
It's the fourth quarter. October 1 through December 31 marks the most compressed time of the year. Everyone is trying to finish the year strong and be better than they were on January 1. And while that's all well and good, being busy isn't cool anymore. It's all about being balanced.

As we know better and do better, we learn our unique balance equation. For us, that equation includes affirmations. Whether you need some inspiration or want to add this as a daily practice, we hope this menu of affirmations helps you speak life into this last quarter of the year.

1.Everything that is happening now is happening for my ultimate good.

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The truth is: we are all learning, growing, and overcoming obstacles. Things don't always make sense at the moment and this affirmation validates that trusting the process is essential. Remember that you are being led to a greater destination and a better outcome. Keep believing.

2.My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil.

When it comes to healing, you must include your entire being which is your mind, body, and soul. We have learned that the mind is the power of the brain, the soul is the power of the body, and the soul is your spiritual essence. Ideally, you want to be balanced in all three areas to maintain alignment. When one is off, you feel it and the best way to stay aware is by checking in with yourself.

3.Breathing in, I focus on what I can control. Breathing out, I release what I can’t control.

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Go ahead and free yourself by releasing what you cannot control. It's definitely easier said than done but when you release, you make room for greater. This affirmation helps us to shift our vision and prioritize things that serve us.

4.I am inspiring people through my work.

Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you matter. You were placed in this world with an assignment and each day that you show up for yourself, you empower someone else to do the same. Isn't that powerful? By simply walking in your purpose, you show someone else that it is possible and they can do it too.

5.I am turning DOWN the volume of negativity in my life, while simultaneously turning UP the volume of positivity.

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When you build positive thoughts, positive actions follow. It's difficult to not have negative thoughts but we want to challenge you to follow them with positivity when they appear. Think of it as your emotional contingency plan when things don't go as we want them to. The mindfulness practice, AWARE, can help you break the cycle:

  • Accept: Acknowledge your thoughts but don't become them.
  • Watch: Pay attention to your body and what and how you feel.
  • Act: Journaling and visualizing are great ways to move into action.
  • Repeat: If you feel yourself spiraling, repeat the three steps above: accept, watch, and act.
  • Expect: Last but not least, expect realistic improvement.

6.I have clarity and energy.

Mental clarity leads to an appreciation of your life. You see the positivity in all things and it creates a space free from distractions. As someone who overthinks, clarity helps me to be present because my brain space is allocated for things that fill me up.

As for energy, Emily Maroutian says:

"Energy is the currency of the universe. When you 'pay' attention to something, you buy that experience. So when you allow your consciousness to focus on someone or something that annoys you, you feed it your energy, and it reciprocates with the experience of being annoyed. Be selective in your focus because your attention feeds the energy of it and keeps it alive, not just within you, but in the collective consciousness as well."

7.I am the architect of my life; I built its foundation and will choose its contents.

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The first step in being the architect of your own life is believing and deciding that you create the life you desire. Just as you hire contractors to build your dream house, you must employ yourself to design a life you'll love.

8.I’ve made it through hard times before, and I’ve come out stronger and better because of them. I’m going to make it through this.

Surviving hard times makes us resilient and while it's difficult to remember this when you're in the middle of a storm, acceptance opens the door to purpose. Everything happens for a reason and finding the silver lining supports healthy self-esteem.

9.Note to self: I am going to make you so proud.

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To acknowledge your growth is to have a strong sense of self-worth. It's OK to be proud of yourself and we would even say that you should take some time to brag about yourself to yourself while keeping an attitude of gratitude.

10.Through the power of my thoughts and words, incredible transformations are happening in me and within my life right now.

Our habitual thoughts and actions determine our destiny so it's time to think about the life-changing events we will soon experience. In order for transformations to happen, you have to release outdated thoughts and actions. God and the universe won't move until you do.

For more inspiration, self-care, and healing tips, check out xoNecole's Wellness section here.

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