
It can be said that aligning and opening your chakras is the key to finding inner peace, ultimate happiness, and eventual enlightenment. Chakras are energetic focal points in the human body that are used in an array of meditation techniques in the esoteric traditions of Indian religions and used in holistic healing and modern, new age thought and psychology. With aligned and tuned chakras, you can experience the world energetically, as we as divine beings were meant too.
You can understand the chakras as circular spinning vortexes that work with 7 different energy compartments that center up and down your body. These energetic centers through which life force flows are an integral part of how we process emotions, vibrational frequencies, and higher consciousness.
A closed chakra can lead to creative, spiritual, emotional, and energetic blockages, as well as physically manifested illnesses. The 7 chakra centers in your body start at the base of your spine and work all the way up to the top of your head. A healthy, well-adjusted human being has exactly the right amount of energy moving through every part of their body, mind, and spirit.
In order to transform your life, you must balance, open, and heal each of your 7 chakras.

To open your chakras, you must acknowledge that you are aware of their energies. Partaking in grounding exercises, such as yoga, swimming, or simply walking in nature, as you visualize each chakra can help you become more aware of their presence. Meditation and visualization is another way in which you can open your chakras. Focusing on the colors of each chakra can also help you realize the energies.
To heal your chakras, you can use elements such as crystals and incense aromatherapy, along with your meditation and visualization techniques to open them. Using affirmations can also help heal and cleanse your chakras. Using tarot cards, might help you locate what chakra needs the most aid. You can also simply get a lot of natural sunlight, and monitor the types of foods you eat. Drink herbaceous teas, such as chamomile and sage tea to soothe the chakras. To balance and tune your chakras, you can use Meditative Music and Healing Sounds with a certain amount of frequency in hertz in alignment with Pranayama Breathing techniques.
Now that you have some resources on how to open, heal, and balance your chakras, read through the following list of where each chakra is found, how they function, and how you may be affected if any of your chakras are closed or wounded.
The root chakra or the 1st Chakra is placed at the base of your spinal cord, or your lower vertebrae, and behind your pelvic area.
The energy that it works with is of the earth, so it deals with feeling physically grounding and connecting to all things energetically. It affects our sense of security, survival, courage, natural instincts, and making sure that our basic needs of, food, water, shelter, and self-preservation is intact.
Someone who does not care for either of these things most likely has a weakly activated root chakra. With this chakra balanced, opened, and healed, one can better maintain financial security and the ability to smoothly manifest desires in a very physical way.
With this chakra closed, one might have issues with utilizing common sense, the ability to get grounded when under pressure, or have the bad habit of lashing out and not controlling their thoughts, feelings, impulses, anger, fears, and emotions.
Affirmation: "I am a divine being of light, and I am peaceful, protected and secure."
The Sacral Chakra, or the 2nd Chakra, is placed a few inches below the navel, centering your lower belly. Its energy extends to the genital area, at the level of ovaries for women and the testicles for men.
It deals with the physical and psychological energy of our emotional state. It is associated with our feelings, sexuality, creativity, fantasies, passions, and sensual pleasures. Because of this, a balanced and open Sacral Chakra controls the connection of our inner to outer worlds. Because this chakra is linked to our pleasures, it governs the interactions of our human senses of hearing, taste, touch, and sight. It has everything to do with how we "feel" or experience the world around us or, as well as how we express our reactions to all kinds of pleasures. If the Sacral Chakra is out of whack, our overall sense of well-being and contentment can be affected.
Someone with a tainted, jaded, or addictive relationship to sex, or affinity for pleasurable fetishes for instance will likely have an agitated Sacral Chakra.
Affirmation:"I am radiant, beautiful and strong and enjoy a healthy and passionate life."
The solar plexus chakra, or the 3rd chakra, is placed on the belly, behind your navel, where your diaphragm lies.
