
For all my ladies looking to indulge in a little more than chocolate and wine this month, xoNecole is here to help. We've rounded up more than a fair share of eye candy and we found out exactly what they're looking for in love and how they personally care for their women. From musicians and models to poets and actors, these amazing men are sure to make your heart skip a beat. Check out these gorgeous MCMs and don't ever say we never did anything nice for you. We always got you, sis.

Meet Michael Evans Behling.

The 6'2'' Ohio native is a budding young actor and model who's already secured contracts with some of the biggest brands in the country, such as Nike and Finish Line. You can catch Michael starring in the hit CW football drama All American, which is airing currently on Wednesdays after Riverdale.

Indulge responsibly ladies…

On the Top Qualities He Looks For in a Woman…

"Openness. I want to be able to talk about her feelings and thoughts with her. Trust. Communication. Especially in my situation, with hectic schedules you have to find the time to talk about each other's day. Humor, I love laughing and making people laugh. I want her to be able to be goofy with me. And genuineness.

"I love when a girl is nice for no reason. To everyone! No underlying reason, she's just pure and genuine. I eat that up."

On His Ideal Date…

"Picking her up and snagging some dinner, whether it be simple or elegant, it doesn't matter. Afterward, heading to a spot, whether it's a dope view or a place to take a nice stroll, just to be able to talk. If we've been together for a while, then I'd like to do something that's important to my significant other."

On What He’s Learned From His Last Serious Relationship...

"My last serious relationship taught me that the way it ended, or even the fact that it ended is okay. Life goes on, and new doors can be opened from the ending of something serious."

On His Relationship Deal Breakers…

"Lying. We have to have trust."

On the Toughest Part About Dating Nowadays…

"I haven't experienced anything super negative thus far, so it's hard to say."

On How He Makes His Special Woman Feel Loved…

"I let her know how I feel. When I'm with her, it's just her I focus on. I stay off my phone and give her my undivided attention."

On the First Thing He Notices About a Woman When She Walks into the Room…

"The first thing I notice has got to be her eyes, and then teeth. I'm a sucker for nice teeth."

His Relationship Status…

"I am taken."

For more of Michael, follow him on Instagram.

Featured image by Jim Spellman/WireImage




When it comes to trends, It girls lead, they don’t follow. Keeping one finger on the pulse of fashion and the other on their instincts, it’s their innate ability to dress to the beat of their own heart that makes them stand out amongst everyone else around them.

These women are ahead of their time, forecasting what will eventually be adopted by the masses often years in advance. In most cases, buying into trending items is just a by-product of their love of fashion, however, it's never the key ingredient of a memorable outfit.

4 Good Reasons I'd Never Date Someone I Work With

Office romances are nothing new, and it makes sense that they'd be something attractive to professionals since we spend a significant amount of our time at work. Recent research has found that more than 60% of adults have had a workplace romance, but I think that number is probably a bit higher, considering that another survey found that 35% don’t report their relationship to their employer. I've also known of many secret rendezvous between folk who work together.