
I like the word strange. Hell, I even like the throwback Cameo joint, “She’s Strange” (my dad used to play the entire hell out of that bassline back in the day). Strange doesn’t just mean “odd,” it also means things like unusual, extraordinary, and curious. Strange is also defined as being “outside of one’s previous experience” and “unacquainted.” In the right context with the proper understanding, there is nothing wrong with being strange — and wanting to know about things that are oftentimes considered to be strange as well.

And that’s why I gave this article the title that it has. After you check out these 12 fascinating facts about sex, I’m pretty sure that you will find at least five of them to be pretty damn strange…and honestly, when it’s all said and done, how cool is that?

1. “Having a Headache” Is the Worst Excuse Ever to Not Have Sex


Imagine if you were in a long-term committed relationship, where monogamy (marriage) or exclusivity (dating) was expected, and every time you wanted to have sex, your partner claimed that they had a — le sigh — headache. Yeah, don’t even get me started on if your partner pulled the same stunt about going to work to get the bills paid, how you would really get just how annoying the “I have a headache” thing can be… I digress. Anyway, I don’t know who came up with that piss-poor excuse; however, if that’s your go-to, science says to find something else.

As wild as it may sound, it appears that the same brain chemical that triggers sexual desire is the one that can cause a migraine. If youadd to that the fact that endorphins from sex can actually reduce the tension of a headache — it really does look like the jig is totally up as far as that popular excuse is concerned. #Elmoshrug

2. If You Suck at Work, Umm…Suck at Home (Kinda)


If you want a promotion at work, you might want to engage in some morning sex before you leave the house. Research indicates that having a healthy and fulfilling sex life can ultimately result in more productivity, engagement, and overall job satisfaction at the office. A part of the reason why is sex reduces stress. Another is that it causes endorphins (“feel good” chemicals) to kick in. Another is that sex helps to boost your creativity levels. So, if it’s been a while since you’ve indulged and your professional performance has dropped…there may be some dots to connect there.

3. Masturbation May Not Be Helping Your Sex Life As Much As You Think, Chile


I went to a Christian high school, and although I could write an entire book about so much of the BS that went on up in there (especially on the racist tip), there were some silver linings, too. One was the Bible teacher that I had during my last two years: Chuck Stanford. He was raw and researched and that combo made him a blessing. Anyway, I remember him saying that when you get caught up in the cycle of doing “everything but” (you know, intercourse), it could cause issues in your sex life up the road because you have put yourself in the habit of stopping at a certain point.

Guess what? Masturbation can potentially share in this — in a bit of a different way.

Although it has been proven that masturbation can improve the quality of orgasms, “sex with yourself” could also cause you to become sexually selfish and disconnected from your partner if you’re so used to “gettin’ yours” on your own that you no longer want to share the experience with them. Not only that, but it could also reduce the sensation of pleasure (if you’re a chronic masturbator), or it could lead to idiosyncratic masturbation style, which is what transpires when you have gotten so caught up in what you can accomplish alone that you struggle with replicating it — whatever “it” — may be with an actual partner.

Yes, “too much of a good thing” is, indeed, a thing.

4. As Much As Sex Is Crammed Down American’s Throats, Guess What?


Sex may sell; that doesn’t mean that it’s automatically a fulfilling experience, though — at least in the United States. I prefaced this fact this way by design because, as much as we see (and hear) sex in this country, it’s interesting that India currently holds the title for being the most sexually-satisfied country (guess the Kama Sutra really ain’t nothin’ to play with) with The Philippines, Mexico, Columbia, and South Africa not being too far behind. As far as who has the most exciting sex, Mexico and Nigeria get top ranking — meanwhile, who don’t you see up in this? Yeah…EXACTLY.

5. Bet You Don’t Know What “Gymnophoria” Means


Chile, now, if you knew that the word “gymnasium” ultimately comes from a Greek word that means nakedness, hop in the comments and tell me how you found that out. Anyway, if you factor that in, I guess it makes sense that someone who deals with gymnophobia may fear nudity, or if they struggle with gymnophoria, they might be consumed with believing that people are mentally undressing them whenever they are in their presence.

