
Here's Everything You Need To Know About Cancers

Cancer is the moonchild of the zodiac. They are the only astrological sign ruled by the moon and have an intuitive, creative, affectionate, and compassionate nature. They are known for their sweet and caring approach to life and deeply value their loved ones and close relationships.

Don’t confuse Cancers with being emotional cry-babies who are too soft to stand up for themselves, however. Cancers are tenacious, boundary Queens who know how to stand their ground when necessary. Cancers are the type of people who not only excel in the home but are also quite business- and money-savvy. This dynamic sign brings a lot to the table, and many who have a Cancer in their life, know just how special they are.

​Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Kyra Jay for xoNecoleCancer

Element: Water

Modality: Cardinal

Symbol: The Crab

Planetary Ruler: The Moon

Tarot Card: The Chariot

Lucky Days: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays

Lucky Stones: Moonstone and Pearl

Colors: Blue, Silver, and Magenta

Cancers feel everything in a more in-tune and in-depth way than most. There are many sides to a Cancer, and they choose which sides they want to show you and when. They are the type of people who can go through many emotions in one day and are often seen as more moody than others. When they withdraw into their shell, it’s usually because emotions are running high for them or they need time and space to process.

Cancers are very self-protective of their energy, and rightly so. They prefer to be at home or in their safe spaces, and most Cancers are homebodies.

This makes sense because Cancer is the ruler of the fourth house in Astrology, which is the area of life that signifies the home, family, foundations, history, the inner world, privacy, and traditions. They are consistent in the way they give love and are some of the most loyal and dedicated people of the zodiac.

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Cancers are “the mother” in Astrology and often make great moms, wives, caretakers, or motherly figures, and they bring this type of nurturing quality to people’s lives effortlessly. They have a service-oriented mindset and are often thinking of how they can be there for others or support people in any way. They thrive when they have a good support system around themselves as well, and are very particular about the type of people they let into their lives. Once you’re in a Cancer’s inner circle, however, it’s usually forever, as the crab doesn’t easily let go of anyone.

​Cancer Likes and Dislikes

Cancers love hosting, being around friends and family, building a legacy for themselves, all things cozy and comfortable, and being in more intimate settings. They value deep conversations and undivided attention, and their love language is quality time. A comfortable atmosphere is everything to a Cancer, and they love to feel safe and nurtured and to be giving this type of energy to others as well.

This is not to say that Cancers don’t like to travel and explore, but if they do so it’s usually to visit someone they know, to do something creative or inspiring, or it’s something they already have a stable plan for. Some of Cancer’s dislikes are large crowds or groups, unemotional people, instability, rejection, and isolation. They aren’t the best with change, and they don’t like anything that disrupts their routine, foundation, or familiarity, and can be stubborn in that way.

​Career Life for Cancer

Cancers have a creative soul and love all things that are soul-expressive. They deeply value time and history, and have a sentimental heart that gives them a good eye for art, antiques, interior design, and real estate. They would also excel in careers as a teacher, doctor, nurse, chef, architect, social worker, and more.

Cancers overall thrive in professions that allow them to work with others in more team settings and that give them an outlet to be supportive or encouraging of another’s growth.

Security and financial stability are very important when it comes to a career for Cancer as well, and they need a career they feel safe in and one where they can see the opportunity for continual growth within the company or business. Cancers are a cardinal sign and they are more ambitious and hard-working than most people recognize or give them credit for when they think of Cancer. They are also very money-savvy and tend to be good at saving and acquiring assets for themselves.

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​Compatible Zodiac Signs for Cancer

Cancers are devoted lovers. They wear their heart on their sleeve, and will always let you know where they stand with you and how much they care for you. In partnerships, Cancers often take on a more submissive role, and they truly just want to nurture and care for their partners in any way they know how to. They are highly emotional individuals, and being honest with them on how you are feeling and what you love about them, does wonders to the relationship with a Cancer.

Cancers find the most compatibility with water signs and earth signs. Scorpio and Pisces make great partners for Cancer because they understand where Cancer is coming from. The emotional world of this sign is not too much for a fellow water sign, and they often form a deep, unbreakable bond with one another.

Earth signs Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn also make great matches for Cancer. Earth signs provide a stable, safe space for Cancer that they yearn for, and these two signs balance each other out well. Taurus specifically, is a great match for Cancer, as these two are a lot alike and can build a great life together.

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