It is connected to your gastric and pancreatic health, and is also known as the "Power Chakra"; it deals with your ability to assert your personal will and desire to make things happen in your life. How you react to your external circumstances has a lot to do with this Chakra. The psychological and behavioral functions of your intellect, formation of ideas, thoughts, plans, goals, intentions, and personal willpower is driven by this chakra. It affects your confidence, self-esteem, and how you self-actualize your skills and abilities. This is where you get the energy and motivation to make something of yourself.
Someone who is chronically depressed and stagnant in their lives, or is lazy and unable to take any accountability for their circumstances, likely suffers from a closed or wounded solar plexus.
Affirmation: "I am positively empowered and successful in all my ventures."
The Heart Chakra, or the 4th Chakra, is located right over the center of your chest where you feel your heart beating.
The heart chakra is the source of where any personal and spiritual transformation begins. It is biologically linked to the lungs, the cardiac system, and the Thymus gland, which produces and regulates hormones. It deals with the love you have for yourself and others, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, acceptance, change, inner peace, grieving, discernment, awareness, and insights. It governs your ability to feel connected and harmonious within yourself, with others, as well as how you can appreciate and internalize external beauty and gratitude for life itself.
Someone with a blockage in their heart chakra might struggle with jealousy, envy, hate, anger, ego, addiction, and codependency.
Affirmation: "Love is the answer to everything in life, and I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally."
The Throat Chakra, or the 5th Chakra, is located over your throat at the center of your neck.
It is associated with the psychological and biological functions of expressing yourself through speech and communication. It deals with the transpiration of vibrations through sound and tone. It governs your ability to express yourself through verbal and nonverbal communication, both internally and externally, speaking up for yourself, walking in your truth, articulating your needs, wants, desires, and boundaries, vocalizing your ideas, and creativity, and the ability to have tact and discernment of appropriate timing in conversation.
Someone who has a poor sense of humor lacks, the ability to think before they speak, has a problem with fibbing, perceived as being a "know-it-all", talking too much or gossiping, is tone-deaf, overly sarcastic or disrespectful, unable to express and project self-expression through creativity, might have a closed or wounded throat chakra.
Affirmation: "My thoughts are positive, and I always express myself truthfully and clearly."
The Third Eye Chakra is located in the center of your forehead, in between your eyebrows.
It acts as the center for your intuition and foresight. It processes knowledge and understanding that cannot be physically seen with the naked eye. It is responsible for phenomenons, such as "deja vu", and our ability to see "movies" or visual descriptions in our heads when we read books, or are being told stories. It is where our imagination and ability to visualize and dream stems from. It is biologically linked to the Pineal gland, which is in charge of regulating biorhythms, such as our sleeping patterns and REM cycles. It helps us project our multi-dimensional perceptions. It allows us to tap into our innate psychic abilities. When your third eye is completely open to the max, you might feel your forehead itching.
Someone who has a blockage in their third eye chakra might struggle with being unable to see beyond their problems and understand the "bigger picture", be stuck within their own delusions and fantasies, unable to connect with their spirit guides, or resonate with anything of a spiritual, or "unseen" nature.
Affirmation:"I am tuned into the divine universal wisdom and always understand the true meaning of life situations."
The Crown Chakra is located right on the top of your head.
This chakra is associated with connection to higher states of consciousness, wisdom, and integrating your higher self into your physical body. It is the last chakra that is activated and aligned after what is called a "Kundalini Rising"; which is divine source energy that rises through the Root Chakra all the way up to your Crown Chakra. Once this process is complete, a human being can experience spiritual ascension, where the consciousness is elevated to a higher dimension, or in other words, this is the process of enlightenment.
A completely activated Crown chakra will give you access to an understanding of universal truths versus humanity's illusions, euphoric bliss, empathic connections, the ability to enter the vibration of the "I Am Presence", the understanding of Oneness and Collective consciousness, as well as the power to manifest through lack and limit. Someone with a blocked or wounded Crown chakra might feel that the world might be out to get them, will be unable to co-create their reality, and will be stuck within the limits of 3D vibration.
Affirmation:"I am complete and one with the divine energy."
Featured image by Shutterstock
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Originally published April 29, 2018
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