6. A Man’s Hands Actually Prove Something


Back in my — eh hem — heyday, I had enough sex to know that the myth that never seems to die about being able to tell a man’s penis size based on his shoe size is just that: A MYTH. At the same time, what I will tell you that you should hone in on is a guy’s fingers. Word on the (science) street is if a man’s ring finger is longer than his index one, not only will his penis be longer, his testosterone levels will be stronger too. Do with that what you will.

7. According to Science, Seniors Have Top-Tier Sex


Less distractions. More privacy. Not having to worry about an unwanted pregnancy. Practice making perfect with the same partner. A keen awareness of one’s body. These are just some of the reasons why many seniors end up having better sex than when they were younger (and more than those who are younger than they are). Hmph.

And when you stop to consider the fact that many of our elders are running circles around folks half their age when it comes to sexual consistency and satisfaction — you might wanna watch less TikTok and go talk to your grandma if you’ve got some questions about how to enjoy coitus more. Dead serious.

8. Republicans Cheat the Most


Although I have plenty of thoughts about this upcoming election (and again, I digress), I’ll just put this out here, and y’all can also do with it what you will. When it comes to the party who is inclined to commit the most infidelity, it’s not “the donkeys” (some of y’all will catch that later). Moving on.

9. Some People’s Orgasms Can Last Longer than Commercial Breaks


Listen, I’m all fora good orgasm; I don’t know if I’m down for one that lasts longer than six hours, though. Yep, apparently, the longest recorded orgasm for a woman is 6 hours and 30 minutes, and 8 hours and 30 minutes for a man. So, how long do climaxes last for the rest of us? Somewhere between 10-60 seconds — although if you’resomeone who can go two minutes, that is considered “normal” too.

And if you are, personally, I’m pretty impressed because that is the length offour average commercials (which is a pretty long time if you really stop to think about it).

10. Men’s Sperm Is Actually Pretty Damn Brilliant


I’m a fan of sperm. A huge part of the reason is that it played a pivotal role in what got me here (some folks need to remember that). Another is I continue to learn so many fascinating things about it (check out “Do You Swallow? The Unexpected Health Benefits Of Sperm”). Like did you know that a single sperm holds somewhere around 37.5MB worth of data?

Something else that’s a trip is a man can produce enough sperm in two weeks to impregnate every fertile woman on the planet. The more you know, chile. The more you freakin’ know.

11. An STI/STD Can Be in You for Years…and You Not Even Know It


This one right here is something that I can personally cosign on. Many years ago, after coming down with a bout of both mono and strep throat, I also found out that I had chlamydia. At the time, I wasn’t sexually active, so I couldn’t figure out what the hell was going on. What my doctor told me was that it had been lying dormant in my system for what seemed to be a couple of years, and my other illnesses “activated” it.

If you add that to the fact that literally thousands of people have an STI/STD right now with no symptoms — moral to the story? Get tested every six months, y’all, and wear condoms. NO EXCUSES.

12. Yes, Sex Can Literally “Blow Your Mind”


On this platform, I use the term “mind-blowing” when it comes to sex fairly often. And while it might seem like an exaggeration, there is scientific proof that says otherwise. Long story short, some activities (including sex and especially once you reach your 50s and 60s) can put the kind of pressure on certain parts of your body that can throw you into what is known as transient global amnesia (TGA) which is a form of memory loss that can last for up to 24 hours.

Although it can be frightening, it’s typically nothing to worry about, although if you can pull that off on your partner — talk about some serious bragging rights!


Now tell me that those sex-themed facts weren’t, oh so very literally, STRANGE.

Uh-huh. What are you gonna do with all of this intel is my question? (Hmm…)

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Jazlyn Martin is a triple-threat performer known most for her role as Jackie on Peacock’sBel-Air. Her character’s fiery personality and questionable decisions have led to a few shocking moments in the series and quite a bit of convo on social media.


If Lori Harvey says something is a must-have, we believe her. In the realm of trendsetters and tastemakers, Lori shines as a beacon of impeccable style and sophistication. When she deems something a "must-have," it instantly becomes an object of desire for fashion and beauty enthusiasts worldwide. Her innate ability to identify and embrace emerging trends has solidified her position as the quintessential it girl.