
Now that 2021 has come to an end, I have to admit that I have had to do some personal readjusting. I have had to reprioritize career goals, friendships, and figure out what my purpose in life is going to be. If you know where I'm coming from, there may be some self-discovery work to do. What exactly does self-discovery look like? Self-discovery can be an exciting opportunity of reflection and it can be a reality check of letting go of things that no longer serve you. Both ways are beneficial for self-care and personal growth. I am here to tell you that it is OK to get a little bit uncomfortable with yourself and ask those deep questions to get in touch with who you are.

Self-discovery is about tapping into your potential, your purpose, and allowing yourself the space to create what your future self may look like.

I have come up with a list of 18 daily journal prompts that you can do to start your self-discovery journey for the new year. Whether you journal in the morning, in the afternoon, or in the evening, it is up to you how you set that intention for yourself. Self-discovery is a life-long journey of exploration, so there's no need to rush. Take your time sis. Set your own pace. You can even reuse these prompts as much as you want to. There is no limit to figuring out all of the parts that make you, YOU. There are always going to be times of change, so getting to know yourself will shift just as life does.

Just remember, it is all about taking that first step. This first step is writing it down. I hope these self-discovery journal prompts are useful and beneficial to you on your journey.

Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery

  1. What does your ideal day look like?
  2. In my journey I am _____________, to be at a place where _______________.
  3. What do I know to be true today that I didn't know a year ago?
  4. In this moment, what are four things you are grateful for?
  5. Inventing possibility: I've been pretending that (negative thought about yourself), when in fact (positive thought about yourself).
  6. What distractions are hindering your productivity? How can you reduce them?
  7. If my money could talk, what would it say about me? What would I want my money to say about me a year from now?
  8. When do I feel most in tune with myself?
  9. What are your top 10 goals for the year?
  10. Describe in great detail what five years from now looks like for you. Where do you live? What's your ideal job?
  11. How can you feel more fulfilled in your life?
  12. If you could be your own superhero, what type of person would you be? Think about ways to bridge the gap between who you are now and what being your own superhero looks like.
  13. If you could live in another time period, what would it be? What would you be doing?
  14. What's one toxic thing or person in your life that you need to let go of?
  15. What fears do you have that may have been holding you back from living your best life?
  16. If someone could write a book about your own success story, what would they say? Write down everything that comes to mind.
  17. How can you take better care of yourself? Write down five self-care practices you like to do or would like to try.
  18. What makes you feel alive? And when was the last time you felt that way?

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Featured image by Shutterstock



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