Scorpio season is in full effect, and with it, is a new moon in Scorpio kicking the month off on November 7.

Although new moons signify and symbolize new beginnings, the Scorpio's influence lends to this newness a state of confusion as well. Nevertheless, as we enter this new month and new season, accept that sometimes the hardest thing about beginning again is to actually start. So as you release, cultivate, and manifest, understand that a big theme of this month is the mantra "let go and let flow." Read on to learn what else November has in store for each sign.

Aries (March 21-Apr. 19)

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

During November, all of your interactions with those around you will intensify as the energies of the Scorpio Sun travels in the relationship part of the chart. Adding to this, the energy of your co-ruling planet, Mars, will enter into Scorpio on the 11th. These strong feelings to merge and understand your fellow humans will become even stronger during the Scorpio full moon on the 12th. In order to gain as much insight as possible during this time, it might be best to ask yourself in deep reflection what you want from your current relationships and what you are willing to do to preserve it?

As the first sign of the zodiac, you are always on the lookout to how you might become a pioneer in the world. Well, this time is your time to plant the seeds of true friendship and partnership. This may be the best time to do job interviews, as the energies of your strong Sun sign combined with the energies needing to merge with others will allow your potential boss to see your more humanistic side.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Tensions arise when the bull is awakened from his slumber! With the Scorpio Sun opposing your own sign and going through a relationship upheaval, and joining with oh-so-intense and passionate Mars, you will be the one who confronts the very thing that you wish to avoid: confrontation. But it is only through confrontation that you may see the deeper intimacy of your closest relationships. So if there has been something nagging in your mind about that someone in particular, this will be the best time to let loose and tell your loved one how you have been feeling. Don't worry, at the end of the month, you will be back to your same pastoral fun-loving, peace-loving self.

While, this is a great time for you to let all your passion and feelings out at home, at work, this intensity may be a little too much for your co-workers to handle. So unless you have a true gripe that needs to have intervention for the sake of smooth sailings at work, temper your tongue, take a deep breath and wait for it to pass.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

While Pluto, the planet of power, does a little tap dance opposite your Sun sign during this time, you may wonder where your typical airy and carefree nature has gone. That Pluto dance is a source of learning about yourself though, dear Gemini. Take this time to go deeper and learn why those little things that are bothering you are taking its toll. There might be more in there psychologically than you realize! This is a great time to journal and reflect the deeper meaning of your current angst. With your powerful need to communicate, be careful not to become too nitpicky with others at this time. This is a time for YOU to understand your deeper psyche. Surrender to it in silence and reflection and see what appears to help you grow. Sun, Mars and the New Moon all in Scorpio in the 12th is the perfect time to go into retreat, or take that class in writing that you've been thinking about.

At work, you may suddenly awaken to needs in your physical environment that need fixing. With your gift of communication, you're the perfect delegate to negotiate for an upgraded working environment. Talk about taking one for the team! Also, this is a great time to find out which gyms are en route and start a new exercise routine that you can stick to.

Cancer (June 21-Jul. 22)

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Oh my dear moon child. You may have been getting quite the hard lessons since this past summer. During this time, you are learning to be your own bad cop/good cop and it's making you wonder what the heck is going on in that brain of yours. Where is all the tough inner love coming from? Why are you being hard on yourself only to soothe your psyche later with your old comfortable habits? You can thank the planet of rules and boundaries for that. Good ol' dependable Saturn has been doing a number on you since it entered Cancer last summer. You may have been fraught with tension over not being "responsible". Or perhaps, one little mishap of parenting may have you feeling like a terrible parent. But rest assured, Saturn is also a good parent of the planetary system with its influence reminding us to persevere and take root. This is a time for you to understand your ability to take true account and responsibility for your actions and leave victimhood in the dust.

At work, you are learning how to become a self-starter. You may have noticed that you are left in the dark about certain procedures and maintenance. While you have usually rested your laurels on predictive environments, Saturn is unleveling the field and having you learn self-reliance and individualization.

Leo (Jul. 23-Aug. 22)

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Ahh...the smell of bread baking in the oven. The leaves falling in the Autumn air and retreating to your inner world with a good book or journal. This is usually the domain of more Earth or water-bound signs to revel in. But as Mars settles into Scorpio, you will be entertaining your inner world with a more introspective feel. Mars is a planet of action. But in Scorpio, it reminds us to surrender to our inner worlds. But don't let all of your Leo prowess go to waste! The inner life is a full life as well. You may not be the life of the party at this time, but you certainly can entertain yourself in the privacy of your own home. With Mars traversing the area of home and family, this is the perfect time to undertake a project in your own home. Let your Leo shine as you renovate, design, and do fun projects around the house. Mars will give you the energy that you need to sustain an energetic home life. The 4th house is also the house of the past. This is a wonderful time to work on your family tree or put together a photo or scrapbook.

With Mars doing its duty in your house of domestic bliss, you may want to work on career projects at home if you are able to! If you have been wondering what to work on lately, or thinking of a craft business, this is a great time to create a craft inventory at home to sell during the holidays.

Virgo (Aug 23-Sept. 22)

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Your ruling planet Mercury has surely been on a planetary ride lately, going from a focused and intense Scorpio energy into the more exuberant, optimistic, and enthusiastic energies of Sagittarius on November 4th. As a Virgo, you know very well how hard you can be on yourself. Sagittarius energies can normally be very annoying to the Virgo who dwells in details and having everything ever so perfect. Sagittarius is like that gregarious and loud uncle that makes you cringe during Thanksgiving. That uncle has something to teach you during this month though: don't take everything so serious. Lighten up at this time and smell the roses.

