
For the second time this week, my husband and I walked out of the bedroom celebrating like we just received a huge income tax return.

As of late, our sex life has been insane, and we owe this newfound feeling to a pod-shaped product that I've been using to help improve my kegel exercises. It's called Elvie, and thanks to this new vagina personal training gadget, I've been having the most explosive orgasms ever. In Life.

They were better than my wedding night orgasms.

They were 10 times better than the one orgasm I gave myself when Tyrese sang "Stairway To Heaven" at the 2009 BET Awards honoring The O'Jays.

I first heard about Elvie after reading an article on Forbes about women's wearable tech toys. After reading so many positive reviews about it, I decided to give Elvie a try. I'm ending the year with trying to enhance my overall health, as well as planning for another child, so I could easily see my doctor being happy about me improving my pelvic floor muscles.

Before I confirmed my order, I waited for about a week to make sure that I really wanted to go through with it. In that time frame, I incorporated more kegels during my regular exercise routine for free-ninety-nine. After doing some research, it dawned on me that I could possibly be doing my kegels incorrectly. If I have a gadget that tracks my kegel exercises, this is an investment that my doctor would probably appreciate. The app tracks how strong your muscles are, and I could show her my results during my Well Woman exams, and she's always happy to incorporate those things in my medical record.

I confirmed my order, and waited for my package to arrive. As soon as it came across my doorstep, I regretted ordering it. I actually waited about three hours before opening the package.

You can't return the product if it doesn't work (obviously because you put it in your vagina). Knowing this made me feel a sense of buyers remorse. I started to feel a little better about it once I realized that Elvie must be a superior gadget if the company doesn't have a return policy. Plus, the company will replace your unit if it is broken.

Lawd have mercy, I'm so glad that I was right! I came out of the bedroom this morning cheering for my husband like his name was Hercules. My body was rocked, and my boots were knocked!

Elvie makes kegel exercises more fun than mindlessly tightening your cha-cha muscles to a strip club anthem in your chair. It's an egg shaped pod that uses sensors to track your muscle movement while you do your kegel exercises. The pod is made of medical grade, waterproof silicon, and could easily fit in the palm of your hand.

In case you are unaware, kegel exercises are the rhythmic clenching an unclenching of the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles, which holds your pelvic organs in place and controls urine flow. But

according to Cosmo, a strong set of PC muscles can also improve your orgasms.

They're the muscles responsible for the contractions you feel during climax. Though Kegel exercises don't actually tighten your vagina, they tone and strengthen your vaginal muscles, boosting your arousal. They also cause a tighter grip during intercourse and more intense contractions during orgasm because more blood gets sent to your below-the-belt region.

Since I've been married, I've had great sex, and amazing orgasms with my husband. But I never realized that it could be better than what it already was. Here I thought that I reached the zenith of my married sex life, and I was wrong. Boy am I so happy to be wrong.

This little tech toy packs one hell of a punch, and it's great for women who feel "loose" in their nether regions after giving birth, pregnant women, or a any woman who just wants a good "coochie snapback." Like one writer says, Elvie is kind of like a Fit Bit for your vagina.

This is how it works: while you exercise your PC muscles, the sensors in your Elvie are relayed via Bluetooth to your smartphone, and generates an LV score. The stronger the kegels, the higher the score.

You insert the pod into your vagina, and do your kegel exercises while the gem tracks your progress on your smartphone.

Elvie is priced at $199, and trust me when I tell you that this award-winning device is worth every cent. You'll never look at kegel exercises the same way again. Here's why.


When I finally cracked open my parcel box, I was immediately impressed with the cute, mint green packaging. Inside, I found a plastic tube with the pod inside. After using it for several weeks, I realized that the plastic tube that holds your Elvie is amazing by itself. I can throw it in my purse, and use it when I want to do my kegal exercises outside of my home.

The plastic tubing is important, because you use it to charge your Elvie with a USB cord when your power is low.

The hole at the end of the "Elvie" logo in the photo above is how you charge your device.


After I downloaded the app from the App Store, I filled out a short profile and began my exercises. I inserted the pod in my vagina (with the tail hanging out), and started squeezing the ball using only my pelvic muscles to move the gem. Each training session starts this way in order to ensure that your Elvie is properly connected to your smartphone. If the gem moves, you're good to begin training.

As you squeeze the pod, a gem appears again on your smartphone screen, which is reflective of how hard you are squeezing in real time. The object is to keep the gem above the line, and as you can see, my muscles are pretty weak in that region.

As your PC muscles get stronger, you advance from beginner exercises to intermediate or advanced levels of the "game." These exercises are also great for your lower tummy and back. Since I've started running again, I've noticed that I've been experiencing lower back pain, and Elvie has been a great help in correcting that.

If you're wondering how often you should use it, I stuck with my physician's orders. Doctors suggest that women do at least three sets of 10 kegel exercises three times per day for about five minutes. All women should do kegels, including pregnant women. The American Pregnancy Association suggests that pregnant women do kegels to help control their muscles during labor and delivery. Studies show that pregnant women who perform kegel exercises have easier child births.

To be clear, while the manufacturers of Elvie suggests that pregnant women use the product, they recommend that they use it during their second trimester.

On another note, the fun part about doing Elvie exercises is that you can do them either sitting or standing, and it's kind of neat that Elvie can tell whether you're doing either. It is also great that I am able to watch Netflix and use my Elvie alone in my crib, while feeling like I'm accomplishing a good workout.


After you're finished with your kegels, all you have to do is rinse your pod in the sink, and put it back in your tube to charge.

My Elvie charges way faster than my iPhone, which I find very convenient. I can use it right before "Netflix and chill" night, which guarantees me some amazing sex while Narcos plays in the background.


I tried to use Elvie for a week straight before having intercourse with my husband again, but that didn't work out too well. We ended up making love my fourth time using it, and Lord have mercy...my sex experience was so much more enjoyable. The contractions from my orgasm rushed through my body like El Chapo escaping prison. If I had been drinking, it would have been a spiritual experience.

My husband is amazed by the device and said that he's definitely noticed there was more "tread on the tire". Who would have known that this Fit Bit-like gadget would make so much of a difference in my sex life in such a short period of time (I've been using it almost ten days)? Either my PC muscles are weak, or Elvie is just a fantastic device.

It definitely gets my certified stamp of approval.

If $199 sounds a bit steep, there is a very similar device available for a fraction of the cost for women who are looking to strengthen their pelvic floor (especially after having kids.) You can purchase the Kegal Exerciser with App & Vibration on Amazon for $65 bucks. And the reviews are even better than the Elvie! Thank me later.



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