
I am officially off of birth control. But it's not because I'm joining the growing number of women who are liberating themselves from the hormonal contraceptive and throwing it out one pack or NuvaRing at a time. It's really just because I ran out and don't have the desire to keep up with it.

I don't think I experienced a ton of side effects that were unbearable, but I do like the idea of being free of it and whatever side effects, no matter how insignificant, it brought along with it. Still, given a few current situations, I don't know that I can say right now is the best time to add kids into the mix.

So, after doing a ton of research, I found that tracking ovulation is the key. Because as I learned (really late in life), ovulation is the key to all things conception. But if you're not quite sure how to track it, or need a fool-proof method, these ovulation apps will keep up with your cycle and ovulation time frames even when you can't.

I have to point out there's really no contraceptive that's 100% guaranteed, but at least these apps can serve as a way to lower your chances of conceiving without going crazy:


This is an app that I can personally attest to. I've used it for a little more than a year, so it has had plenty of time to get to know my body just as well as I do. The app sync dates of when I'll start my period and of course when I'm ovulating. We pretty much go together now.

I felt comfortable depending on this app as an ovulation tracker after I realized it had my period dates down to a T. I also love that it doesn't just tell me the day I'm most likely ovulating but also lets me know the chances of getting pregnant on three different levels: there's the low chance (because I don't think any app can tell you that there's no chance of you conceiving), a chance, and a high chance. So I feel very comfortable getting it in when it tells me I have a low chance of getting pregnant. So far, so good.

For more info, click here.


Clue has already been recognized as the number one free period and ovulation tracker by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists journal.

It gets pretty specific and encourages you to not only journal your period cycles, but also journal symptoms of PMS, when you have sex, when you're in pain, and other factors like your cervical fluid and mood. It also color codes pretty much everything so it's easy to tell when your cycle is going to start, when you'll most likely ovulate, and the days you're the most fertile. It's pretty hard to beat that – especially for the free free.

3.​Natural Cycles

The Natural Cycles app is one of the best out there. It's the only birth control app in the entire world that doesn't use chemicals but rather analytics to help you plan for your pregnancy, or plan when not to have sex.

It's also 99.9% accurate, which is as close as you'll get. Because it's so accurate and unique, it does cost $6.90 a month (but the first month is free). It also requires a special thermometer that has two decimals (not the typical one used to monitor fevers).

It seems a little tedious to sign up, but I would think it's worth it considering the heavy tracking it does.

4.Life Period Tracker

I mean, this is pretty self-explanatory. The Life Period Tracker app has the ability to monitor everything in your life, at least the things concerning your period and ovulation.

But if you want to take things a step further, this app also tracks your health, fitness, and of course sexual activity. Just like with the other apps, the more you input your information, the more accurate and easier it will be for it to let you know when you're ovulating so you can respond accordingly. Plus, it's customizable. There's nothing wrong with a cute and customized app.

Sidebar: I actually was intrigued by this one so I plan on using this along with the Flo app. I think it's a great idea to use multiple apps for a better probability of reaching your goal (pregnancy or nah).


The Ovia Health app takes things a step further than using your cycle to track your ovulation. It also monitors and evaluates your eating habits to create an algorithm to let you know when you're ovulating. This is an amazing app for women who are trying and those who aren't. It touts its ability to get women pregnant three times faster than compared to its competitors in the market. This is likely because it has the most data set that has ever been composed. While this app is free, for an extra .99 cents you can use customized themes and content that relates to you specifically.

Related Stories:

  • I Detoxed My Uterus - Read More
  • The 411 On The Morning After Pill - Read More
  • Why I Quit Birth Control and Never Looked Back - Read More
  • I Tried 3 Different Methods of Birth Control and These Were the Side Effects - Read More

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