
With the Fall Equinox settling in right before October arrives, and the change of seasons of the Earth, the fast moving energies of the summer will be slowing down.
Collectively, we will all be feeling the need to detach from things that don't feel right to us anymore, reflect on where our lives seem to be heading, and become more insular and cognizant of how we are transforming emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
The planetary activity is not as active in the sky as it has been, so for many of us, a feeling of calm, pause, balance, and retreat may be on our spirits.
Scorpio will be the month's MVP! Venus enters a retrograde in Scorpio on the 6th. A new moon illuminates the earth in Libra on the 9th, and Mercury is ready to set things off in Scorpio on the 10th.
There will be 10 days of quick interactions between multiple planets between October 11th through the 22nd, and the planetary movements become more energized with the Sun entering Scorpio on October 23rd. Lastly, a full moon will be arriving in Taurus on October 24th.
Click through the gallery below to see how October is looking for your zodiac sign based on my tarot readings! Also be sure to pre-order your own deck here!


In the beginning of the month for Aries, Venus retrograding into Scorpio will show you how you have learned to curve certain impulses, temptations, ego, and shadow self-behaviors - or where you may need some more work. Though you may deal with dense emotions, situations, or thoughts, the work you have put in after an intense summer will have you starting the Fall season off in a higher vibrational state. You will more likely be able to observe yourself from a transformed state of realization and have a stronger ability to make better choices.
With Venus energy in Scorpio, don't be afraid to admit you are a total snack from the inside out who continues to embody your best self on the daily.
There will be a duo of back-to-back energies of the New Moon in Libra and Mercury entering Scorpio that will affect Aries starting on the 9th and 10th. First, the Libra New Moon will highlight the need for direction, balance, and understanding your next big step, choice, or life change. Don't throw all your eggs in one basket, but also don't plan so far ahead and become dead set on expectations. Secondly, Mercury entering Scorpio will send out some selfish vibes but not necessarily in a bad way. Wherever you have been over-extending yourself or losing your focus will be emphasized.
Optimize your time and energy for your greatest good.
Near the middle of the month, there is a 10-day purge of energy that may send an Aries through a purifying detox, where things that no longer serve you may just randomly fall from your life, creating space for rebirth and a new way of doing things. Go with it!
And finally, another back-to-back duo of energies caused by the Sun entering Scorpio and a Full Moon in Taurus will finally relieve a dense energy you have been carrying and allow you to move on in any area you are affected. Additionally, the lunar energies from the Full Moon in Taurus will ring all of your intuitive bells and whistles, with an influx of higher understanding.

October 2018 will be fueled by subconscious energy for Taurus signs. Venus is the planet that rules Taurus, so her retrograde in Scorpio will pull up some subconscious insecurities, or strong emotions, at the beginning of the month.
Any kind of setbacks or disappointments could hit a Taurus strongly, especially if they have been taken into the Fall season.
It will be crucial for you to be self-affirming and showered in self-love if October brings in the blues. You will find yourself inspired to become more creative by journaling, dancing, singing, fantasizing, or getting in touch with your heart center. This will help you transition into a more blissful autumn.
There will be a duo of back-to-back energies of the New Moon in Libra, and Mercury entering Scorpio that will affect Taureans starting on the 9th and 10th. The New Moon in Libra will incite a deep desire to connect intimately with someone you are sexually attracted to, yet the vibe will be less about messing around and more about fostering an energetic or spiritual connection with someone new. Be on the lookout for a new potential lover if you are single or dating. Next, Mercury entering Scorpio will help loosen any heavier energies from the beginning of the month.
You may feel lighter, or generally in a better mood than you have been. It might be time for you to let go, talk something out, and surrender to something.
Near the middle of the month, there is a 10-day flow of energy that may throw Taureans into a consecutive period of time where they are busy working up a storm! This could be a positive thing for you if you have been experiencing recent money troubles. Stay on course, and bang it out!
And finally, another back-to-back duo of energies, caused by the Sun entering Scorpio and a Full Moon in your sign, may present an opportunity for you to actively get more work in your field, or you may experience a manifestation of something you have been working on. Secondly, the Full Moon in your sign could finally bring in an external shift that has been necessary for you to progress in your purpose.
