
The relationship between the Cancer man and the Libra woman is a bittersweet fairy tale. Libra women are the princesses of the zodiac whereas your typical Cancer man is the proverbial "Prince Charming." In the early stages of her relationship with a Cancer man, a Libra woman feels like she's finally found her prince; a charming gentleman who appreciates her inherent value physically, intellectually, and emotionally.

Libra women tend to attract men drawn only to their looks and surface-level attributes, men who see her as a challenge to be conquered. In contrast, her Cancer suitor is refreshing in that he doesn't see her as a mere conquest, he wants to wife her. Libras have extremely discriminating tastes in men and are hesitant to settle down until they've met who they perceive to be the perfect one. The man who wins her heart will have to exercise plenty of patience and will have to put in the work to win her for the long haul!

Interestingly enough, Cancer men are turned off by women they perceive to be "easy." Cancer men love a challenge and want to view the woman they settle down with as a much-desired prize. Both Libra and Cancer, in the initial stages of attraction, fit extremely well into what they each want as both short-term and long-term partners.

This astrological pairing has the foundation needed for a strong love story.

However, as is the case with all fairy tales, there are major roadblocks that need to be overcome before these two can ever reach their happily ever after.

Cancer Man And Libra Woman Love Compatibility

What attracts a Cancer man and a Libra woman to each other?

Cancer men are drawn to the effortless sex appeal of the flirty Libra. Libra women ooze femininity and Cancer men find this extremely attractive. Even dressed down, Libra women have a magnetic aura that draws men to them. Libra women are the personification of the infamous Drake line:

" Sweatpants, hair tied, chillin' with no make-up on/That's when you're the prettiest, I hope that you don't take it wrong"

Turned off by aggressive and overtly sexual women, Libra has the kind of unassuming, girl-next-door beauty that Cancer men are typically attracted to. Similarly, Libra women can easily find a sense of security and stability with her Cancer mate who, like her, is ultimately seeking a long-term partnership. Libra is comforted by Cancer's traditional values, emotional sensitivity, deep respect and appreciation for her. This is one relationship where Libra won't feel like any aspect of herself is being taken for granted!

Cancer is attracted to Libra's light and breezy demeanor. The male crab is put off by fiery, confrontational women. Libra's peaceable, congenial nature is extremely attractive and soothing to the highly-sensitive crab. Likewise, Libra is deeply drawn to Cancer's gentlemanly, considerate and soft-natured personality. She is pulled in by his sensitivity, feeling compelled to nurture him. Cancer's vulnerability creates a soft spot in Libra's heart for him.

What is sex like between a Cancer man and a Libra woman? 

Sexually, Cancer men are attracted to assertive partners who don't mind taking control in the bedroom. He loves a woman who is free and won't hesitate to get on top and take control of her sexuality and orgasm. He is a giving lover who takes his woman's pleasure very seriously, especially when it comes to oral! He is naturally attracted to breasts and isn't squeamish in his strong attraction to the female anatomy. He will quite literally worship his woman in bed!

Libra is extremely sexually open, free and loves variety. She is uninhibited and loves trying new tricks in the bedroom. She is aroused by her mate's sexual desire and feeds off of Cancer's intense passion for her. Libra has no tolerance for monotonous or boring sex. In contrast, Cancer, while highly sexual and deeply emotional, is happy with a routine sex life.

Overall, there is a comfortable, invigorating synergy between both signs sexually.

What is a relationship like between a Cancer man and a Libra woman?

The Cancer man wants to settle down with a deeply empathetic partner. Cancer finds the most comfort in a motherly figure who is happy to provide for and cater to him while emotionally affirming him and encouraging his growth. Cancer men have no qualms about getting involved with older women; and, quite frankly, that may be the most appropriate and fulfilling dynamic for him.

The Libra woman needs a keen, patient listener who she can constantly bounce ideas off of. She needs intellectual stimulation and plenty of new experiences in life. She hates feeling bored or tied down in relationships and needs a life filled with beautiful experiences and surroundings. She is intensely empathetic to the mistreatment of others and may even find herself fighting for a cause. She roots for the underdog always because injustice affects her deeply.

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What may cause a Libra woman and a Cancer man to break up?

The Cancer male, who errs on the jealous side, may find himself feeling insecure by the attention his flirty Libra woman always seems to attract. Not one to be ill-mannered, Libra refuses to curtly rebuff male suitors, opting instead to politely (or even apologetically!) decline advances.

Libra's naturally social and flirty attitude to others can bruise Cancer's fragile ego. He feels she's "too nice" to other men and sends mixed messages to them. To him, she's impossible to pin down! Cancer feels disrespected by Libra's pleasantries, perceiving it as a lack of loyalty. Cancer's insecurities are deeply triggered, causing him to clam up and brood silently - much to the bewilderment of Libra.

In contrast, easy-breezy Libra is constantly weighing the pros and cons of a potential mate before settling down. She refuses to allow herself to be tied down to the wrong person. She values her independence and freedom. While deeply empathetic, she doesn't have the time or the patience for what she deems to be unreasonable and immature emotional responses.

To add fuel to the fire, indecisive Libra is always looking for any hints of incompatibility in relationships; and at the first hint of conflict or unpleasantry, she is inclined to detach from it. She may easily find herself repulsed by Cancer's jealousy and resentful nature. Turned off, she won't hesitate to leave the relationship altogether.

Unevolved Cancer is jealous and possessive. When he develops a strong bond with someone, he holds onto that bond for life. Sensing Libra's flirtatious nature, Cancer may shut down and remove Libra from the running, doubting her trustworthiness and loyalty.

Cancer's moodiness tends to throw Libra off-balance and Libra's flightiness triggers Cancer's deep insecurities.

Cancer Man Libra Woman Summary

A relationship between a Cancer man and a Libra woman has the foundation needed for a successful relationship, so long as certain critical pitfalls are avoided.

Cancer needs to be aware of his tendency toward jealousy and possessiveness. He has to feel secure enough within himself and his relationship to allow her plenty of room and freedom to express herself in the way that feels most natural to her, without doubting her loyalty.

In turn, Libra has to get rid of her deep fear of conflict and must be willing to compromise and be considerate of the effects her flirtiness has on her partner. She needs to practice gently confronting and addressing what she perceives to be Cancer's clingy and insecure behavior in order to reach a mutual understanding.

Once these major issues are addressed, Libra and Cancer can happily ride off into the sunset as romantic life partners - enjoying a relationship filled with empathy, peace, beautiful experiences and harmony.

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