
What’s Next For Your Zodiac Sign? How Fall 2024’s Eclipse Season & Retrograde Will Shake Things Up

Another summer has come and gone, and now we enter the season of letting go. Fall 2024 is amid Eclipse Season and Retrograde Season, and there is a lot to process, heal from, and renew over the next few months. Fall is also when the veil between this world and the next is the thinnest, and when a lot of spiritual insight, intuitive connection, and magic are born as well.

This fall, we are being asked to slow down and focus on what we are creating in our reality at every moment. This time is all about remaining present, grateful, and in tune with your soul’s desires.

Fall 2024 Cosmic Forecast: An Overview

Fall began on the first day of the Libra Season, Sep. 22, and this air sign energy is exactly what a lot of fall is about. We are processing, loving, and also learning how to go with the flow a little bit more after a more detail-oriented Virgo Season. One of the most significant transits happening this fall is the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra occurred on Oct. 2, facilitating changes, new beginnings, and breakthroughs in love.

This New Moon Eclipse is important because it is the last Libra Eclipse on the Libra/Aries axis, which began in early 2023 and will end in March 2025 with an Aries Eclipse. So think back to what you intended for and were trying to create in your life spring of 2023 to see what is culminating for you now. This is a beautiful eclipse of surprise opportunities in love and is all about finding your balance.

Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Neptune, and Uranus are all Retrograde at one point this fall. Thankfully, Pluto goes direct in Capricorn at the beginning of fall on Oct. 11, and Mercury will only be Retrograde for a few weeks in Sagittarius from Nov. 25 until Dec. 15, however, with all of these retrogrades happening, there is a slowing down needed this fall.

Mars only goes retrograde only every two years so the fact that we are ending the year in a Mars retrograde is very telling. Mars will be in Leo from Nov. 3, 2024, until Jan. 17, 2024, and will be retrograde from in both Leo and Cancer from Dec. 6 until Feb 23. Mars is all about direction, passion, and energy, and you could be feeling a lack of all the above during this time. This retrograde overall is an opportunity to redirect your energy, refocus your goals, and take more time with the things that need to develop.

Before fall comes to a close, we have a Full Moon in Gemini and Mercury goes direct after being retrograde from Nov. 25 until Dec. 15. With this energy, there is more opportunity for nurture, understanding, and enjoyment as we end the season. Overall, fall is teaching us the importance of setting your intentions and being able to let go of them so that they can come true for you.

This is the time when your inspirations and passions are being highlighted, but also when the nuances of them are as well. You can find your abundance in the here and now, and it’s all about remembering your power in life and in love.

Read for your sun and rising sign below to see how Fall 2024 will be for you.

Your Fall 2024 Horoscopes For Every Zodiac Sign


Blessings are coming to fruition for you this fall, and you are experiencing some extra good luck and fortune during this time, Aries. Intentions are culminating, and you get to enjoy your manifestations with the people who love and support you 100% right now. Over the next few months, this is a good time to be with family, grow in abundance, allow people to support you, and plant your roots.

We have a Supermoon in Aries at the start of fall on Oct. 17, and a lot of eyes are on you right now. Life is coming full circle in a way to where you are feeling appreciative of everything that has happened until now and where other people want to come in and further support you as well.


This fall is about your healing journey, Taurus. There is a lot to process right now, and you are learning to protect your energy more. With an Eclipse happening in your opposite sign as the season begins, you are being redirected almost immediately and are being given space to change course. Relationships are a highlight for you this fall, and you will be learning through what is reflected to you in love.

The Supermoon in your sign on Nov. 15 is a good time for you to let go of a lot of the emotional heaviness you have been feeling in your life and to give yourself a fresh start. Use this fall as an opportunity to grow closer to your heart and to understand the different patterns in love that have been playing out for you this year.


This fall is a time of partnership for you, Gemini. You are aligned with love and are experiencing the benefits of a good connection. You have focused a lot on self-love this year, with Jupiter entering your sign, and Jupiter will be going retrograde in Gemini from Oct. 9 until Feb. 4, 2025, helping you further strengthen this energy in your life.

This Jupiter retrograde for you is sure to bring changes in your personal life, and you are refocusing your goals and intentions towards a broader, more expansive perspective.

Before fall ends, we have a Full Moon in Gemini, and Gemini Full Moons are always the wildcards of the year, and you are feeling excited about what’s leaving your life and what’s coming in. You are embracing change this fall, and it’s serving you and your love life well.


Fall 2024 is a time when you are owning your abundance, Cancer. The next few months will be more career-focused and goal-oriented for you due to Mars in your sign for the first few months. With Mars, the planet of passion and action, in Cancer, you are getting a lot done this fall, and this energy is helping you financially. You are feeling good in health and spirit, and your power of attraction is especially prominent now.

