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What happens when you realize the reality of your first 9 to 5 falls short of your expectations?

This was the predicament I found myself in after six months of tweaking my resume and rewriting cover letters post-grad. I spent the greater part of undergrad working a part-time sales position, and after three years of working nights and weekends, the allure of a 9 to 5 held a high esteem in my head. Isn't this what being an adult was all about?

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Traveling with a full-time job can seem like a hard task to pull off. But, with the right planning and a litttle courage, seeing the world and holding down full-time is certainly not impossible.

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Your wanderlust has had you eyeing multiple travel websites for a while now and finally, you've decided on your next location, and are ready to start planning. But, with the large number of travel apps and websites out there, the process of planning your travels can seem overwhelming.

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