Foods That Keep Your Vagina Smelling Right (And The Ones That Don’t)
Women's Health

Foods That Keep Your Vagina Smelling Right (And The Ones That Don’t)

While using the right products definitely plays a part in the sensational scent or unforgiving odor between your legs, an even bigger factor are the foods that you eat. Yes, you are what you eat, and sometimes you even smell like what you eat… even down there, boo. And it's the foods with the strongest odors that are the biggest culprits.

But it doesn't have to be all bad. Just like there are foods that make your vagina smell bad, there are also quite a few that give it a refreshing scent. But before we start, just know I'm not telling you how your vagina should smell. I'm just letting you know the impact certain foods have on it.

So, let's explore both sides, shall we?

Foods That Make Your Vagina Smell Good



While most dairy products are said to be terrible for your vagina's odor (more on that later), yogurt is the exception to that rule of thumb. It has tons of good bacteria that helps your vagina operate the way it should. It also helps your vagina steer clear of any nasty infections and keeps the equilibrium of the pH balance on track. Ultimately, yogurt doesn't only make the smell (and the taste... cha-ching) of your vagina better, it improves its overall health, which is pretty difficult for just any food to accomplish.

Foods That Make Your Vagina Smell Bad



It probably shouldn't be your favorite dish. Not unless you want your vagina to smell like it. And anyone who has heard about any joke about a vagina smelling, knows that fish is somewhere in the punchline. It has such a bad rap for vaginal health, which it has definitely earned. Seafood is just not the move for those who want their vagina smelling right. I'm not saying give up fish, or any of the foods on the negative end of this list. But you should definitely consider the portions you're taking in and how it can impact your vagina's odor.

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