the month, you are overall focused on your foundations and your sense of security now. You are thinking long-term and doing what is going to provide you with more safety and personal abundance. The New Moon in Aquarius on Jan. 29 is the perfect time for love, and you are leaving the month with romance surrounding you. As the month comes to an end, have some more fun and let go of some of the seriousness that may have surrounded you in January.
ScorpioKyra Jay for xoNecoleJanuary is all about moving on and moving forward, Scorpio. You are recognizing where you need to let go a little bit more and what spaces you want to move away from and go more toward. Venus is in your 5th house of self-expression and happiness for most of the month, guiding you towards where your heart feels the most enlightened and nourished and helping you make the necessary changes for a better life.
On Jan. 29, a New Moon occurs, helping you open a new door when it comes to your home life and foundations.
You are gaining a deeper appreciation for the things that make you feel safe and nourished and are creating more of this energy in your life through your commitments and the relationships you are building right now. Some Scorpios could be making a move or experiencing a change of energy in the home right now. Uranus goes direct in your sister sign on the 30th, after being retrograde here since this past summer, and love feels a little more stable and nourishing for you as the month ends.
SagittariusKyra Jay for xoNecolell eyes are on you this month, Sagittarius. You are being recognized, uplifted, and supported, and this is a month of success. With the Sun in your 2nd house of values, abundance, assets, income, and confidence for most of January, a lot of opportunities are coming into your life to succeed right now. The Full Moon on the 13th is a good time to look at the relationships and commitments in your life that support you and to find more gratitude for these spaces.
By the end of the month, we have a New Moon in your 3rd house of communication, and you are moving into a space of mental well-being, new beginnings, and inspiration. The conversations you are having now are setting you up for success, and you are feeling truly seen this month. Some great opportunities are appearing for you now; remember that you deserve all the good that is ready for you this month.
CapricornKyra Jay for xoNecoleYour season is here, and you have a lot to look forward to right now, but also a lot to let go of Capricorn. You have been through a journey as of late, and are taking some time to heal, take care of yourself more, and nourish your heart. With Mars going retrograde in your 7th house of love on Jan. 6 through Feb. 23, you are being forced to address any imbalances you have been feeling in your love life or your close relationships.
Disagreements or conflicts with others are a little more likely now. Try to work through what is worth it for you, and let go of what is not.
Mercury enters your sign from Jan. 8 until Jan. 27, helping you see things a little more clearly in life. Your mental capacity and the developments that are taking place for you here are the highlight of the month for you, as you recognize where some things need to change in your life. On Jan. 13, a Full Moon is happening in your opposite sign, and the love you have in your heart is being reflected back to you now. This Full Moon is about letting go of past pain and emotional patterning and highlighting where in your life you are experiencing the love you are looking for.
AquariusKyra Jay for xoNecoleYour intuition is guiding you through this month, Aquarius. There is a lot of activity happening in your sign in January, and you are entering the year with breakthroughs and self-empowerment. With the Sun in your 12th house of closure for most of the month, you have to take some time for reflection and allow things to come to fruition. Pay attention to what your intuition and gut instincts are telling you at this time, as this energy is going to be more prominent and powerful for you in January.
Aquarius Season officially begins on Jan. 19, and it is your time to shine! You are moving forward freely and confidently, and feeling a little less weight on your shoulders after doing the work at the beginning of the month. On Jan. 27, Mercury enters your sign until Feb. 14, and your inner clarity is beaming. You are getting your message across right now, and feeling empowered while doing so. Before the month ends there is a New Moon in your sign on Jan. 29, and this is one of the most magical times of the year for you to manifest. This month overall is about believing in miracles and seeing your dreams and intentions through.
PiscesKyra Jay for xoNecoleJanuary is all about finding your balance, Pisces. Your life is taking shape in many ways right now as different levels of your life come into greater balance. With the Sun in your 11th house of hopes and aspirations for most of the month, it’s about thinking of the bigger picture right now and going after the things you dream of for yourself. Venus enters Pisces from Jan. 2 until Feb. 4, and love is blooming for you.
While Venus is in your sign, you are not only feeling the love from others but are giving yourself more of this energy as well. Remember: For you to experience a coming together with others, you must recognize the need for it and give yourself this grace first.
This is a month for receiving a helping hand and for experiencing a coming together that you have been hoping for. The universe is on your side, and you are recognizing that right now. On Jan. 29, there is a New Moon in your 12th house, and you are getting some more rest and reflection as the month ends. With all the activity of the month, by the end of it, you need time to recoup and gain your balance. This month is a good time to write lists of gratitude and lists of intentions and to find your power in the middle of what was and what is to be.
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Featured image by Kyra Jay for xoNecole