
Explore your sign’s 2024 horoscope predictions to learn what is in store for you this year in love, career, and more. Check out the love compatibility of each sign to learn more about zodiac pairings and all things compatibility.

2024 is a significant year for love, and with the month of love here, this energy is even more prominent now. As you take a look at your love life, notice where life has come full circle for you and where the community, closeness, and abundance surround you. Things may look differently than expected around this time of year, but where do they look better? Emotionally, there has been a lot to process over the past few years, and there is something about taking more time out for the joy and happiness in your partnerships and love life today.

Whether you are single or in a relationship, love starts from within you and can lead you to places fear won’t go.

It’s all about trusting your intuition and what your emotional world is telling you right now. This is one of the best years for couples getting married, as this is an 8-year in numerology, which means it’s a year of abundance, balance, and commitment for many. The energy flowing through the world is reminding us that love takes courage and dedicating yourself to the things you love is rewarding. February, in numerology specifically, is defined by the number 2, which represents partnership, emotional clarity, intuition, forgiveness, and grace.

Overall, this is a time to put more focus on the love in your life and where you want to see things grow. What you commit yourself to right now is just as significant as what you are letting go of, and it’s about finding the balance here.

Read below for a message for singles and those in a relationship, for guidance in love right now. Read for your sun and moon sign.

February 2024 Love Horoscopes, Based On Your Sun & Moon Sign

February 2024 Aries Love Reading:

Getty/Katie Czerwinski via Cosmopolitan

Singles Horoscope:

You have been through a lot, and you need time to grasp and process your emotions. Love for you as of late has been a learning lesson, but one you have needed before you move into your new journey of love. Changes have happened abruptly, and this is divine intervention pushing you in a different direction. Your guidance at this time is to let go of the insecurities and the challenges you have been playing on repeat in your head. Things are going to get better for you and your heart, and it’s time to see your future in a more hopeful light, Aries.

Couples Horoscope:

Dreams are fulfilled, and the wishes you have made are falling into your lap, Aries. This is a fortunate time for you and your partner, and one where you have plenty of love to give, and space to receive it in return. You are headed toward even more emotionally fulfilling spaces romantically as well, and it’s only going to continue to get better for you from here. Love for you right now is about expecting the unexpected and allowing the universe to surprise you with something magical. The more you shine in your truth, the more you allow love to meet you halfway.

February 2024 Taurus Love Reading:

Getty/Katie Czerwinski via Cosmopolitan

Singles Horoscope:

Some important decisions may need to be made soon, Taurus. You have been having fun, exploring your options, and balancing what you need with what you want, and it’s time to refocus your energy. Your love life has felt a little scattered recently, and it’s because you are playing with too many fires. It’s time to decide on what’s more important to you and to prioritize your energy and your heart. The spark won’t go out once you commit to something; it will only deepen and strengthen for you. Remember that right now and get a little more downtime to process everything.

Couples Horoscope:

Be patient with what is blooming for you in your relationship, and nurture your worlds, Taurus. You are birthing something new in your life, and these things take time. What you have been preparing for and setting your intentions for in this relationship will see fruition, and now is the time to keep your heart in the present moment while it happens. There is beauty in where things are today, and it’s okay to ask for more of what you need when you feel your intentions aren’t being received. Seek gratitude, speak of love, and allow things to fall into place.

February 2024 Gemini Love Reading:

Getty/Katie Czerwinski via Cosmopolitan

Singles Horoscope:

Things are coming together for you in ways you may not be expecting right now, Gemini. Someone from your past may be coming into your life soon, and this is going to be a pleasant and rewarding surprise for you. You have learned a lot and grown even more, and you are not the same person you were back then- yet this may be even more reason why someone falls in love with you again. Past, present, and future are intertwined, and your heart is taking in the joy of what is coming to the surface for you right now.

Couples Horoscope:

This is a new beginning in your relationship and one that is going to be setting the tone for things financially in the future here, Gemini. You have been focused on setting goals together and building your dreams, and you are on the right path right now. Continue to put things into perspective when it comes to your financial dreams and ambitions, and make sure you are both on the same page. Being honest with yourself and another about what abundance looks like to you and where things are currently can help you build on more solid ground for the longevity of the relationship.

