
I was late to the game, but I found out I wasn't living my best life until I had a period tracker app. Yes, it's easy to tell when Aunt Flo is coming around the mountain when you have a steady period, especially when those period cramps make their entrance. But whether your period is considered irregular or "normal," if those even exist, a period tracker will keep you in check to make sure it can't sneak up on you like you owe it money.

So, which one is the best? Let me just say, there are multiple reasons you need Eve by Glow in your life. This app has the period tracker game on lock. From a forum where you can talk womanhood with other ladies, to the app going above and beyond and tracking everything from your sex patterns to your mood swings, this app has literally thought of everything. If you need an app that will give you all the goods, Eve needs to be your go-to. I have to admit, I was sold on period tracker apps before, but after checking out Eve, I really don't need to go anywhere else. Here's why:

The Messages On The Eve Period Tracker App Are Lit

The customized messages users get from the Eve app are like the best friend that knows everything about your cycle. There's one that literally reads, "Girl, hang in there! Your PMS pains should be almost over." It then not only reminds the user she'll be getting her period within the next couple days, but also to stock up on products so that she'll be ready for its arrival. Who does that? I love it because even on the days when I start my period, there's nothing worse than the moment I look under the sink to grab a pad or tampon only to realize I'm clean out.

All Your Friends Are There

If you've never used Eve before, don't be surprised when you find your new clique in the community. Let me back it up for a second… Yes, Eve has an entire community of its own. There are so many forums where women can dish on everything about being a woman, not just period cycles and whatnot. From getting health tips on vital topics like birth control to swapping sex stories and suggestions, nothing is off limits in this forum. Yeah sis, you've been missing out. What I love about this forum is that even though every woman is different, there's definitely one that has experienced something we're going through. And most likely, she's in the Eve community telling us all how to get through it.

The Eve App Is Not Just For Period Tracking

While the Eve app has been known to be the queen of tracking periods, it does so much more than that. As you give it more information about you, it has the ability to monitor and track things that most of us really don't think about but are important to your body. From my sexual activity and symptoms to my mood, the app not only tells me when I'm most likely to experience certain things, it will sometimes explain why, reminding me that I'm not entirely crazy and that those mood swings and sugar cravings are completely natural. It can also let you know about certain habits and trends you have such as your sleep patterns and how well you're working on your fitness.

The Eve App Is "The Cosmopolitan Of Period Tracker Apps"

This is seriously what I heard about this app. And now that I have it, I can definitely see why. OK, so it tracks your period and does it well. I think we've established that. You won't have any questions about when you'll start your period or how likely you are to get pregnant when you have sex. It monitors your ovulation and helps you better understand your fertility. It also has its own set of emojis that you can use to tell it how you're feeling and why. It has a lot of other really fun aspects like daily sex tips and sex quizzes (I'll take that, thanks). I have to admit, while it seems like a small thing, if you're a woman who's into aesthetically appealing apps and such for your phone, Eve fits the bill with this too. It's almost like a magazine layout that's clean and easy to read.

Eve App

It Looks At Your Health From All Angles

The Eve app is a great one solo. But when it's paired with the Glow Health App, it takes things even further and tracks everything from your steps to your cervical mucus (aka that discharge we all have had so many questions about). It's like all of your favorite health apps combined into one. The website is also a major win, as it provides blogs for topics like IVF and freezing eggs. So, feel free to delete the others and go with Eve (we can all probably use more storage on our phones anyway) and start living your best life.

The app costs $7.99 a month if you want to pay month-to-month, or $47.99 for a year. If you know you're going to need Eve for a lifetime, it's $59.99.

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