This is the time of the year to invest in yourself and your goals and when you should be focused on moving forward first and foremost. The first half of the fall for you is about taking action, and then once Mars goes retrograde in your financial zone from Nov. 3 until Jan. 6, you will want to slow down on spending, strengthen your talents, and focus on financial stability.


This fall is an opportunity for you, Leo. You are being approached with many new doors opening, but you may also feel tested to perform, have all the right answers, or trust your intuition more right now as well. The most significant transit for you this fall is Mars entering your sign from Nov. 3 until Jan. 6 and being retrograde here from Dec. 6 until Jan. 6.

When Mars is direct in your sign for those two months, this is a very positive, abundant, and successful time for you and space when you are experiencing some happy and fortunate outcomes in your life. You have renewed spice for life and are meeting things head-on. Once Mars goes retrograde as we end fall, you move into a season of understanding yourself, goals, and intentions better and making sure your actions reflect who you are or who you want to be.


Fall is a time of learning more about yourself and the people in your environment, Virgo. You are focused on overcoming miscommunications and aligning more with how you see yourself or how you want to show up in the world. You are being asked to trust yourself and your intentions more and focus on forgiving those who you feel are committed to misunderstanding you.

With Mars in your 12th house of closure for most of this fall, you are moving through a lot of culminations at this time and are putting some old energy and experiences to rest. The focus right now should be on healing, being creative, not letting anyone disrupt your peace, and choosing to be around more supportive and compassionate people and energy.


You are the star of the show this fall, Libra. With Libra Season being the beginning of fall, this is your time of the year to showcase who you are, shine, and go after your dreams. There are a lot of new opportunities falling into your lap during this time.

With a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on Oct. 2, you are seeing some significant manifestations come to fruition for you at the beginning of fall and over the next few months.

Your focus right now should be on new beginnings, new energy, and the new doors opening for you. If you could envision everything you are currently hoping for come true for you, what would that feel and look like? This fall for you is all about believing in miracles, Libra.


You have a good balance and inner harmony with you this fall, Scorpio. With Scorpio Season in the middle of beautiful fall, you flow well with the energy of this time, and there is synergy in what you are letting go of and moving into right now. This is a time of emotional freedom, comfort, and feeling heard, supported, and cherished in your relationships.

With a New Moon Eclipse happening in your 12th house as fall begins, you are entering this time experiencing the blessings that come from letting go of what is no longer serving you. With a New Moon also happening in your sign on Nov. 1, mid-fall is a great time for you to manifest, focus on your personal goals, and make space for your dreams to come true.


This fall is a new beginning in love for you, Sagittarius. There are opportunities coming in for you to make a fresh start of the heart, and you are feeling optimistic about where life is taking for you right now. However, at the end of the fall, there is a need to readdress some personal issues or challenges you may have been facing when it comes to expressing yourself and getting your message across, with Mercury going retrograde in your sign from Nov. 25 until Dec. 15.

You are going to be moving through a lot of changes in communication and who you are connecting with, but with a New Moon in your sign before fall ends on Dec. 1, you are feeling more than capable to address challenges head-on and create positive change in your life.


Fall is about giving yourself a break from trying to force outcomes and noticing how many good things fall into your lap when you just allow them to. Many dreams and opportunities are coming to fruition for you over the next few months, and this is an emotionally fulfilling season of the year for you.

With Pluto going direct in your sign on Oct. 11 after being in retrograde since early May, you get to enter the season with a huge weight off your shoulders and your heart. You are feeling empowered by the changes you have been through over the past six months and are feeling a liberation to create, be, and experience all this life has to offer you. Some pleasant surprises are in store for you this fall, Capricorn.


This fall is about opening your heart, Aquarius. Opportunities for new developments and strengthening bonds in love are possible for you now, and you are being admired for who you are and how you love. Pluto goes direct at the beginning of fall and enters your sign on Nov. 19 until 2043.

This is a very significant transition to have in your lifetime, and you are moving into a journey of redefining yourself, your goals, your image, and your personality.

You are shining in what is authentic for you, and you have a lot of opportunities to attract success to you with this energy. Before fall ends, Venus enters your sign from Dec. 7 until Jan. 2, and you are ending the year with love blessing you in a new way.


Opportunities, success, and romance are flowing through your world this fall, Pisces. This fall is a full-circle experience for you, and many things you were hoping for in love are coming true for you during this time. With Saturn going direct in Pisces on Nov. 15 after being Retrograde here since late June, you finally get a chance to use what you have learned about yourself and your relationships these past few months.

You are giving and receiving love freely, and this is an emotionally successful time for you. Neptune will also go direct in Pisces on Dec. 7 after being Retrograde here since early July, and there is overall less pressure in your life and more love this fall.

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