February 2024 Cancer Love Reading:

Getty/Katie Czerwinski via Cosmopolitan

Singles Horoscope:

You have everything you need right beside you, Cancer. You are emotionally in a place in your life where you are single, yet there is still a lot of support, love, and community surrounding you. Emotionally, you are in a space that most people are in when they feel like their dreams have been fulfilled, and that is saying a lot. You have been working on healing your inner child, finding your inner joy, and focusing more on the blessings in your life- and it has worked. Love is fueling your life and your world, and you are in a good space for something magical to happen here.

Couples Horoscope:

Trust your intuition right now, Cancer. You have been getting glimpses into your future, and your strong intuition should be more cherished. You know what needs to be done and where you need to put more of the energy, passion, and focus into your relationships, and now is the time to do so. You are someone who intuitively knows what others need, and this is a gift that is brought into your relationships with others. Own your power of divine insight, and go where your emotions are leading you to. Spice things up, protect your relationship, and trust yourself right now.

February 2024 Leo Love Reading:

Getty/Katie Czerwinski via Cosmopolitan

Singles Horoscope:

Things are going to start picking up for you again soon in love, Leo. You have been in a place of stagnation emotionally, and life has required more patience out of you than you may have wanted to give. Yet, you are now moving into a space where things are going to start getting interesting for you in love. You are still very focused on your individuality and doing things alone and your way- yet you are willing to allow someone to run wild with you. Love is getting exciting and you can expect a fresh start here as the intentions you have been setting begin to manifest.

Couples Horoscope:

You are not as stuck as you currently may believe so, Leo. There is something that has been mentally holding you back from feeling secure and safe in your current relationship, and this is something to look at right now. Ask yourself if you are being restricted or protected, and where these limitations have been stemming from in your relationship. More trust and honest vulnerability may be needed to grow closer to one another, and you shouldn’t have to fight these internal battles alone. Talk to your partner about how you have been feeling, and if change doesn’t occur, believe in yourself enough to walk away.

February 2024 Virgo Love Reading:

Getty/Katie Czerwinski via Cosmopolitan

Singles Horoscope:

A gift is in store for you in love, Virgo, and you are exactly where you should be. You are being seen as the worthy, valuable, abundant, and loving soul that you are, and you are a hot commodity right now. Choose who you entertain and allow into your life wisely, but know that you are someone’s first choice. You have worked hard to get to the place you are at right now in life, and allowing someone to enter your life will not change that. Know that you are protected as you live your life and open up to love and that abundance wants to come in for you right now.

Couples Horoscope:

It’s all about commitment for you right now, and you are seeing the blessings of what you have dedicated yourself to, Virgo. Your love life is thriving with intent and purpose, and many Virgos may be seeing proposals or marriages occur soon. This is a time in your life when your values, intentions, and wisdom of the heart are being recognized, and your relationship is evolving to new heights. You are feeling joy with where things are headed for you right now, and there is a nice synergy in love. You and your partner are on the same page, and you are both growing together.

February 2024 Libra Love Reading:

Getty/Katie Czerwinski via Cosmopolitan

Singles Horoscope:

This is an eye-opening time for you, Libra. You have learned a lot about love as of late, and need some more time to emotionally process it all. There has been an awakening in your life, and you are changing the direction in which you are headed. This time is about self-reflection, learning the lessons, and defining what you want and what you will not settle for in the future. Something massive has changed within you, and there is no more looking back on the what-ifs of the past. Know that the clarity you have found is here to stay, and your time of healing will soon turn into a blessing in disguise.

Couples Horoscope:

Your guidance for love at this time is to bring more trust and understanding into your relationship, Libra. Holding on too tightly to anything makes it more likely to fall from your grasp, and it’s time to be more confident in yourself and what you stand for in love. If you allow your insecurities to deter the decisions you make in your relationships, then you may find yourself making more mistakes than positive changes. Allow yourself to let go of what cannot be changed, give yourself more love, and be more confident and self-assured in your current partnership. You are worthy of love, Libra, and you always have been.

February 2024 Scorpio Love Reading:

Getty/Katie Czerwinski via Cosmopolitan

Singles Horoscope:

It’s time to put the feelers out there, communicate, and open the door to what or who has caught your attention in love, Scorpio. This is a time of communicating yourself and expressing what your heart wants to say. A lightbulb has gone off in your life, and you are seeing your emotional world a little more clearly. You have learned a lot when it comes to love and your relationships, and you will not make the same mistakes you once did. Let go of the old stories you have told yourself about love, and create new ones for yourself today that resonate more with what you want now.