In the beginning of the month for Gemini, Venus retrograding into Scorpio will have the airy Gemini actually wanting to feel more grounded. Wherever you have struggled, you will desire for a peace of mind and will be more willing to subdue any resistance you've held onto.
Your inner motives will be asking you to quit fighting the flow of where your life seems to be moving and take a break of needing to unmask unknown chapters of your life.
Even if October brings up some uncomfortable feelings or experiences, take the lessons in stride. You need a break from overthinking. There will be a duo of back-to-back energies of the New Moon in Libra and Mercury entering Scorpio that will affect Geminis starting on the 9th and 10th. Firstly, the New Moon in Libra could bring old feelings or romantic emotions to the surface.
Reflection on past memories could be echoing in your spirit. This energy could bring back somebody from the past that you do not expect. Secondly, Mercury entering Scorpio will induce a trip down memory lane as you reminisce about how certain experiences and conversations in your past have shaped and molded your present world in a way that you never truly realized. What you find could clear up some buried confusion.
The universe is not letting up on the emotions with Geminis! Near the middle of the month, there is a 10-day influx of energy that may will have you feeling less like a Gemini and more like a Cancer or Scorpio.
Feel whatever comes up fully and be transparent with yourself and those around you.
And finally, another back-to-back duo of energies caused by the Sun entering Scorpio and a Full Moon in Taurus will have a more emotional Gemini snapping back into their old self. You may be getting busier with work or moving your attention onto financial matters. Ultimately, you will want to get overwhelming emotions back down to a palpable intensity.
In the beginning of the month for Cancer, Venus retrograding into Scorpio will have Cancers wanting to turn a new leaf - no pun intended - for the change of seasons.
Cancers will feel like they are literally transitioning into a new space emotionally, and physically.
You might feel like you want to dead any old conflicts and walk away from any useless situations, arguments, or surroundings. This reintroduction to self and emotional alignment will take the wheel. You will be focused on you when it comes to making sure you take care of things such as doctor's appointments, bills paid to the balance, licenses and permits locked in, and classes or seminars booked and paid for, etc.
There will be a duo of back-to-back energies of the New Moon in Libra, and Mercury entering Scorpio that will affect Cancers starting on the 9th and 10th. This energy will bring the focus to all of your relationships. First, the New Moon in Libra will have you sealing the deal on relationships that are near completion. If you find yourself dealing with someone who doesn't reciprocate what you offer, you'll likely drift away from that individual. Mercury entering Scorpio will not allow you to put up with mind games, dishonesty, or pettiness.
The more you feel restricted, or held back by anything, the more you will move further from it.
Near the middle of the month, there is a 10-day purge of energy that may send you on a energy cleanse that involves removing yourself from any negativity around you. You might have to go ghost for a while and come back dripping in your own finesse.
And finally, another back-to-back duo of energies caused by the Sun entering Scorpio and a Full Moon in Taurus will bring the Cancer's attention back to creativity, expansion, business, and growing your wealth or brand. After working through a lot of emotional stuff and moving away from negativity the whole month long, the Full Moon in Taurus will have you wanting to get back to the money.
In the beginning of the month for Leo, Venus retrograding into Scorpio will send wake-up calls regarding lack, self-perception and self-worth. Both Venus and Scorpio are two planets that are heavily focused inward and on self. Wherever you have been having subconscious feelings of not being enough, or being afraid of losing something, it will come to the surface. Whatever emotional or mental changes you must make in order to end downward cycles surrounding loss, doubt, and self-fulfilling prophecy and must come to an end. The beginning of the month could be dense emotionally.
If you do the work, you will come out on the other end empowered with new insights on how to continue progressing with less fear.
There will be a duo of back-to-back energies of the New Moon in Libra and Mercury entering Scorpio that will affect Leos starting on the 9th and 10th. The New Moon in Libra may have you feeling bolder, more confident, and back to that Leo fire that keeps you motivated and brave. Libra is all about balance, so the fire in your sign will be getting back to its normal intensity. Mercury entering Scorpio will ask you to reassess how you express yourself.
Is there another way for you to assert yourself without accessing ego or fear?