While you are usually the one to be the careful and dependable work mate and employee, Scorpio planets traversing your 3rd house and Mercury in Sagittarius at this time may have turned you into a philosopher. During the full moon in Gemini on November 26th, you will use this power to your greatest advantage to voice the bigger picture at work and in your personal world.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Hey relationship guru! The world is truly your oyster right now! Slow moving Jupiter, the planet of growth, expansion, and wisdom has been traveling through Libra for a while now. You may have noticed that your energies towards a goal or project has been fully received by the Universe and helpers have been all coming out of the woodwork to help you! And you deserve it my fair Libra. Because you are always the one to help others but typically have a hard time asking for help yourself! You are reaping what you have sown. My dear Libra, this is your time to shine. The last cycle of Jupiter been harsh on you over the last few years, I know. You just want everyone to get along and you may have cried, "It's not fair" several times. But know that energies are in your favor now as you reach your goals in style, grace, and with helping hands.

You are a star at work Libra! As you shine your light in everything you work on, others see your enthusiasm and are lining up to help you in your endeavors. Teamwork is key here and you are the mascot of the team!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

There's something intense brewing here Scorpio! You may have felt it coming on lately; this overwhelming need to create maximum intensity in your environment. To rebirth, rejuvenate, and recreate! Express your passions at this time and take on your desire for action and creation. This November is particularly powerful for you Scorpio, as Mars and your Sun join forces on November 11th, making you feel like you can take on the world. So what will it be? That incredible idea for a project you have put on the back-burner? Want to start your own business? Travel the world spreading your message? Now is the time!

Your mind, spirit, and body are all intensely attuned to one another right now. At work, you may have the power and control you have been seeking to get the job done. Just watch out for others in your environment! Be sure that they understand that it's simply your passions unleashing into the world. They'd better get out of your way!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Dreams and aspirations are your target dear Archer! The intensity of the Scorpio planets meshing with your 12th house of dreams, spirituality, and the unconscious make for a real rich inner life at this time. But unlike your typical Sagittarius-ness of getting upfront and personal, this is a time instead to go deeper into the unconscious. If you've been seeking an answer to any problems, write them down before going to bed and let your subconscious do its work while you sleep. This ability will be the most apparent during the full moon on November 12th. The house of Pisces (12th house) is all about the subliminal and unseen. Allow the wisdom of Pisces to teach you about your own rich, inner world. As Jupiter continues to traverse friendly Libra, people will continue to amaze you on how a community together can inspire and collaborate for a difference in the world.

On November 2nd, Mercury, the planet of communication will cycle into your sign and because of its retrograde action dancing back and forth through the Universe, it will be staying until January 10th of 2019. What this means for you Sag, is that you will have no problem expressing your ideals and inspiration to others. This might be a great time to write out all the ideas for a book project and contact an agent! Your boldness and optimism will work wonders for you at this time.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Take a good hard look at your relationships at this time, Capricorn. Both personal and business. Have you been eyeing that promotion? You know you deserve it! Go for it! Want more equality at home? Express it! You may be a little fuzzy about what you want in your relationships...but you know you want something! Just be clear to yourself and others about what you desire. Your ruling planet of Saturn will begin his five-month retrograde cycle on the 8th of November, traversing your relationship house in full view. But what you give you also attract. Others around you will be exerting their needs as well right back at 'cha!

Jupiter will float into 10th house this month adding to your need to exceed. You may be tempted to go towards a career dream that you have been wanting for a while. Now is the time to get that promotion or raise (or both!) or to get outta Dodge and find a better work situation. Be bold, Capricorn!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

An awesome need for something magical and meaningful overwhelms you starting on the second week of November, Aquarius. Your personal planet Uranus is finally moving forward after a long five-month slumber of retrograde madness, which may have made you feel stagnant. You may feel enlivened and awakened again during this time and feeling like magic is once again within your grasp. As the humanitarian of the zodiac, you can feel free to express your uniqueness and originality as others will be receptive to your thoughts. And nowhere will this be more apparent than in a work environment. Your powerful sense of mission will translate well this month as others have been waiting for your ideas.

Your air friends Libra and Gemini will be particularly helpful to you at this time as they understand your zaniness and can translate it well to get a big project done.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

As Uranus, the planet of originality and unique abilities moves forward again in your sign of Pisces on the 11th, it will be as if a blindfold is removed from your eyes, allowing you to see your own truth. You are a creative and powerfully spiritual being, Pisces. Others will be amazed at your genius and you will surprise others with your own personal reinvention of yourself! Not a stranger to going within and discovering your personal truths, you will feel enlivened and super aware of your life path during this time! Talk about exciting! You are empowered to do what you want, when you want, and HOW you want. Let all of it out Pisces! You may feel resistance from others, but after all, isn't this your life we're talking about?

You may want a huge change in lifestyle at this time. Feeling emboldened by your own sense of your place in this world, you could very easily leave on a humanitarian or self-exploration trip or retreat at this time. When you return, your mission will be more apparent than ever and your life will be enriched forever after.

All images by Laci Jordan for xoNecole