Couples Horoscope:

It’s about putting the work and dedication into your relationship right now, Scorpio. Some more time, intent, and focus may need to be put toward your loved one, and it’s time to show up. Life has felt a little more scattered and heavy than usual as of late, but you don’t have to sort through it all out alone. Open up to your partner about what has been taking your time or keeping you away, and choose to build a bridge to more connection and honesty in your relationship. You are in a space of building or rebuilding your relationship from the ground up, and your hard work will bring in more blessings here.

February 2024 Sagittarius Love Reading:

Getty/Katie Czerwinski via Cosmopolitan

Singles Horoscope:

Get excited about where love is headed for you right now, Sagittarius. This is a time of hope, inspiration, and adventure, and love is taking you on a new journey. You have been putting the feelers out there, setting your intentions, and envisioning your dream relationship- and this energy wants to come forth for you now. Go to places you have never been, connect with new people, travel, and get out into the world. Love is requiring you to do things differently than you have before, and by switching the energy up, you allow new love to enter your world.

Couples Horoscope:

Patience, patience, patience, Sagittarius. Your relationship needs more trust on your part and more raw vulnerability at that. A side of you that you may not truly resonate with has been coming to the surface in your relationship, causing more harm than good. You love so fiercely that you can sometimes get caught up in things going the way you want them to rather than the way they should. This is the time to focus on what is going to be healthy for you and your partner and to give each other the space needed to grow and thrive. Let go of fears and remember your heart, Sag.

February 2024 Capricorn Love Reading:

Getty/Katie Czerwinski via Cosmopolitan

Singles Horoscope:

Things are heating up for you in love, and passions are running high, Capricorn. This is a sexy time for single Capricorns and one when you are feeling excited about the new chapter you are embarking on here. Ask yourself what you want most from love right now, and have the courage to let it in. You are beautiful in every way, but especially when you are being yourself, and your light is being acknowledged by another right now. You are understanding yourself better with the time alone that you have gained, and things are looking up for you. Get creative with romance, and follow the passion of your heart.

Couples Horoscope:

Choose your battles wisely, Capricorn. Often, conflict is a direct manifestation of unsettled energy, and you may need to look at where the challenges in your relationships are stemming from internally as well as externally. If you can’t meet in the middle and understand each other, how can you move on from this? You may need to reinforce some new boundaries in your current relationship so that you are both on the same page and headed in the same direction. Give yourself time to think things through, and don’t force things right now. True love will always shine through the chaos.

February 2024 Aquarius Love Reading:

Getty/Katie Czerwinski via Cosmopolitan

Singles Horoscope:

Don’t lose hope, Aquarius, your life is still blooming regardless of who is in it. Your guidance for your love life at this time is to focus on your perspective of it all. Are you seeing love and romance in a positive light or with a tang of dread about opening up to someone new? There is a lot you are still growing through when it comes to your emotions, but that doesn’t mean you have to do so alone. You can still grow and renew while in partnership, and a helping hand may be closer than you think. Open your mind to the possibilities of love, and then trust that you have what it takes to receive it.

Couples Horoscope:

Something refreshing is happening in your relationship right now, and it’s time to get excited about where things are heading, Aquarius. An offer to go deeper, to love stronger, and to do things closer together is presenting itself to you now, and you can trust where love is taking you. Open your heart to the wonders of a new day, and don’t let the seriousness of your relationships weigh down all the fun and excitement of it. Do something romantic, make a wish, and bring forth the dreams and new beginnings you want to see here. It’s one thing to feel love for someone, it’s another to show it.

February 2024 Pisces Love Reading:

Getty/Katie Czerwinski via Cosmopolitan

Singles Horoscope:

You have walked away from what no longer serves your heart, and you are moving into a brighter day, Pisces. There has been loss, and there has been a challenge, but your fire has not gone out. You are someone who loves because that is what is within you, and you are not someone who lets the pain of the past define your future. You have walked away from emotional burdens that were keeping you stuck where you shouldn’t be, and you are now making space for new love to enter. Being alone can be a beautiful experience, and this time in your life is about you and no one else, Pisces. Self-love is the game changer.

Couples Horoscope:

Happiness is fueling your world right now, Pisces. This is a beautiful time of harmony in your relationship, and the outcomes you were hoping for are coming true for you now. There is a good balance between yourself and your relationship, and you have been giving equal areas of your lifetime and dedication. You are feeling fulfilled with where love is taking you and how things are coming to fruition for you right now, and there is so much to be grateful for. Continue to bask in the light that is shining down upon you, share the love that is within your heart, and have a positive perspective on your current relationship.

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