
Know what I’m old enough to remember? MCI phone cards. Billing phone calls to third numbers. Beepers. Two-ways. A life without cell phones (let alone smartphones) and the internet. So, you know what all of this meant, right? Communication, especially communication with a bae, was oftentimes expensive and/or challenging, and, especially if it was a long-distance situation, it required that you be prepared to write at least a few letters from time to time.

Now? Well, let me put it this way: When’s the last time that you sat down to handwrite a grocery list, let alone a love letter? Oh, please believe that I am pointing the finger at myself too because, these days, even I attempt to jot down a quick message in a greeting card, I think about how stellar my father’s penmanship was and I’m damn near mortified in comparison…all because I don’t handwrite things, nearly as much as I should. SMDH.

Y’all, technology has its pros. When it comes to romance and intimacy, especially, it can also have its cons too. As I say often, in the wise words of the philosopher Aristotle, “The excess of a virtue is a vice” and y’all, just think about it: shooting a quick text vs. making the time to share your thoughts in your own handwriting this Valentine’s Day — which one do you think would make the bigger and longer impression? Which one would move the heart more?

Shoot, not to mention the fact that our society shells outa whopping $27.5 billion on the holiday each and every year. Hmph. I recently saw a social media post where a woman said that a man who is “trying to get with you” should spend no less than $1,000 on V-Day. SMDH…AGAIN. If you’ve read enough of my content, you know that I am not team “drain a man,” especially when it comes to a fleeting holiday.Relationships should always be about reciprocity, so if you don’t want simply a card and a hug on February 14, be prepared to give more than that.

However, I will also say that when it comes to conveying romance, being creative, and showing someone how thoughtful you can be, a handwritten letter is a very nice touch. And so, in the spirit of Cupid’s Day, if you and your partner are sexually active, you can really make his toes curl if the letter that you write happens to be a SEX LOVE LETTER.

Let’s discuss.

Don’t Let Technology Talk You Out of Writing a Letter. Here’s Why.

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My godchildren’s mother must have stock in Hallmark because, if there is one thing that she is going to do, it is send cards while making sure that her daughters do the same. It’s a great practice, one that I remember doing while I was growing up as well. Since my mother kept some of the ones that I sent to my grandparents when I was little, it’s actually a great memory to look back on (via photo albums). However, beyond taking a walk down memory lane, there are other reasons why writing a letter is a beautiful gesture.

For instance, when you think about shooting someone a quick text — really, who benefits more? If you’re really honest with yourself, it’s probably you because texting is convenient and saves a lot of time. And that’s just my point. Handwriting a letter? It requires you making the time to share your thoughts and feelings and who doesn’t want to feel like someone values them enough to spend time that they won’t ever get back on them?

Another reason why writing a letter is bomb is because, something that I will sometimes recommend that my clients do, is write letters to each other, even if/though they live in the same house.

Handwritten letters give you the opportunity to really think about what you want to say which ultimately tends to make the messages a lot more meaningful. Something else that’s wonderful about letter writing is you can put so many personal touches on it — from the stationery that you choose to the scent that you put on the paper to whether you want your words to be in print or you’d prefer to pen them in cursive.

And then, there’s a reason that’s tied to a sappy film that I just watched (again) on Tubi over this past weekend — a romantic movie that I can’t freakin believe turns 15 this year (what is time, people?!): Dear John (Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried). Definitely one of the elements that made it so sweet and precious to watch was the fact that John (Tatum) and Savannah (Seyfried) spent an entire year writing letters back and forth to one another while he was on military assignment.

How can you not feel loved when someone puts in that kind of effort? Yeah, folks don’t handwrite letters like they used to — that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t, though.

How a Handwritten Love Letter Can Benefit Your Relationship

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Although probably no one can be absolutely certain about the origin story of a love letter, I do like that one article that I checked out said that probably the Song of Solomon is probably a good place to start. If you’ve ever checked some of those chapters out, the words are poetic, sensual and even intense at times. And even though other love letters that followed may have been due to the fact that distance prevented couples from being able to talk face-to-face, let’s not act like history doesn’t also tell us that love letters were a form of wooing. It is a way of documenting your interest, affection, admiration and desire for the one you care so deeply for.

Something else that’s dope about love letters is it’s a way to document the journey of your relationship with someone — it’s also a solid way to hold yourself accountable to the words that you speak. Case in point: something that I oftentimes advise my clients to do is jot down a list of 10-20 things that made them choose their partner. Then I ask them to post it somewhere where they and their partner can see it on a daily basis (like a bathroom mirror or kitchen’s refrigerator). That way, on the not-so-great days, they can refer to the list and remember to see things from a broader perspective than how they may be feeling at the moment — and that can help to reignite their feelings so that they can get back on track.

One more beautiful thing about love letters? It can help you to express your love for your partner in a way that you may not be able to otherwise. While, in a conversation, you might simply say, “I love you,” in a letter, you probably will be more compelled to expound upon why — and that can make you feel more confident in the relationship while affirming your partner at the same time. Perfect.

What I’m basically saying here is that a love letter can plant seeds in your relationship that will flourish in ways that you couldn’t even imagine at the time that you actually wrote it. And if it can do all of that…imagine what a SEX LOVE LETTER is able to do.

What’s the Difference Between a Love Letter and a Sex Love Letter?

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Although, on the surface, I’m sure you get that a “regular” love letter is about mostly about love while a sex love letter is pretty much about sex — the thing that I really want you to get is that the focus of the latter needs to be about how you feel about your sex life with your partner through the lens of love. To make this make more sense, I’m going to use synonyms for love that can be applied to sex:

  • What do you especially APPRECIATE about the intimacy that you share with him?
  • What EMOTIONS do you feel while you’re having sex with each other?
  • What drives your PASSION for him?
  • What do you CHERISH the most about your moments, in bed, together?
  • What about his body do you RELISH?
  • When you think about him, what causes you to have feelings of LUST?
  • Is he a TENDER kisser or lover? If so, expound on that.
  • What happens during sex that you really LIKE?
  • What about him, sexually, are you PARTIAL to above all others?
  • What about sex, with him, do you ENJOY the most?

See…a sex love letter. If you answer these 10 questions, in your own words, on some pretty stationery, that has a scent that he adores (or arouses him like a blend of lavender and pumpkin), and maybe you even put a sexy pair of thongs into the envelope and then mail it to him (my personal favorite) or put it under his pillowcase, on his car seat or in his gym bag — how could your man not feel seen, wanted and even respected, even sexually, by you? And how could that not make this a very special Valentine’s Day?


I will never forget when a husband once told me that the best thing that his wife ever did for him was present a set of flashcards that had nothing but positive adjectives to describe how she felt about him: “Women don’t get the power of their words sometimes. They really can build or kill.”

This Valentine’s Day, “build your man up” by letting him know, lovingly, what intimacy with him truly means to you. You never know how he will return the favor.

In my experience, when a man is celebrated in this way…it is oftentimes…TENFOLD.

In and out of the bedroom. #wink

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