Workin' Girl

Nothing is more satisfying than a fresh start for the new year – especially when it involves making more coins! While it may seem almost impossible to get your dream job with such stiff competition, what if we told you that a new position is only an updated resume away? Yup, sis, we are definitely about getting bank this year!
Whether you are currently on a mission to get your dream job or looking for a change in position, updating your résumé can make all the difference in whether or not job recruiters immediately hire you or place you on the waiting list.
You might not know it, but many resume experts suggest that you update your resume as often as once a week to keep track of your job position advancements, goals you've accomplished, and accolades achieved.
It may sound like a lot of work, but imagine if you never have to worry about missing an opportunity just because you feel rushed to make a new one or update it. Not to mention, if it means for an opportunity to make money moves, why not invest in the time?
To help you get the most out of your resume this year, we enlisted the help of professional resume writer, Caitlin Fisher, to offer eight tips to help upgrade your resume for the new year and get you ready to secure that bag!
8 Tips To Update Your Resume
Start by Updating your Résumé Regularly

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You should update your résumé at least once a year, but ideally quarterly. Taking the time to add accomplishments while they're fresh in your mind is easier than when you end up needing an up-to-date résumé with a quick turnaround and you can't keep it all straight in your head.
Keep Those References Up-to-Date
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Check with your references regularly to make sure that you still have their proper information and that they are still able to provide a recommendation. This is a perfect time to gather new references of people that can vouch for your recent works. Also, let them know if you're actively seeking a job so they aren't surprised if they receive a phone call about you.
Step Up Your Game Sis
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At work, volunteer to lead a new committee or start a special project. You'll be taking initiative to advance your career while also developing new entries for a better résumé. If you have a career path in mind beyond your current role, take on projects that will help give you the skills you need to make the leap when it's time.
Study Up and Become the Expert
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In your current role, become the expert at what you do. Read or listen to professional development books and attend seminars. Any certifications or credentials you gain from your efforts will look great on your résumé, and you may even learn so much that you can start giving workshops instead of attending them.
Track your KPIs
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Track key performance indicators (KPIs) for your big projects at work. Understanding appropriate goal-setting and task-tracking will showcase your experience with project management. If you have a particularly exemplary chart, tracker, or reconciliation report to display that shows off how well you can manage your time and projects, it's okay to print off a copy and add it to your portfolio.
Bring Personality to your Résumé
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Most résumés are missing an emotional element. Anybody can "operate a cash register," but how many people are taking ownership of their past experience and expressing how they "served as a brand ambassador to make each customer feel valued during their visit"?
Go beyond the tasks you performed and get to the heart of things! How did your role add value to the organization? By connecting to the value of your actions, you can showcase transferable skills.
Don't EVER Sell Yourself Short...
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Women have a tendency to underplay their contributions in the workplace. When you're writing your résumé, own it! You are great at your work. It is okay to show your confidence. Your résumé and cover letter are your first impression, so be impressive.
Always Negotiate when you get the Opportunity
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We tend to see negotiation or counter-offers as coming across antagonistic or demanding. But by the time you receive an offer, YOU are what they want. It's okay to counter and let them know you know what you're worth.
With these eight tips, you are well-equipped to send out your résumé and get that position you deserve! Go get 'em girl!
For more information on résumé building and Caitlin Fisher, click here!
Featured image by Getty Images.
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