
There's a reason the masses see working out as an irritating and daunting task. Because if we're honest, it's just not fun y'all.

As much as we try to make it something it's not, in reality, for most people, working out is not where it's at. That's why there has to be so much motivation to do it. However, the fitness culture has proven to be more than just a trend as we work on not just having a slim waist and pretty face, but making the necessary moves to truly be healthy from the inside out.

Still, while that doesn't take away from the idea that working out isn't fun, that doesn't mean it can't be. It's really about being intentional that you're going to work out no matter what, so why not have a good time doing it? We've curated a list that will definitely have you looking forward to your workouts more and more:

Get Your Mind Right

Anything that we experience in a workout starts from within our minds. If you go into the session already waiting for it to be over or just not excited about it, it's going to be a lot harder for you to do your best. Before you know it, you'll be trying to get out of it before it even starts.

Even if you have to say things out loud as a self-affirmation or lie to yourself and say you're amped up about this workout, you might be surprised at how much more fun it can be.

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If someone had told me I’d be working toward my third fibroid surgery in less than six years, I would have had a hard time believing them. First, because obviously, no one wants to ever hear the word "surgery" (unless it’s cosmetic surgery you’re opting for). But the more significant reason is I’d never heard any of the women in my life talk about fibroids, so the idea of having all of the complex issues because of them, on top of surgeries, was truly a foreign concept.

Are You Craving A Past Sex Partner Out Of Nowhere? It Could Be Your 'Sex Clock.'

Semi-recently, while talking to a client about why they were semi-dreading the fall season, it reminded me of something that a former sex partner of mine once told me. I’ll start with what my client said first. “Shellie, I don’t know what it is about the fall, but I can go the whole year without thinking about [so-and-so], and then, suddenly, November hits and I’m horny as hell — not just for anyone but him. It’s crazy!"

Eh. Maybe. Maybe not. I say that because…peep what my ex-sex buddy used to tell me when he would find himself doing his own version of “Hey Big Head”, in text form to me, every October for about five years or so. “Everyone has a sex clock. There are some people who stand out to you sexually who you definitely find yourself craving around the same time of year that you started having sex with them. People don’t talk about it but it’s real.”