Near the middle of the month, there is a 10-day purge of energy that may show you that your perception and attitude will dictate what manifests in your reality. You may experience a crash course in Positivity 101.
And finally, another back-to-back duo of energies caused by the Sun entering Scorpio and a Full Moon in Taurus will start on the 23rd. A new job or networking opportunity could pop up in your reality, but you will likely have to deal with a high-powered individual or boss along the way. This energy could also mean that you have to become more self-disciplined. The Full Moon could bring back some lessons from the beginning of the month and it is up to you to ride the wave or be pulled under.
In the beginning of the month for Virgo, Venus retrograding into Scorpio will hit Virgos hard in the love and relationship department. A very intense wave of energy will hit the emotions and heart centers of many of you. Wherever there has been any underlying issues will be brought to the surface. This energy can come in the form of rehashed old arguments, feelings, or cycles. It could be hard to focus on much else in the beginning of the month, as intense Venus energy backtracks into emotional wreck Scorpio. The best way to get through this time is to communicate clearly, feel emotions fully, and don't let anything slide. Be upfront, and clear with your partner about what can absolutely no longer persist. In any case, avoid sliding anything under the rug!
Whatever hardships you face in any area of life must but be dealt with openly. It's time to face the music.
There will be a duo of back-to-back energies of the New Moon in Libra and Mercury entering Scorpio that will affect Virgos starting on the 9th and 10th. The New Moon in Libra will push Virgos to K.O. any last blockages surrounding speaking up for themselves. Libra is all about making things right and getting due justice. If you have been putting up with inconveniences, disrespect, or any kind of abuse, the New Moon just may push you over the edge. Don't be afraid to speak your piece and act on your heart's desires. Mercury entering Scorpio will ask you to "man up," so to speak. Put yourself first wherever you have been "taking the L." It's time for you to get what you feel you deserve. You may even surprise yourself by how sternly you can lay the law.
You set the precedent for how people continue to treat you.
Near the middle of the month, there is a 10-day purge of energy that may send you on a self-love retreat. Even if you can't pack your bags and get away for a couple of weeks, you need to emotionally and mentally check in to a self-care hotel. Commit to 10 days of "doing you."
And finally, another back-to-back duo of energies caused by the Sun entering Scorpio and a Full Moon in Taurus will finally bring a sense of calm surrounding the intensities from the beginning of the month. Something may have come full circle, and the dust will have settled. You would have learned to allocate more "me time," and listen to your emotions and body more. The lunar energies from the Full Moon in Taurus will have you chilling out and being less involved in the dizzying energies of others.
In the beginning of the month for Libra, Venus retrograding into Scorpio could bless you with something you have been waiting to pay off, or take effect.
Luck is on your side with things finally working itself out, and things developing quickly in your favor. You might start the month off rolling.
Be on the lookout for a new job or career opportunity. You might find yourself pleasantly surprised that you snag a position where you are in a place of supervision or management. This is the perfect time to step up and be a team leader, or vere off and do your own thing creatively. With the sultry energy of Venus, and the sexual vibe of Scorpio, your aura could be releasing seductive vibes or "playboy" charm. Be careful not to move in too fast on a new relationship, or be swayed into having a taste of candy you shouldn't be eating quite yet.
There will be a duo of back-to-back energies of the New Moon in your sign, and Mercury entering Scorpio that will affect Libras starting on the 9th and 10th. The New Moon in your sign might have your focus off. The energies could affect your ability to be on time or just unable to get it together. You might feel easily distracted, lazy, or delusional. You might need an energy kick if you feel lethargic more than usual. Mercury entering Scorpio will have you feeling a little testy. You might feel like you want to do things your way, or feel like something is no longer worth your time. Before you make any irrational or impulsive decisions think about how your actions may affect you down the line.
Try not to make any sudden changes during the second week of the month.
Near the middle of the month, there is a 10-day rush of energy that may send you through an unexpected range of emotions. You may randomly find that you are not satisfied with anything! You may have scattered thoughts, ideas, and desires. Something could occur that causes your whole routine to switch up. If this occurs, do not lose your wits. Stay grounded and in control of your actions.
