I think I've been in love with Lupita's skin since her light first shined after making her mark in Hollywood.

Who can forget that timeless moment of black girl magic when she glided along the red carpet in her Cinderella blue gown and her headband reminiscent of a crown. She was an absolute vision, with her deep brown skin, full lips, and TWA, unknowingly reminding black girls everywhere of their beauty simply because she was it personified. In the years since and an Academy award later, Lupita Nyong'o has continued to make herself seen, taking on roles in films that challenge her. And in the meantime, she challenges the inclusiveness of the beauty industry as she continues to land brand deal after brand deal for Lancome, Calvin Klein, and the like.

Multifaceted, confident, bold, and beautiful – Lupita is the Nubian Queen we all stan for. And for years, we've wondered how she's managed to wake up so flawless. At 35, her black is nowhere near cracked but we are still at the edge of our seats in question of what her skincare routine is looking like. Lucky for us she recently chatted with ELLE and gave the big reveal.

These are a few of her favorite things, as well as tips and tricks the beauty swears by:

Read the full ELLE feature here.

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