
This Is How You Change Negative Energy Into Positive Vibes

Feelings of negativity or negative thoughts are something that we all face on an everyday basis.

It's very easy to slip into a downward spiral of negative patterns. Sometimes we don't even realize we are being negative, or we consciously choose to get stuck in a negative rut or vibe. If you constantly find yourself being irritated, or in a bad mood, at the most subconscious level, you are making that choice.

Ultimately, succumbing to being negative attracts exactly what you don't want in your reality. Continue reading below to discover 6 ways in which we become negative, and how we can transmute negativity into positive energy; avoiding dipping down into low frequency vibes.

Cut The Pessimism

If you always tend to expect the worst of every situation before it even happens, then you are a pessimist. It sounds bad because it is bad. This is a personality trait that most people don't realize they embody, however everyone else around you does. If everything is doom and gloom in your reality, then it's likely that your perspective is manifesting a bleak picture.

You can transmute pessimistic energies by consciously recognizing and accepting that you are often negative in this way. That is the first step. Once you can acknowledge this, you can proactively begin to reverse the negative thoughts the minute they formulate in your brain.

If your day starts out crummy, immediately make the decision to have a better day. No excuses.

Don't Be A Hater

My mom used to say, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all." This advice is tried and true. If you consistently find reasons to speak ill of people for no profound reason, every time you have hater thoughts, you are actually pulling from your own self-hate, self-doubt, and inadequacy.

If you are triggered to be mean-spirited at the sight of someone doing well, looking good, or expressing themselves transparently, what you are actually responding to is the lack of a reflective quality within yourself. Everyone we exchange energy with is in some way a reflection of ourselves. If you are hating on a very successful person for instance, you are subconsciously displaying insecurities around your own success.

This includes gossiping. Someone who is successful, balanced, fulfilled, and happy, doesn't spend their time constantly preoccupied by the flaws of someone else.

Stop Complaining

This is the easiest way to fall into being negative. Of course in life, we all find ourselves complaining about things that bring us discomfort, however, complaining about every little thing is a sign that your spirit is overwhelmed with negativity. Someone who is a habitual complainer will actually seek out things to complain about. If you go out of your way to find problems to bitch about, you are not living in the present moment, and you are most definitely not expressing gratitude for what it is you do have.

You can reverse the negativity of being a constant complainer, by acknowledging that you are indeed a problem-seeker. Our state of mind creates our external reality, and perspective is everything! As soon as the inclination to complain about something trivial pops up in your head, transmute that tendency by finding something to appreciate.

Always Look On The Bright Side of Things

This tip is something to be utilized when you find yourself in a negative situation, or something outside of your control. It's extremely easy to add to the stress and frustration of an already negative circumstance. Don't stir a pot of mess! You'll only make it messier.

Instead, find ways to de-escalate, detoxify, and regroup. Where can you make the situation better? What actions can you take to problem solve, and identity a solution? How can you take lemons and turn them into lemonade? Keeping a cool head involves always looking on the bright side. Your state of mind is the difference between the situation getting immediately worse, or the situation getting immediately better.

If you find yourself in a situation where there is nothing you can absolutely do, the only way to transmute the negative energy is to surrender, and enter a neutral state of mind, until the energy cycles through your reality.

Avoid Negative People

This may seem like the most obvious tip, but so many of us have negative friends and family that we both subconsciously and consciously enable. Negative people tend to incorporate multiple things on this list into their personalities and habits. If you are aware of who in your circles are negative, reflect on what kind of situations were drawn to you, because of the presence of this person. Negativity draws negativity, and it's highly contagious. What kind of drama can you recall getting wrapped into because of your negative company?

Even on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level, negative people pull low vibration into your aura. If you are vibrating high, you can even feel physical symptoms of being energetically drained by a negative person. Use your discretion when deciding to stay clear of these people in your life. Always lead with love, and you will find a healthy balance.

Use Positive Affirmations

Sometimes negativity comes in the form of negative self-talk. We all make mistakes, and none of us are perfect. I personally struggle with feeling disappointed about where I am in my life, and holding myself to unrealistic expectations hits me really hard when things don't pan out the way I hoped. I have a hard time adjusting, and most definitely succumb to negative self-thoughts sometimes. If you find yourself consistently downplaying your efforts to be your best self, you will never achieve your highest potential.

Feeling down, not good enough, or possessing low self-esteem can lead to mental health issues if left unchecked. Using positive affirmations can help reverse self-negativity and raise your positive vibration.

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