And finally, another back-to-back duo of energies caused by the Sun entering Scorpio and a Full Moon in Taurus will bring the needed focus back to whatever it was diverted from in the beginning of the month. You may feel like everything is finally making sense and you have escaped the twilight zone. You may re-establish your dedication to something that was let go during the middle of the month. The Full Moon in Taurus will have you feeling like you have your head screwed on straight again and you can clearly process any unresolved energies.
This is your month! In the beginning of October for you, Venus retrograding into your sign will bring on a release of a fear, loss, or blockage that has been holding you back from following your gut feelings when it comes to making a huge choice. This could be a decision about making a physical move, a shift in career, or a leap of faith in another direction. Venus is confident and bold, as she backtracks into inspired and intuitive Scorpio. This could be the push you need to be decisive, committed, and fierce.
Listen to your higher self closely. Follow inner guidance.
There will be a duo of back-to-back energies of the New Moon in Libra and Mercury entering Scorpio that will affect you starting on the 9th and 10th. The New Moon in Libra may reveal to you the places where you have become codependent, reliant, or complacent in an area of life. It will be made very clear and you will likely have to come to terms with it very quickly because Mercury moving into your sign will force accountability. It will be a 1,2 punch of energy that gives you little time to linger.
If you don't process this energy, it could trip you up later in the month.
Near the middle of the month, there is a 10-day surge of energy that may help you act fearlessly, free of ego, care about appearances, or expectations of others. This could be a transformative consecutive string of days that help you get in touch with your inner child and truest self.
And finally, another back-to-back duo of energies caused by the Sun entering Scorpio and a Full Moon in Taurus will excite sexual feelings and desires as the Sun heats up your lust in Scorpio. However you channel this energy is up to you. You might find yourself around someone who turns you on but maybe somehow off limits. The Full Moon in Taurus may bring up any residual energy from that Libra New Moon and Mercury in Scorpio. If you've cleared whatever came up and became more transparent with yourself, then you should easily flourish into November feeling ready.
In the beginning of the month for Sagittarius, Venus retrograding into Scorpio could alert you to some disappointing news, or in the least bit, annoying.
Instead of sulking in a negative vibe, use whatever comes up around this time to your advantage.
If you are thrown a lemon, make some bomb ass lemonade. There is an energy of "I'll show 'em better than I can tell 'em!" Venus is inventive, resourceful, and a creator. Pair this energy with the finesse of Scorpio, and make it work!
There will be a duo of back-to-back energies of the New Moon in Libra and Mercury entering Scorpio that will affect Sagittarius signs starting on the 9th and 10th. The New Moon in Libra will give Sagittarians a new attitude and direction that has been a long time coming in any area of life. Some of you will feel like you have been reset, refocused, and ready for action. If you don't, take this opportunity to buckle up and prepare yourself to be action- and results-oriented. You will have the energy in your favor to do so. Mercury moving into Scorpio will have you feeling very vocal about what people will and will not do/say/bring around you.
You will be feeling very in charge of your energy and space.
Near the middle of the month, there is a 10-day surge of energy that will speed things up for Sagittarians! Opportunities and unexpected connections could pop up back-to-back. You might find yourself very busy or on the go constantly. Seize the moments that can progress you in any way.
And finally, another back-to-back duo of energies caused by the Sun entering Scorpio and a Full Moon in Taurus will have Sagittarius signs putting their pride aside for the greater good of their mental, emotional, or financial well-being. It's possible that a long-standing disagreement may be resolved or an apology might be received or given. The Sun energy will illuminate the bigger picture and the Full Moon in Taurus will deliver a peace offering, as well as an opportunity to get back to the money or plan. You have bigger fish to fry!
In the beginning of the month for Capricorns, Venus retrograding into Scorpio will be messing with the Capricorn sense of timing and schedules. Some of you might not be able to get together in the morning on time to get to work, or will be feeling more lazy, withdrawn, or unmotivated when it comes to taking care of responsibilities. You might just want to relax and be cozy as the Fall sets in. On an energetic level, Capricorns will be questioning what they feel "enslaved" too. This means a job that you don't like, or someone/something around you that you're tired of putting up with.
Demanding Venus, backtracking into deep feeling Scorpio, will have you wanting to be more invested in what you truly want to do versus what you feel you need to.
