
10 Ways To Make Working Out More Fun

There's a reason the masses see working out as an irritating and daunting task. Because if we're honest, it's just not fun y'all.

As much as we try to make it something it's not, in reality, for most people, working out is not where it's at. That's why there has to be so much motivation to do it. However, the fitness culture has proven to be more than just a trend as we work on not just having a slim waist and pretty face, but making the necessary moves to truly be healthy from the inside out.

Still, while that doesn't take away from the idea that working out isn't fun, that doesn't mean it can't be. It's really about being intentional that you're going to work out no matter what, so why not have a good time doing it? We've curated a list that will definitely have you looking forward to your workouts more and more:

Get Your Mind Right

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Anything that we experience in a workout starts from within our minds. If you go into the session already waiting for it to be over or just not excited about it, it's going to be a lot harder for you to do your best. Before you know it, you'll be trying to get out of it before it even starts.

Even if you have to say things out loud as a self-affirmation or lie to yourself and say you're amped up about this workout, you might be surprised at how much more fun it can be.

Channel Your Inner Queen Bey

…or Cardi B, or Rihanna… Whoever it is that boosts that energy. We all have one! And we also all fall victim to those moments in working out where we feel sooo unmotivated. One of the best ways to fight off that temptation to end your workout and go get some ice cream is to add music.

It's safe to say a lot of us use jams from our favorites like Beyoncé as our go-to. Not because we necessarily want to look like her, but her upbeat hits definitely serve as motivation and entertainment that makes workout sessions go by so much faster. Next thing you know, you'll be amping up your workout playlist.

Bring A Friend

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If you've ever worked out alone and then hit the gym with a friend, you are fully aware that there's a major difference. When we work out alone, it can not only get super boring, but there's no one there to keep us accountable and make sure we push ourselves to our maximum capacity.

But when you have that BFF where you can gas each other up and help make working out something fun instead of an annoying task that you have to check off at the end of the day, that's a win for you (and your friend).

Challenge Yourself

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Working out has enough obstacles as it is. But if there is nothing that you're actually working toward, how will you know when you've reached your goal? We have to go beyond just stopping when we feel like we're tired.

If you make yourself your biggest competitor and set goals that you want to accomplish as you go along, working out can be more of a motivation. Whether it's adding more reps for planks or squats, or just getting in more cardio than normal, a personal workout challenge certainly does the body good.

Gas Up Yourself

If you don't have a friend on-hand to work out during the time that's best for you (and even if you do), sis, you better gas up yourself! When you complete a challenge, there's nothing wrong with having a mini twerk session (if you can move) or pose in the mirror to see you give yourself a pat on the back.

It's so important to know that you don't always have to be your biggest critic, you can also be your biggest cheerleader.

Switch Up The Scenery


When you make it a habit to work out on the regular, falling into the mundane is pretty much inevitable, and can make us lose inspiration for getting in our fitness sessions. One of the remedies for this is to try working out somewhere else.

If you're used to the gym, take your workout outside and look up some exercises and cardio-boosting moves you can do without equipment. If you typically work out at home, try going to the gym! You can meet new people and work on the lifting part of your regimen. Either way, switching it up can bring a completely different view, in a positive way.

Set An Alarm

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I think it goes without saying that most of us look at the clock almost every five minutes, if not more when we're working out. Yes, we can't get enough of the results, but the actual activity of it can seriously be a pain. It can also make time go by super-duper slow when our only focus is how long we've been doing crunches.

When you set an alarm for each exercise, you not only help push yourself toward your goal, but you have time to think, reflect and meditate on other things until your alarm sounds off.

Try New Exercises


While most of us want to get our whole body right, there's nothing wrong with going outside of the norm and trying new exercises or even trying them in a new order. Just like our mind gets bored, our bodies can too, and this can make working out even more redundant than it already seems to be.

Instead of having a cookie-cutter routine, try working on different body parts for different days of the week. For example, do leg exercises on Monday one week, and Wednesday another week. And then choose various days to work on the entire body.

Take A Workout Class

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You don't necessarily have to be a member of a gym to take a class. If you want to try out a class first, most likely you can go for free as a guest of a member. Some gyms even let you come for free a number of times before they start charging you. Sites like ClassPass and Groupon are a great way to try a little bit of everything until you find something you love doing.

Either way sis, taking a session, whether it's a Hip-Hop dance class or the beloved Zumba, can be a great way to add a whole lotta fun to your workout. You'll be surrounded by amazing other women who are also working on their fitness, and you can get in a great exercise session with a pro.

Join A Workout Group

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Whether it's to train for an upcoming event (i.e. marathon) or to find some new girlfriends in the fitness arena, workout groups are actually really fun! There are so many in almost every city from #BlackGirlsRun to ones for moms and working women. A simple Google search will do the trick and if you can't find one, there's clearly a need and you can create one!

From reaching out to ladies within your circle or even at your church, joining or starting a workout group is a definite way to add some much-needed fun to our exercise.

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