
Angel numbers are recurring numerical sequences that are meant to divinely guide us along our human journeys. They often appear as synchronicities and signs that we are meant to gain energetic insights from. These numbers begin to appear when you start to "wake up." This read will describe how angel numbers function and reveal interpretations of some of the most common sequences.

Besides counting my money, numerology was my first introduction to numbers, and I became very intrigued. It is the branch of knowledge that deals with the supernatural significance of numbers. Just like looking up your astrological natal chart, you can look up your numerology to map out things such as your life path number, as well as to foretell certain milestones during different intervals of your life.

Just as I began to be open to the significance of numbers, I started to see my first angel numbers. 11:11 mysteriously showed up whenever I would look up at my clock, on buses, on television, on someone's clothing, on posters, everywhere. Whenever I would cross the pedestrian crosswalk, my eyes always met the number 11 during the countdown. This numerical phenomenon felt eerie because every time I would see the number, I would feel a ripple crawl up my spine or arms. It was a new experience that I had never felt before.

Along with seeing the number 11:11, I began to have scattered thoughts and found myself sitting in more moments of silence than usual. It truly was as if I was trying to figure something out, while simultaneously thinking about a bunch of nothing.

Soon, new numbers begin to appear in my reality. I saw 444's and 222's popping up all over the place. I started to realize that the numbers were trying to tell me something, but I was too afraid to ask anyone else if they had been experiencing the same things.

Something within my spirit told me that this was not just a coincidence and that my intuition was picking up on a deeper meaning. It wasn't until I reconnected with my estranged sister, that I learned that I was "waking up." We had not seen or spoken to each other for almost a year and were brought together by a family crisis. I revealed to her what I was experiencing, and she knew exactly what I was speaking of because she had gone through the same thing.

Seeing the number 11:11 is the first sign that you are undergoing the process of Ascension, which, in short, is the journey of spiritual awakening. Through Ascension, you open your eyes to your own divine sovereignty with the realization that your physical body is just a vessel for infinite consciousness. It involves unplugging from "The Matrix," which is a structure of illusion that disconnects you from universal oneness and traps you in an existence of three-dimensional duality.

How Angel Numbers Work

Numbers are as natural as anything else on the Earth, both physically and biologically. Numerical patterns can be found in everything from plants, to the sequence of our human DNA. Consider the "Golden Ratio" or the "Fibonacci Code."

The Fibonacci code is a term in mathematics that is characterized by the fact that every number after the first two numbers in the sequence is the sum of the previous two. What happens with this specific numeric sequence when drawn out in a scale or diagram, is that it begins to spiral.

This spiral appears in the smallest and largest objects in nature, anywhere from flowers to whole galaxies. It is a way for information to flow in a very efficient manner. When you look at the mandala, a spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism that represents the universe, or a circular disk or spiral shape, you will notice how numerical coding creates patterns that are visible to the human eye.

Numbers are found at the core of everything. Numbers govern the universe. from nature to energy movement, to sound, colors, and sacred geometry - numbers are a binary universal language of their own.

No matter what race, gender, tongue, or creed, numbers speak to all of us. This is why numbers are used as indicators of rising consciousness and why numbers are one of the first signs or synchronicities you notice when you are waking up to your higher self.

When the universe relays messages to us during the beginning stages of Ascension we consciously become aware of the vibrational language and nature of numbers. They are nicknamed "angel" because these messages seem to come from above, but in reality, these numbers are simply understood by your higher consciousness.

The Most Common Angel Numbers & What They Mean

What is the meaning of angel number 1111?

This number represents Spiritual Awakening. It is the first number that most people see when they begin to wake up. This synchronicity tells you that you are aligned and going in the right direction. It is the confirmation you need that tells you that you are on the right path. It is also a code for twin flame connection and starseed awareness.

What is the meaning of angel number 222?

This number is about being in the right place at the right time, as well as meeting the right people. It's about balance, partnership, communication, and mutual respect. When you see this number, seek balance. Two is the number of relationships. When you see 2:22, pay attention to the people who are showing up in your world. You might be bumping into a soulmate or someone who will play a significant role in your world.

What is the meaning of angel number 333?

When you see the angel number 333, know that your spirit guides, angels, or ancestors are keenly watching over you even more during this time. They have your back and want you to know that they are protecting and guiding you. They are all for the current move you are making and want you to feel encouraged and empowered. You are never alone.

What is the meaning of angel number 444?

Jay-Z did not name his album 4:44 for nothing. When you see this number, this tells you that you are in alignment with spirit and the universe. You are currently buzzing with your purpose and experiencing inspiration. The Spirit is putting you on to something. Your intuition is on a high level. You are in tune with your higher self, and in this moment, you are your own guardian angel.

What is the meaning of angel number 555?

When you see this number, know that big changes are on the horizon. These changes could be what you have been praying for, or they can be sudden or abrupt. Either way, they will be impactful, and bring about a greater benefit to your life. This number also reminds you that you are more than just a person. You are a spiritual being having a human experience, and you are connected to a universal consciousness. Your soul knows what to do to survive, so trust your choices.

What is the meaning of angel number 777?

This number represents blessings, good fortune, new opportunities, expansion, prosperity, and wealth. This means that you have been aligning with your higher self, and on your divine path. When you see this synchronicity, know that all of your hard work, faith, and intuition will result in the aforementioned manifestations. This is a very lucky number!

The higher you go in numbers like 888, 999, and 1010, the longer you have been on the journey of spiritual awakening because the sequences are connected to all 7 chakras and beyond to the higher chakras.

Once you get more accustomed to seeing Angel numbers, you will begin to understand the vibration you feel when they occur without having to look them up.

Have you been seeing any angel numbers lately?

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