There will be a duo of back-to-back energies of the New Moon in Libra and Mercury entering Scorpio that will affect Capricorns starting on the 9th and 10th. The New Moon in Libra will have Capricorns still working on getting their timing together and becoming more focused. The New Moon will reveal any distractions standing in your way of moving out of any stagnation in your life. Mercury entering Scorpio may bring about conversations that need to be had with people in your life or a personal admission to yourself. There is a feeling of "having nowhere to hide."
Near the middle of the month, there is a 10-day transition in energy that may bring more of your focus to either romantic relationships, or creative inspiration.
You might experience some of your happiest moments of the month during this time.
And finally, another back-to-back duo of energies caused by the Sun entering Scorpio and a Full Moon in Taurus could offer an unexpected opportunity that is more in line with what it is you want to do. There is a particularly lucky energy for Capricorns at this time. The Full Moon in Taurus could bring up some painful emotions but this time, you'll be better able to put whatever comes up to rest and implement changes in your life going forward.
In the beginning of this month for Aquarius, Venus retrograding into Scorpio will bring in some lusty and sexually pumped vibes. Depending on your current situation, or your preferences in sex and dating, you may either have to pump the brakes on something moving too fast or nip any No-No's in the bud. There is also likely a big change brewing that could either blindsight you or something you saw coming.
Either way, it's important to engage your true feelings about whatever comes up.
There will be a duo of back-to-back energies of the New Moon in Libra and Mercury entering Scorpio that will affect Aquarians starting on the 9th and 10th. There could be something that you are confused about or have to make a decision on how to go forward. The New Moon in Libra will push you to do the right thing but internally, you may be juggling conflicting emotions and thoughts about exactly what the right thing is.
Mercury entering Scorpio may have you wanting to take care of things on your own but you might find that you have to seek help or be more humble in the situation.
Near the middle of the month, there is a 10-day wave of energy that may send you off into your own world. Anything that has felt constricting may receive the cold shoulder, or even a middle finger from an Aquarius! You may feel like you are doing what you want to do for once!
And finally, another back-to-back duo of energies caused by the Sun entering Scorpio and a Full Moon in Taurus could present a major opportunity for your advancement in career, or finances, however, it will require a lot of work and dedication before you can obtain the rewards. The Full Moon in Taurus will reveal anything that you would have to sacrifice in order to continue down your current path. Are you ready for the long haul?
In the beginning of the month for Pisces, Goddess Venus retrograding into Scorpio may awaken the the divine feminine energy within you. Wherever you have taken a break in your life, be it social media, dating, or working toward a goal, the energy will likely spark whatever confidence and opportunity you need to get going again. If you have experienced a period of isolation in August or September, the Fall Equinox energy might just be the motivation you need to reap the rewards of whatever you have worked on in private.
Don't be afraid to be more open about your experiences, as you may be an inspiration to someone else.
There will be a duo of back-to-back energies of the New Moon in Libra, and Mercury entering Scorpio that will affect Pisceans starting on the 9th and 10th. The New Moon in Libra may throw some things off balance when it comes to your living arrangement or work environment. There could be an unexpected altercation or situation that arises that will need your immediate attention. There's an energy of "Well, that escalated quickly!" Whatever comes up, might have been a long time coming, especially if you have had suspicions surrounding this issue in the past.
Instead of reacting off of emotions, be as straightforward and as diplomatic as possible.
Near the middle of the month, there is a 10-day surge of energy that will keep your attention and focus set on whatever will progress you and your purpose. Any drama that the New Moon caused will be far from your concern.
And finally, another back-to-back duo of energies caused by the Sun entering Scorpio and a Full Moon in Taurus will have some Pisceans wanting to escape a situation that has gotten out of hand and far beyond their control. The Sun will illuminate your true feelings about something that you no longer want to be involved in. The Full Moon in Taurus will give you a push in the direction you truly want to go, which is away from the mess. Speak up for yourself, and move accordingly.
▲All astrological Tarotscopes channeled via Melanade Stand's Tarot Cards! For your own Intuitive Channeled Healing Session, follow @Melanade_Stand on IG and send an inquiry via DM! Pre-order your own deck here!
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