
If you're looking to move abroad one of the roadblocks you will inevitably face is deciding which visa to apply for. Pre-pandemic, most travellers used tourist visas which would allow visitors to stay in a country for up to 90 days. However, it's technically illegal to work on a tourist visa, and with the new restrictions and risk of travelling during COVID, leaving a country briefly and returning is not as simple as it used to be.

As we start to dip our toes into what this new way of travel looks like, more and more people are ready to take the leap of a faith into moving abroad. Bahamas, I'm looking at you.

In response to the new wave of remote workers caused by the pandemic, most countries have found a solution to meet the growing need of people who want to live, work, and play in the country for a longer period of time: Digital Nomad Visas.

Digital Nomad Visas requirements vary from country to country, and we rounded up all you need to know. This type of visa allows travellers to stay in a country for an extended period of time, so up to two years without being subject to that region's tax laws and without having to go through the process of obtaining a residency visa or citizenship.

So sis, it's time to have your passport and Black-owned sunscreen ready, cause summer 2021 is right around the corner and the world is calling your name! (Safely, of course.)

Central and South America


Cost of the Visa: US$40

Length of Stay: Up to 4 years

Income to Prove: Have proof of income of US$1,945 monthly over the past six months; or at least US$32,400 in overall account balance.

Where to Apply:https://www.mexperience.com/lifestyle/living-in-mexico/visas-and-immigration/

Costa Rica: Rentista Visa

Cost of the Visa: $250

Length of Stay: Up to 2 years

Income to Prove: Have to show proof of $2,500 monthly for the next two years; or S$60,000 deposit in a Costa Rican bank

Where to Apply:https://residencies.io/residency/costa-rica/temporary-residency/cr1

Antigua & Barbuda: Nomad Digital Residence (NDR).

Cost of the Visa: $1,500 for one person, $2,000 for a couple, $3,000 for a family of 3 or more.

Length of Stay: 2 years

Income to Prove: $50,000 per year

Where to Apply:https://antiguanomadresidence.com/apply-now/

Barbados: Barbados Welcome Stamp

Cost of the Visa: $2,000

Length of Stay: 1-year

Income to Prove: $50,000 per year

Where to Apply: https://barbadoswelcomestamp.bb/apply/


Cost of the Visa: $2,000 per individual $3,000 for a family of 4.

Length of Stay: 1-year

Income to Prove: Provide details of self-employment or employment from an entity based outside of Anguilla

Where to Apply:https://escape.ivisitanguilla.com/apply/



Cost of the Visa: Around $100 and you will need to pay additional in tax stamps

Length of Stay: 1-year

Income to Prove: You are required to make a minimum of €350 EUR per month in either income or savings

Where to Apply: https://mup.gov.hr/UserDocsImages//dokumenti/stranci//Obrazac%201a.pdf

Czech Republic: Zivno

Cost of the Visa: Around $100 fee, plus a monthly fee of $80

Length of Stay: 1-year

Income to Prove: Have proof of at least €5,587 EUR in bank account (per person)

Where to Apply:https://mup.gov.hr/UserDocsImages//dokumenti/stranci//Obrazac%201a.pdf


Cost of the Visa: Around $80 to $100 fee

Length of Stay: 1-year

Income to Prove: Earn at least 3,504 per month for the last 6-months to be eligible

Where to Apply:https://vm.ee/en/visa-application-forms


Cost of the Visa: Around $70 to $100 in fees.

Length of Stay: Varies

Income to Prove: Have proof that you make at least €600 EURO every month

Where to Apply:https://vistos.mne.gov.pt/pt/vistos-nacionais/informacao-geral/formularios


Dubai: UAE

Cost of the Visa: $287

Length of Stay: 1-year

Income to Prove: About $5,000 monthly

Where to Apply:https://www.visitdubai.com

East Africa:

Mauritius: Premium Travel Visa

Cost of the Visa: Varies

Length of Stay: 1-year

Income to Prove: Show documented evidence to support application such as purpose of visit, accommodation; etc.

Where to Apply:https://www.edbmauritius.org/premium-visa

Featured image by Thomas Barwick / Getty Images




The most important lesson we are learning about love in 2025 is change. Many major Astrological transits are happening this year, and these will last for years to come. As we walk through this new year, we are being asked to let go of the things we can’t control, and give more grace to the things we can. This is a year of a new perspective on love, finding gratitude in the little things, and watching as the universe supports us and the dreams we build for ourselves here.

5 Dating Tips I Learned As A Former Sugar Baby

New year, new dating style. Courtesy of a former sugar baby.

Being a sugar baby had its (obvious) perks, but the most significant ones didn’t center around the material benefits. To date, I have a bigger appreciation for the lessons I’ve learned and applied them to my dating life.